介绍在固定水平成就 - - 修正超出范围攻击:建设30
而敌人竟是范围 - 改变默认的质量,从最快到
SubBuild 2015年10月22日: - 增加了8个新的画像! - 在固定的反应迟钝箭头
界面菜单 - 党的创新菜单固定的主人物选择
SubBuild 2015年10月23日: - 固定敌弹不损害任何人(错误
新功能: - 盗贼:第一次专门做! - 控制:增加了
控制菜单) - 音乐:添加一个音乐游戏结束(你会希望听到
它..? :-P)
错误修正: - 天赋:元素师的自我实现没有给回
法力正确的金额 - 战利品:战利品催生了游戏的开始
SubBuild 2015年10月25日:
变化: - 控制:鼠标无法自动在使用recenter了
错误修正: - GUI:固定暴民的HP和法力酒吧(他们被窃听昨天
唯一版本) - 相机:可以俯视如果下通过时,楼梯口看到
地板是一个看透格 - 战斗:香椿的队列中被卡住,如果你
对了,这不是在他面前了一个目标排队的能力 -
SubBuild 2015年10月26号:
错误修正: - 党的创新:改变一类的监护人并没有删除
他的所有前技能 - 战斗:小姐远程攻击被显示两次
新功能: - 盗贼:第二个专门做!
变化: - 动画:放慢一些速度过快的敌人动画
新功能: - 盗贼:全面完成了!
错误修正: - 外汇:火焰之雨被占用过多CPU资源
SubBuild 2015年11月3日
新功能: - 党的创新:增加了8个新的监护人,所以你必须1
错误修正: - 第一个老板是下降的,而不是一个很好的斗篷无用的立方体, -
SubBuild 2015年11月5日
新功能: - 本地化:法语和德语语言加,和英语
校对 ! (要更改语言,进入选项 - >界面 - >选择
新功能: - 视频:视场(FOV)选项 - 游戏:你现在可以打开
变化: - GUI:当抢劫增加了包的图标大小(但它更
错误修正: - 声音:男声#4不见了 - 方:这是有可能得到
建立党的创建过程中一个新的角色,当人像损坏 -
在地板1日 - 图形用户界面:界面级别未保存 - 游戏:内部状态
一度领先于通过门,敌人看不到你,等) - 保存:
使用3个字符保存的游戏的名称是给不良后果 - 地图
保存一个隐藏的开发地牢 - 战斗:修正了可能出现的游戏循环崩溃
新功能: - 控制:热键切换每秒伤害图形显示(G默认情况下) -
香椿) - 菜单:界面菜单现在总是显示暴民框架,所以它会明确
变化: - 地下城:在1级的老板已经调升了一下地板,所以
错误修正: - 方:声音被不加载保存的游戏后重新分配 -
允许通过它,如果它把骨灰盒时,窃听 - 方:比赛被撞毁
一些特殊人才(如:刺客乱世佳人) - 方:弹“
起点是不正确的后已经换了2卡通的位置 -
成就:重新组合被授予当党擦 - Linux系统:游戏不能
新功能: - GUI:在人群增加提示当前目标的名称,并添加
在它的左边的目标肖像 - 控制:增加了快捷键攻防
选择图标 - 地图编辑器:在“加载地下城”增添了“新地牢”按钮
菜单 - 方:添加AutoPause;如果打开(在选项 - >游戏选项 - >
对敌人的死亡,如果它不是最后一个 - GUI:增加的可能性,
突出项目时被暴徒下降(在选项 - >游戏选项 - >佣工)
变化: - 党:游侠的远程攻击强度不是用AGI也不STR,所以它
错误修正: - Linux操作系统:配置保存使用的语言环境的系统设置,从而
不能使用十进制数字时重新加载(如:图形用户界面缩放) - 战利品:战利品
应该当你开始一个新的游戏中现在可以正确地产生了 - 党:使用
奇怪的错误 - 控制:备用钥匙没有被分配在游戏开始,如果有
SubBuild 2015年11月10日
错误修正: - 战利品:附魔上催生了战利品(即:不被小怪掉落)分别为
变化: - 战利品:三倍的时间下降了项目凸显 -
错误修正: - 方:刺客的边路进攻才华加倍再
三倍加1,然后2点,它的敏捷性,而不是! - 人才:
变化: - 战利品:三倍的时间下降了项目凸显 -
错误修正: - 方:刺客的边路进攻才华加倍再
三倍加1,然后2点,它的敏捷性,而不是! - 人才:
SubBuild 2015年11月12日
新功能: - 战利品:项目突出如今也发生在小区门前
你,你走动每次 - 战利品:增加了几弓,弩和匕首
变化: - 老板:最终boss战稍微调整 - 战利品:当暴徒滴
上顶 - 能力:玩貂现在使攻击者改变
错误修正: - 地下城:有可能用得到彻底成就
SubBuild 2015年11月13日
