新功能 :
- 地下城:寻宝(起点是在监狱的高安全区)
- 战利品:对于寻宝1个新项目
- GUI:显示暴民提示,直到您移动鼠标后都使用周期目标键选择它(选项卡默认情况下)
- GUI:展会由香椿施放当你把光标放在他的画像目前的能力名字
- 本地化:意大利语维克巢穴,Markinho和捷克语拉迪姆Ceresnak(AKA RCX)
- 自动暂停:通知消息时自动暂停触发器(它可以在助手菜单中禁用)
- 菜单:添加“导入党”切换为“加载”屏幕的底部,当你安装了1个或多个自定义地牢,这将允许你导入你的党到一个新的地牢
- 地图编辑器:一系列小的调音和修复,使编辑多一点抛光和匹配地图编辑器文档和教程=> http://www.managames.com/DungeonCrawler/doc/HowToMap.html
- 视觉FX:决斗者的清扫吹FX现在更明显
- 库存:自动交换到(松开鼠标按钮的时候,而不是放弃该项目在地板上),在库存拖动图标时拖动世界的项目,然后使用快捷键关闭盘点
- 战利品:改降规则,所以你将永远得到完全盾1,每个随机周期1匕首为你的刺客(1周期=〜3级),而不是要么2盾牌,2匕首,或1匕首和1盾,这取决于你的运气
- 老板:改变一点点东西,可能会导致你最终Boss战斗中被封锁(虽然它很容易注意到的可能性,并避免它:))
Bug修复 :
- 地图编辑器:保存地牢触发的自动备份后做进一步的修改之前没有保存任何内容
- 地图编辑器:使用“保存测试级别”,当测试水平始终设置为1级,而不是目前的水平
- 老板:固定在最终boss战的漏洞和一个小bug
- 地下城:根据创业板持有人机制可能遭到损坏(因此如果您删除和重新把所有的宝石与他们有联系的大门不会打开连)
- 地下城:可以在一些特殊的配置告吹桥梁
- 天赋:元素师的自我实现是在火雨的致命一击魔法退款
- 菜单:安装了1个多地下城时,没有显示地牢选择菜单
- 控制:使用鼠标的外观与库存开放和库存的中间偏左的药水被激活药水当你释放鼠标按键
- 控制:具有用于香椿超过10插槽的能力可能会导致与热键问题。
- 方:这是不可能的了在战斗中交换党员(以避免可能的漏洞)
- 战斗:还挺固定的,可能会导致你的instakill党员的错误
- 本地化:意大利和波兰都没有更新了寻宝
Bug修复 :
- 战利品:盾并没有催生了决斗
- 方:这是不可能的了在战斗中交换党员(以避免可能的漏洞)
- 方:比赛结束了,当最后一个垂死的香椿被瞬间恢复(例如:通过元素师的烧灼)
- 战斗:还挺固定的,可能会导致你的instakill党员的错误
- 控制:具有用于香椿超过10插槽的能力可能会导致与热键问题
SubBuild 2016年1月21日
- 本地化:捷克语版本改进
Bug修复 :
- AI:地精的猎人开拓者不是溺爱
- AI:小怪不能同时做引导移动能力
SubBuild 2016年1月22日
- 益智:级别的难题可以通过一个漏洞来解决
- 人才:人才加入蜱DOT技能现在也显示在几秒钟内多余的长度
SubBuild 2016年1月23日
- 本地化:捷克版本修复不大
Bug修复 :
- AI:小怪总是可以一边做引导移动能力
SubBuild 2016年1月25日
新功能 :
- 方:添加一个切换到只显示所选择的种族画像(在画像选择画面)
- 人才:圣骑士的心灵震撼现在有一个视觉FX(比法师的奥术锁定相同)
- 人才:在提示额外的滚动时间的信息现在已经调整与香椿芽目前急速
- 益智:去掉一个可能的漏洞来解决谜题级
Bug修复 :
- 外汇:当目标是免疫的能力定期视觉FX被证明,因此被永远不会被删除
- 改装:否蜘蛛国防部的蜘蛛会卡住,因为骨骼替换它们长得更高
SubBuild 2016年1月26日
- AI:小怪窜防止他们现在移动的能力可以转身,而浇铸
- 地下城:不能得到2铁闸门之间不再在水平停留在
Bug修复 :
- 人才:刺客无休止的故事在做条纹高潮,而不是前后授予条纹点,并没有工作在所有的杀戮盛宴;你需要重掷的刺客make的无休止的故事工作,杀戮盛宴
不能用什么了防止坠落伤害,并不会触发元素师的烧灼和类似的人才:甲方 -
- 能力:祝福精神是当首次应用愈合
SubBuild 2016年1月28日
- 本地化:捷克版本修复不大
Bug修复 :
- 改装:发动机无法加载声音和音乐文件,文件的名字包含“#”
- 方:切换只显示在肖像选择屏幕所选择的种族肖像,只有当有16人像或更少表现出
SubBuild 2016年1月30日
新功能 :
- 战斗:战斗定制速度从5%到100%的正常速度(你可以从选项激活 - >游戏选项 - >佣工)
- 能力:箭游侠的凌空精加工时,现在还删除了条纹右点
- 老板:老板调整,因此他更强硬一点
Bug修复 :
- 地下城:这是不可能拿起放在一个地穴的彩色玻璃边缘项目
SubBuild 2016年2月2日:
新功能 :
- 方:添加一个切换到只显示所选择的种族画像(在画像选择画面)
- 人才:圣骑士的心灵震撼现在有一个视觉FX(比法师的奥术锁定相同)
- 战斗:战斗定制速度从5%到100%的正常速度(你可以从选项激活 - >游戏选项 - >佣工)
- 本地化:捷克语版本改进
- 谜:15级的难题可以通过一个漏洞来解决
- 益智:去掉一个可能的漏洞,解决了16级拼图
- 人才:人才加入蜱DOT技能现在也显示在几秒钟内多余的长度
- 人才:在提示额外的滚动时间的信息现在已经调整与香椿芽目前急速
- AI:小怪窜防止他们现在移动的能力可以转身,而浇铸
- 地下城:不能得到2铁闸门之间不再在10级卡在
- 能力:箭游侠的凌空精加工时,现在还删除了条纹右点
- 老板:寻宝老大调整,因此他更强硬一点
Bug修复 :
- AI:地精的猎人开拓者不是溺爱
- AI:小怪不能同时做引导移动能力
- 外汇:当目标是免疫的能力定期视觉FX被证明,因此被永远不会被删除
- 改装:否蜘蛛国防部的蜘蛛会卡住,因为骨骼替换它们长得更高
- 改装:发动机无法加载声音和音乐文件,文件的名字包含“#”
- 人才:刺客无休止的故事在做条纹高潮,而不是前后授予条纹点,并没有工作在所有的杀戮盛宴;你需要重掷的刺客make的无休止的故事工作,杀戮盛宴
不能用什么了防止坠落伤害,并不会触发元素师的烧灼和类似的人才:甲方 -
- 能力:祝福精神是当首次应用愈合
- 地下城:这是不可能拿起放在一个地穴的彩色玻璃边缘项目
SubBuild 2016年2月4日