变化: - 渲染:改变相机的近裁剪面具有较高的FOV(即:
错误修正: - AI:当你与一群暴徒逃离你身后,直到
其漫游区:-) - Linux操作系统:文本输入现在应该是工作(在一个价格
SubBuild 2015年11月14号
变化: - 天赋:元素师的点火的持续伤害提高到60%
错误修正: - 对话:暂停游戏什么时候的对话已开始(如:
当老板去世)是根本没有机会恢复它冻结游戏 - 老板:
SubBuild 2015年11月15日
新功能: - 战利品:增加了传说中的靴子,因此这将是可能得到
链接的成就(是的,特德可以完全将它们拉断;-)) - 方:
变化: - 老板:女巫诅咒伤害提高10%
错误修正: - 难度:主要难度可能会被错误地应用
与惠普和损害滑块分别给予正确的级别,虽然) - 天赋:
正确 - 地图编辑器:工具提示中保存消失后,
新功能: - GUI:在DPS图形加威胁 - 图形用户界面:可以选择
对于项目,因为比较工具提示) - GUI:要添加的所有者名称
提示影响敌人的点 - GUI:在香椿徘徊时,
- GUI:长的冷却能力(即:超过60秒),现简述
强调在他们的CD已经完成充值 - 游戏性:增加了自动暂停
攻击 - 游戏性:各种不同类型的自动暂停都可以单独
开启/关闭 - 本地化:波兰本地化卡米尔Tajs完成
变化: - 能力:我死了不能错过的目标了 - 控制
错误修正: - 渲染:修正了裁剪的问题时,低头在一个洞,
转向在同一时间 - 地下城:不能点击了下桥杆
站在桥上时 - 人才:烧灼未愈合的元素师
- 人才:星治疗量的德鲁伊的舞蹈是不正确的所有方
成员除了德鲁伊 - 图形用户界面:点击而中央GUI中的地图图标
新功能: - 自动暂停:每次增加一个选项,自动暂停敌人
开始攻击香椿这是不与箱(也有一个罐专业化) -
变化: - 自动暂停:自动暂停将在游戏结束了不会触发 - 图形用户界面:
更大 - GUI:现在的菜单按钮的字体缩放的显示分辨率,所以
错误修正: - 战利品:战利品,可以在当前和以前的水平重复
如果你每天上周没有更新 - 相机:不能小看一个
如果它被打开活门 - 战斗:在混战中站在时候不能打
桥 - 难度:难度级别未正确安装后设置
SubBuild 2015年11月19号
新功能: - GUI:目前全球的CD现在显示在急速提示 -
GUI:添加了一个选项,隐藏的全球图标栏(攻击,魔药,等...) -
变化: - 方:急速太强大了;它是为了特别明显
得到的,而不是4.8s前20%的急速, - 结界:结界快快
错误修正: - 人才:固定一个小碰撞可能发生时,香椿是
我称之为一个极端的例子! :-P) - AI:如果睡眠/隐藏暴徒组
这一点,那么它在做愚蠢的事情 - 动画:走的动画
SubBuild 2015年11月20号
新功能: - 地图编辑:添加撤销/重做为每个触发目标
变化: - 天赋:德鲁伊的永恒绽放不能是至关重要的了 - 人才:
错误修正: - 装载:当前正在运行的爱好者/减益不适用时,
加载保存的游戏 - 加载:加载已保存的游戏中,声音也跑
破坏刚刚保存的游戏 - 老板:老板没开门你来
争斗 !这种行为将被固定在新的游戏,如果你还没有
达到的水平 - 天赋:奥术师的心灵专注的描述是给人一种错误的
SubBuild 2015年11月21日
变化: - 能力:圣骑士的神的惩罚的施法时间降低到1.5秒
在2秒 - 自动暂停:长能力CD上自动暂停不会触发了对
错误修正: - 党:党可能会卡在战斗;(逃离的时候?)在
最坏的情况下,它应该是固定的通过保存&重装游戏 - 波士:老板
SubBuild 2015年11月22日
变化: - 能力:改变了显示的计算DOT&HOT的伤害
能力的工具提示,因此这将是更准确的 - 老板:精灵魔女的医治费用
错误修正: - 老板:当老板了爪牙,它可能有一个可能性,
失去仇恨,如果你要逃跑的老板跑进他的部下之一 -
老板:精灵女巫和魔猎人有男性声音,而不是女的 - 天赋:
决斗的还击涂敷在攻击他的人,而不是他自己 - 战斗:无论
您的卡通和小怪在混战中无法攻击站立在一座桥下时 -
发射时,Alt键再被分配 - 能力:排队能力再
SubBuild 2015年11月23日
新功能: - 助手:对目标身故自动攻击下一个暴民
变化: - 暴民:野蛮人得到了一些护甲防御 - AI:小怪不会丢失
错误修正: - 天赋:牧师的圣恩施一次两次,而不是
每双效治疗术施法 - 能力:圣骑士的十字军攻击范围太小了 -
这样的),本场比赛是崩溃 - 人工智能:逃离的小怪可以纺
SubBuild 2015年11月25日
变化: - 老板:精灵魔女的狙击手射击是不带同步她
错误修正: - 人才:亡灵巫师的自助餐是提高吃的损害
我的肉体 - 渲染:当有非常高的不良裁剪正在发生
天花板和/或中距离非常低地板看起来有点向下/向上 - 老板:
精灵女巫的爪牙被停药后2波产卵 - 自动暂停:汽车
同时 - 手机:修正了一个小碰撞时,党站在小区
新功能: - 改装:改装完全支持!包括自定义肖像
装(改装SDK =>
变化: - 能力:基于弹的能力,现在将瞄准高一点时,
错误修正: - 拼图:拼图级可激活一次(自
SubBuild 2015年11月25号) - 天赋:低法力值与法力冰火被按比例缩小
SubBuild 2015年11月27日
变化: - 人才:决斗的SleightOfHand的触发几率提高到25%
从5%,并持续18S,而不是12S - 人才:术士的排水干现在还
重掷所有自己的才华得到了降低作用,或把第二点的话) -
错误修正: - Linux的:固定的地图音符输入 - 战利品:如果你把一个非治疗者
齿轮是专业化 - 保存:现在的条纹点被正确保存
与装 - AI:小怪不要让自己再打死站在一个时
SubBuild 2015年11月29号
变化: - 能力:死灵法师的灵魂吸的拯救与不结垢
伤害加成了 - 能力:保护的踢和决斗的鞍马威胁
提出了一点 - 魅:暴风雨结界是站/敏捷/命中,打到现在已经
取而代之的是急速,因为另一个结界是相同的 - 老板:精灵
女巫诅咒魔法消耗低位 - 手机:Ratkin萨满的诅咒伤害提出了一个位
- 改装:燕丽/规格*文件的扩展名改为的.ini - 相机:现在摄像头
错误修正: - 改装:去除结界,并设置固定的时候坠毁没有
SubBuild 2015年12月1日
新功能: - 本地化:匈牙利定位由Brechler索尔特完成
变化: - AI:小怪现在逃跑,如果下你方攻击他们
桥 - 老板:茄科(和其他施法者)现在可以转身的时候
铸造远程法术阻止他们移动 - 齿轮:法师和术士
不能双持了 - 能力:增加了“高威胁”保护的撕裂
错误修正: - 拼图:5级拼图的箭被产卵一次
SubBuild 2015年12月3日
新功能: - GUI:选择保留抢项目时显示界面,这样可以
变化: - 环境:秘密门指示灯在长满青苔的墙壁设置改变;现在
角落里看着太像一个按钮) - 动画:现在小怪运行动画
在他们的细胞时,重新定位后,暴徒已被杀害 - 能力:灵魂
暴击) - Mac OSX上:全屏模式现在没有码头酒吧(如果它给你
任何问题,让我知道) - GUI:图注颜色的位置改变时,GUI
错误修正: - GUI:对话框正在改变DPS的图形按钮的文字大小
新功能: - 地图编辑器:蒸汽车间的支持!注:通过改装
内容) ;只有地牢的份额就可以了;它仍然错过了一些部分
居然能起到定制地牢 - 地图编辑器:每提升一级XP的规模,
敌人,同时仍然在练级的1级香椿每1地牢级的速度 -
错误修正: - 改装:固定的大小和滚动纵向位置
当有很多人像的显示窗口(即:超过16%的性别) -
新功能: - 附魔:增加了几个魔法意志为
坦克,这是只有在罐穿着屏蔽真正有用的 - GUI:暴民的
提示显示所有卡通的威胁级别 - 蒸汽车间:游戏检测和
变化: - 人才:保护器的第1个天赋现在也增加了15%格挡几率(以
补偿修正了有关阻止缓解如下所述) - 人才
有关块缓解如下所述)固定的错误 - 难度:降低
冒险家难度敌人造成伤害70%,从75% - GUI:提示环
顺序相反,所以左边的提示是环上的字表的左边 -
:-)) - 属性:现在意志力再生更多的法力在战斗,和耐力
少 - 属性:现在意志加1点法力和Awaress 4,而不是
错误修正: - 图形用户界面:说明文字是不可见的,如果全球图标被关闭 -
产生 - 能力:箭头额外的伤害游侠的抽射条纹点
是只适用于一号打勾 - 战斗:座被降低了近战命中伤害
由65-80%(取决于装甲级别),而不是30% - 环境:点击
SubBuild 2015年12月13日
新功能: - 研讨会:为国防部通过研讨会的支持;你可以得到
从这里没有蜘蛛=>;上传自己的国防部,进入地图编辑器 - >
地牢 - >蒸汽车间 - >器官功能障碍综合征 - 战利品:增加了坦克武器了一下隐藏在
该等级8 - 控制:增加了一键抢劫当前单元格中的所有项目
错误修正: - 掉落:小怪从telefragging杀害并没有下探他们的战利品
- 老板:箭的5级Boss的雨有它的箭头视觉错位的 - 老板:
根据他的墙 - 动画:暴击骨骼和Raktin的动画
SubBuild 2015年12月15号
Build 30: - Fixed Level Achievements during intro - Fixed Out of Range attack
while the enemy was actually in range - Changed default Quality from Fastest to
SubBuild 2015.10.22: - Added 8 new portraits! - Fixed unresponsive arrows in
Interface menu - Fixed Main Character selection in Party Creation menu
SubBuild 2015.10.23: - Fixed enemy projectiles not damaging anyone (bug
introduced yesterday)
Build 31, October 24th:
New Features : - Rogue : the 1st specialization is done ! - Controls : added the
possibility to automatically recenter the camera view when starting to move (in
Controls Menu) - Music : added a music for the game over (will you wish to hear
it..? :-p )
Bug Fixes : - Talents : Elementalist's Self-Fulfillment wasn't giving back the
correct amount of Mana - Loot : the loot spawned at start of the game in the
Dungeon (ie: not the loot dropped by mobs) was for the default Party, so if you
had customized your Party, you may get suboptimal gear for your characters
(issue is only for class or role changes, every other change didn't create any
problem with the loot)
SubBuild 2015.10.25:
Changes : - Controls : mouse doesn't automatically recenter anymore when using
mouse-look and walking at the same time
Bug Fixes : - GUI : Mob's HP & Mana Bars fixed (they were bugged in yesterday
version only) - Camera : could see through stairs when looking down if the next
floor was a see-through grid - Combat : Toon's queue was getting stuck if you
had enqueued abilities against a target that was not in front of him anymore -
Animation : on load, the mobs could wrongly revert to the idle animation
SubBuild 2015.10.26:
Bug Fixes : - Party Creation : changing a class of a Guardian wasn't removing
all his former abilities - Combat : Miss for ranged attack was displayed twice
Build 32, October 29th:
New Features : - Rogue : the 2nd specialization is done !