Bug修复 :
- 改装:固定PlateInvisible触发游戏开始,并添加一个用于矿山环境
The Fall of the Dungeon Guardians v1.0b is released (Build 41-2015.01.20) :
New Features :
- Dungeon : Treasure Hunt (the starting point is in the High Security zone of the prison)
- Loot : 1 new item for the Treasure Hunt
- GUI : show mob tooltip till you move the mouse after have selecting it using the Cycle Target key (Tab by default)
- GUI : show name of the current ability cast by the toon when you put the cursor over his portrait
- Localization : Italian by Vecna Lair, Markinho, and Czech by Radim Ceresnak (AKA RCX)
- Auto Pause : notification message when auto pause triggers (it can be disabled in the Helpers menu)
- Menu : added "Import Party" toggle at bottom of the "Load" screen, when you have 1 or more custom Dungeons installed, which will allow you to import your party into a new dungeon
Changes :
- Map Editor : a series of little tunings & fixes to make the editor a bit more polished & match the Map Editor documentation & tutorial => http://www.managames.com/DungeonCrawler/doc/HowToMap.html
- Visual FX : Duelist's Sweeping Blow FX is now more visible
- Inventory : automatic swapping to dragging the world item when dragging its icon in the inventory and then closing the inventory using the shortcut key (instead of dropping the item on the floor when releasing the mouse button)
- Loot : changed drop rule so you'll always get exactly 1 shield and 1 dagger per random cycle for your assassin (1 cycle = ~3 levels), instead of either 2 shields, 2 daggers, or 1 dagger & 1 shield, depending of your luck
- Boss : changed a little something that could lead you to being blocked during the final Boss fight (although it was easy to notice that possibility and avoid it :) )
Bug fixes :
- Map Editor : saving the dungeon after an automatic backup triggered and before doing further changes wasn't saving anything
- Map Editor : test level was always set to the 1st level instead of the current level when using "Save & Test Level"
- Boss : fixed an exploit & a small bug in the final boss fight
- Dungeon : mechanism based on gem holders could get corrupted (and thus the doors associated with them wouldn't open even if you removed & re-put all gems)
- Dungeon : could fall through bridges in some special configurations
- Talents : Elementalist's Self-Fulfillment was refunding Mana on critical hits of Rain of Fire
- Menu : Dungeon Selection menu wasn't shown when more than 1 Dungeon was installed
- Controls : using mouse look with the inventory open and a potion in the middle left of your inventory was activating the potion when you were released the mouse button
- Controls : having more than 10 ability slots for a Toon could lead to issue with Hot Keys.