Changes : - Animation : slowed down some too fast enemy animations
Version 1.0a, October 31st:
New Features : - Rogue : fully done !
Bug fixes : - FX : Rain of Fire was taking too much CPU resources
SubBuild 2015.11.03
New Features : - Party Creation : added 8 new Guardians, so you'll have 1
Guardian to choose for each specialization
Bug Fixes : - 1st Boss was dropping an useless cube, instead of a good cloak -
Animation : when loading an AutoSave, sometimes the death animation could be not
triggered and thus the dead Mob was idling instead of disappearing
SubBuild 2015.11.05
New Features : - Localization : French & German Languages added, and English
proofread ! (to change the Language, go to Options -> Interface -> Choose
Build 33, November 7th:
New Features : - Video : Field of View (FOV) option - Game : you can now turn
off the auto-saving at the end of fight in Game Options
Changes : - GUI : size of bag icon when looting increased (however it's much
faster to just right-click to loot ;-) )
Bug Fixes : - Sound : Male Voice #4 was missing - Party : it was possible to get
the portrait corrupted when creating a new character during the party creation -
Loot : best loot wasn't spawned correctly ; the bug is still not fixed on start,
but if you load your game, it'll spawn it ; ie: if you see some useless cubes,
save & reload and it'll be fine ; if the cubes are in your inventory, put them
on the floor 1st - GUI : interface scale wasn't saved - Game : internal state
was corrupted if you were going back to the Main Menu during the Intro (which
was leading to passing through doors, enemies not seeing you, etc.) - Save :
using 3 characters for the name of a saved game was giving bad result - Map
Editor : fixed the dungeon loaded when starting a new game if you had loaded &
saved a hidden Dev dungeon - Combat : fixed a game loop crash that could occur
when using the Dual Shot of the Ranger
Build 34, November 8th:
New Features : - Controls : hotkey to toggle Dps graph display (G by default) -
GUI : tooltip of Mob's castbar now shows the target of the ability (if it's a
toon) - Menu : Interface menu now always shows a Mob Frame, so it'll make clear
the use of the Upper Scale slider
Changes : - Dungeon : the floor of the Level 1's Boss has been upped a bit, so
he'll be able to attack your Party if you're standing on the side
Bug Fixes : - Party : voices weren't reassigned after loading a saved game -
Puzzle : the 3-urn puzzle of Level 3 now resets when removing all urns, which
allow to pass it if it bugged when putting the urn - Party : game was crashing
when falling while Righteous Shield was up on a toon, or when you had picked
some special talent (eg: Assassin's Gone with the Wind) - Party : projectiles'
start point was incorrect after have swapped the position of 2 toons -
Achievements : Regroup was granted when on party wipe - Linux : game couldn't
start if the locale settings of the system weren't using the dot as the decimal
separator for numbers
Build 35, November 9th:
New Features : - GUI : added current target name in the Mob tooltip, and added
the target portrait on its left - Controls : added shortcut keys for Attack &
Select icons - Map Editor : added a "New Dungeon" button in the "Load Dungeon"
menu - Party : added AutoPause ; if turned on (in Options -> Game Options ->
Helpers), the game will pause when a toon used up all his queued abilities, and
on enemy death if it was not the last one - GUI : added the possibility to
highlight Items when dropped by Mobs (in Options -> Game Options -> Helpers)
Changes : - Party : Ranger's Ranged Attack Power wasn't using AGI nor STR, so it
wasn't raising like expected ; I slightly lowered the efficiency of the Ranger's
Abilities to compensate his extra RAP, thanks to let me know if it's correctly
balanced or not
Bug Fixes : - Linux : config was saved used the locale system settings, and thus
couldn't be reloaded when using decimal numbers (eg: GUI Scale) - Loot : loot
should be now correctly spawned when you start a new game - Party : using
Assassin's Mug ability while wearing a shield was creating a whole series of
strange bugs - Controls : Alternate Key wasn't assigned on game start if there
was no default Alt Key
SubBuild 2015.11.10
Bug Fixes : - Loot : enchantments on spawned loot (ie: not dropped by mobs) were
100% random instead of being targeted for your toons, thus 50% of the spawned
loot had very little value ; with this update, it'll be fixed for the following
levels ; in your current level it'll be only fixed for some of the loot.
Build 36, November 10th:
Changes : - Loot : tripled the time for the dropped item highlighting -
Localization : added the missing German sentences
Bug Fixes : - Party : the Assassin's Side Attack Talent was doubling then
tripling the Agility instead of adding 1 then 2 points to it ! - Talents :
Eternal Bloom wasn't refunding the mana correctly
Build 36, November 10th:
Changes : - Loot : tripled the time for the dropped item highlighting -
Localization : added the missing German sentences
Bug Fixes : - Party : the Assassin's Side Attack Talent was doubling then
tripling the Agility instead of adding 1 then 2 points to it ! - Talents :
Eternal Bloom wasn't refunding the mana correctly
SubBuild 2015.11.12
New Features : - Loot : item highlighting now also happens in the cell in front
of you every time you move around - Loot : added a few bows, crossbows & daggers
laying around to give a chance at respeccing between the Assassin & the Ranger
during the adventure
Changes : - Boss : final boss fight slightly tuned - Loot : when a mob drops a
key and some other gear at the same time, the key will have now more chance to
be on the top - Ability : Playing Possum now makes the attackers change
instantly of target so their current attack won't land on the Ranger
Bug Fixes : - Dungeon : it was possible to get the Thorough achievement using an
SubBuild 2015.11.13
Changes : - Rendering : changed Camera's near clip plane with high FOV (ie:
higher than 80? so the draining spell Fx won't be clipped on the screen anymore
Bug Fixes : - AI : when you were fleeing with a mob group behind you till the
mob group gave up and went back to roam mode, if the group was out of its roam
zone then it wasn't moving anymore but just turning around like an idiot ; now
the group will go back to roaming more or less normally, trying to get back to
its roam zone :-) - Linux : Text Input should now be working (at the price of a
dark rectangle in the big name button when creating a new character)
SubBuild 2015.11.14
Changes : - Talents : Elementalist's Ignition DoT damage increased to 60% of
initial damage from 45%
Bug Fixes : - Dialog : pausing the game exactly when a dialog was starting (eg:
when a boss died) was freezing the game with no chance to resume it - Boss :
Level boss room's door was closing when approaching it even after the boss was
SubBuild 2015.11.15
New Features : - Loot: Added the Legendary boots, so it'll be possible to get
the linked achievement (and yes, Ted could totally pull them off ;-) ) - Party :
Toons' portrait is now highlighted in Yellow before Orange, to show the aggro
level earlier (respective levels are 80% & 90%)
Changes : - Boss : Witch Curse Damage raised by 10%
Bug Fixes : - Difficulty : the main difficulty level could be wrongly applied
and thus leading to a higher difficulty than the one shown (the Difficulty value
& HP & Damage sliders were giving the correct level, though) - Talent :
Assassin's Now or Never talent wasn't granting the Streak points right away,
which means using it during a Pause followed by Killing Spree wasn't working
correctly - Map Editor : the tool-tip was disappearing after have saved the
dungeon or a level
Build 37, November 16th:
New Features : - GUI : added Threat in the Dps Graph - GUI : can choose to
always have the tooltip next to the mouse cursor, in Interface Options (except
for items, because of the comparison tooltips) - GUI : added owner name to the
tooltip of the DOTs affecting the enemies - GUI : when hovering on a Toon
portrait & ability bar, his DOTs on the targeted enemy & HOT on the Toons blink
- GUI : Long Cooldown Abilities (ie: more than 60 seconds) are briefly
highlighted when their CD has finished to recharge - Gameplay : added Auto-Pause
for Out of Mana for Healer, Out of Mana for Damage Dealers, Toon Knocked out,
Long Cooldown Ability (ie: more than 60 seconds) recharged, Enemy Group
attacking - Gameplay : all different kinds of Auto-Pause can be separately
turned on/off - Localization : Polish localization done by Kamil Tajs
Changes : - Ability : Over My Dead Body can't miss the target anymore - Controls