- Party : it's not possible anymore to swap the party members during a fight (to avoid a possible exploit)
- Combat : kinda fixed a bug that could lead to instakill your party members
Notes :
- Localization : Italian & Polish aren't updated for the Treasure Hunt
SubBuild 2016.01.20
Bug Fixes :
- Loot : shields were not spawned for the Duelist
- Party : it's not possible anymore to swap the party members during a fight (to avoid a possible exploit)
- Party : game was over when the last dying Toon was revived instantly (eg: through Elementalist's Cauterization)
- Combat : kinda fixed a bug that could lead to instakill your party members
- Controls : having more than 10 ability slots for a Toon could lead to issue with Hot Keys
SubBuild 2016.01.21
Changes :
- Localization : Czech version improved
Bug Fixes :
- AI : Goblin's Hunter Trail wasn't DOTing
- AI : mobs couldn't move while doing channeled abilities
SubBuild 2016.01.22
Changes :
- Puzzle : Level puzzle could be solved through an exploit
- Talent : talents adding ticks to DOT abilities now also show the extra length in seconds
SubBuild 2016.01.23
Changes :
- Localization : little fixes for Czech version
Bug Fixes :
- AI : mobs could always move while doing channeled abilities
SubBuild 2016.01.25
New Features :
- Party : added a toggle to show only the portraits for the selected race (in the portrait selection screen)
- Talent : Paladin's Spiritual Shock now has a visual FX (the same than Mage's Arcane Lock)
Changes :
- Talents : extra tick time info in the tooltip is now scaled with the Toon's current Haste
- Puzzle : removed a possible exploit to solve the Level puzzle
Bug Fixes :
- FX : periodic visual FX were shown when the target was immune to the ability, and thus were never removed
- Modding : the Spiders of the No Spiders Mod could get stuck because the skeleton replacing them are taller
SubBuild 2016.01.26
Changes :
- AI : mobs with channeling an ability that prevents them to move now can turn around while casting it
- Dungeon : can't get stuck in between 2 portcullis anymore in the Level
Bug Fixes :
- Talent : Assassin's Never Ending Story was granting the Streak Point before doing the Streak Climax instead of after, and wasn't working at all for Killing Spree ; you'll need to reroll your Assassin for make NeverEnding Story work with Killing Spree
- Party : fall damage can't be prevented anymore by anything and won't trigger Elementalist's Cauterize and similar talents
- Ability : Blessed Spirit was healing when applied at first
SubBuild 2016.01.28
Changes :
- Localization : little fixes for Czech version
Bug Fixes :
- Modding : engine couldn't load sound & music files whose name was containing "#"
- Party : toggle to show only the portraits for the selected race in the portrait selection screen was shown only when there were 16 portraits or less
SubBuild 2016.01.30
New Features :
- Combat : Custom Combat Speed from 5% to 100% the normal speed (you can activate it from Options -> Game Options -> Helpers)
Changes :
- Ability : Ranger's Volley of Arrows now removes the Streak Points right when finishing
- Boss : boss tuned so he's a bit more tough
Bug Fixes :
- Dungeon : it wasn't possible to pick up an item put on the edge of a Crypt's stained glass
SubBuild 2016.02.02 :
New Features :
- Party : added a toggle to show only the portraits for the selected race (in the portrait selection screen)
- Talent : Paladin's Spiritual Shock now has a visual FX (the same than Mage's Arcane Lock)
- Combat : Custom Combat Speed from 5% to 100% the normal speed (you can activate it from Options -> Game Options -> Helpers)
Changes :
- Localization : Czech version improved
- Puzzle : Level 15 puzzle could be solved through an exploit
- Puzzle : removed a possible exploit to solve the Level 16 puzzle
- Talent : talents adding ticks to DOT abilities now also show the extra length in seconds
- Talents : extra tick time info in the tooltip is now scaled with the Toon's current Haste
- AI : mobs with channeling an ability that prevents them to move now can turn around while casting it
- Dungeon : can't get stuck in between 2 portcullis anymore in the Level 10
- Ability : Ranger's Volley of Arrows now removes the Streak Points right when finishing
- Boss : Treasure Hunt boss tuned so he's a bit more tough
Bug Fixes :
- AI : Goblin's Hunter Trail wasn't DOTing
- AI : mobs couldn't move while doing channeled abilities
- FX : periodic visual FX were shown when the target was immune to the ability, and thus were never removed
- Modding : the Spiders of the No Spiders Mod could get stuck because the skeleton replacing them are taller
- Modding : engine couldn't load sound & music files whose name was containing "#"
- Talent : Assassin's Never Ending Story was granting the Streak Point before doing the Streak Climax instead of after, and wasn't working at all for Killing Spree ; you'll need to reroll your Assassin for make NeverEnding Story work with Killing Spree
- Party : fall damage can't be prevented anymore by anything and won't trigger Elementalist's Cauterize and similar talents
- Ability : Blessed Spirit was healing when applied at first
- Dungeon : it wasn't possible to pick up an item put on the edge of a Crypt's stained glass
SubBuild 2016.02.04
Bug Fixes :
- Modding : fixed PlateInvisible triggering on game start and added one for the Mines environment
by BAT