: forced auto-recenter when looking down has been adjusted when the FOV is very
low so it is now possible to take a small object which is exactly in the center
of a cell
Bug Fixes : - Render : fixed a clipping issue when looking down in a hole and
turning at the same time - Dungeon : can't click anymore a lever under a bridge
when standing on the bridge - Talent : Cauterize wasn't healing the Elementalist
- Talent : Druid's Dance of the Stars healing amount was incorrect for all party
members except the Druid - GUI : clicking on the map icon while the Central GUI
is scaled up doesn't put a note on the mark anymore
SubBuild 2015.11.18
New Features : - Auto-Pause : added an option to auto-pause every time an enemy
starts to attack a Toon which is not the tank (nor have a tank specialization) -
GUI : added the possibility to scale all the game font sizes (except menus)
within the .ini
Changes : - Auto-pause : auto-pause won't trigger anymore on Game Over - GUI :
Tooltip font size now scales up with Bottom or Center GUI Scale, whichever is
bigger - GUI : now the menu button's font scales with the display resolution, so
if you play in Ultra-HD the font size won't be ridiculously small anymore ; the
font will be also smaller in lower resolutions (eg: 1024x768)
Bug Fixes : - Loot : loot could be duplicated in your current & previous levels
if you hadn't updated every day last week - Camera : couldn't look down on a
trap door if it was opened - Combat : couldn't fight in melee when standing on a
bridge - Difficulty : difficulty level wasn't correctly set after installing the
game, thus choosing "Current Settings" for the Difficulty when starting a new
game was showing "Adventurer" while actually having the settings for the
Mercenary level
SubBuild 2015.11.19
New Features : - GUI : current Global CD is now displayed in the Haste tooltip -
GUI : added an option to hide the Global Icon Bar (Attack, Potions, etc...) -
GUI : added the "Decimal Cooldown" option to display with numbers the remaining
CD of each ability, directly in the ability bar (so no need to check each
ability tooltip anymore)
Changes : - Party : Haste was too strong ; it was especially noticeable for the
Global Cooldown ; the Base GCD is 6 seconds, and now it goes down to 5s if you
get 20% haste, instead of 4.8s before - Enchantment : Haste enchantments
slightly buffed, so having only a few Haste enchantments will give about the
same speed increase than before, and the speed bonus will be noticeably reduced
only for high total value of Haste (ie: above 20%)
Bug Fixes : - Talent : fixed a small crash that could happen when a Toon was
leveling up while he was unconscious and the dead mob bringing the XP was killed
by the Necromancer's Soul Sucking while having the talent Soul Feast (that's
what I call an extreme case ! :-p ) - AI : if a sleeping/hiding mob group was
losing aggro, it was trying to go back to sleep/hide mode even if it couldn't do
that, and then it was doing silly things - Animation : walking animation of the
2nd boss was corrupted (you can see it only if he kills you ;-) )
SubBuild 2015.11.20
New Features : - Map Editor : added Undo/Redo for each trigger target
Changes : - Talent : Druid's Eternal Bloom can't be critical anymore - Talent :
Man At Arms' Titan Fist now also applies to 1H weapons (ie: you can equip a Main
Hand weapon in your off-hand)
Bug Fixes : - Loading : current running buffs/debuffs weren't applied when
loading a saved game - Loading : load a saved game in which a sound was running
on a dead enemy, and then saving again before many new sounds have played was
corrupting the newly saved game - Boss : Boss didn't open the door you came
from when dying, and he was actually opening both doors of his room at start of
the fight ! This behavior will be fixed in new games and if you still didn't
reach the Level - Talent : Arcanist's Mind Focus description was giving a wrong
length for the effect on the Arcanist
SubBuild 2015.11.21
Changes : - Ability : Paladin's Divine Punishment's Cast Time lowered to 1.5s
from 2s - Auto-Pause : Auto-Pause on Long Ability CD won't trigger anymore for
combat abilities if the party isn't in combat, and vice versa
Bug Fixes : - Party : the Party could get stuck in combat (when fleeing?) ; in
worst case, it should be fixed by saving & reloading the game - Boss : Boss
Archer's Avatars' Rains' Arrows were invisible
SubBuild 2015.11.22
Changes : - Ability : changed the calculation for DOT & HOT damage shown in the
ability tooltip, so it'll be more accurate - Boss : Elven Witch's Heal costs a
bit less mana
Bug Fixes : - Boss : when a boss had minions, it could have a possibility to
lose aggro if you were to run away and the boss ran into one of his minions -
Boss : Elven Witch & Hunter had male voices instead of female ones - Talent :
Duelist's Riposte was applied on his attacker instead of himself - Combat : both
your toons & mobs couldn't attack in melee while standing under a bridge -
Controls : cleared alternate Key wasn't saved in the settings, so on next game
launch, the Alt Key was assigned again - Ability : queuing abilities then
attacking a new target was removing from the queue the abilities directed to the
previous target
SubBuild 2015.11.23
New Features : - Helpers : Auto-attack next Mob on Target Death
Changes : - Mobs : Barbarians got some Armor defense - AI : mobs won't lose
aggro anymore if they're blocked by another group currently fighting your party
Bug Fixes : - Talent : Priest's Divine Grace was applied twice instead of once
per Twin Heal cast - Ability : Paladin's Crusader Assault range was too small -
AI : if a group of 2 mobs wanted to merge with a group of 3 mobs (or something
like that), the game was crashing - AI : fleeing mobs could be spinning
endlessly if they couldn't get away from your party while still being a couple
of cells away
SubBuild 2015.11.25
Changes : - Boss : Elven Witch's Sniper Shot wasn't in sync with her
Bug Fixes : - Talent : Necromancer's Open Buffet was raising the damage of Eat
my Flesh - Rendering : bad clipping was occurring when there was very high
ceiling and/or very low floor in the distance and looking a bit down/up - Boss :
Elven Witch's minions were stopping to spawn after 2 waves - Auto-Pause : Auto-
Pause on Battle Start was causing the game to hangs if a dialog started at the
same time - Mob : Fixed a small crash when the party was standing on a cell
where some mobs were supposed to spawn
Build 38, November 26th:
New Features : - Modding : Full Modding Support ! Including custom Portrait
loading (Modding SDK =>
http://steamcommunity.com/app/409450/discussions/2/492378806378228784/ )
Changes : - Ability : projectile based abilities will now aim a bit higher when
the target is down a stair, so the projectile will have less chance to hit the
Bug Fixes : - Puzzle : Level puzzle could be activated only once (since
SubBuild 2015.11.25) - Talent : low mana with Mana Addict was scaling down the
whole damage instead of only the bonus damage
SubBuild 2015.11.27
Changes : - Talent : Duelist's SleightOfHand chance to trigger raised to 25%
from 5%, and lasts 18s instead of 12s - Talent : Warlock's Drain Dry now also
lowers all threat by 5/10% (if you already have this talent, you'll need to
reroll all your talents to get the lowering effect, or put a 2nd point in it) -
Talent : Ranger's Hunter Tracking now also lowers all threat by 5% (if you
already have this talent, you'll need to reroll all your talents to get the
lowering effect)
Bug Fixes : - Linux : fixed map note input - Loot : if you put a non-healer
specialization toon in your party's healer slot, then now you'll get the correct
gear for that specialization - Save : now the Streak Points are correctly saved
& loaded - AI : mobs don't let themselves killed anymore when standing on an
upper bridge
SubBuild 2015.11.29
Changes : - Ability : Necromancer's Soul Sucking's Heal doesn't scale with
damage bonus anymore - Ability : Protector's Kick and Duelist's Pommel threat
raised a bit - Enchantment : Tempest Enchantment was Sta/Agi/Hit, now Hit has
been replaced by Haste because another enchantment was identical - Boss : Elven
Witch Curse Mana Cost Lowered - Mob : Ratkin Shaman's Curse damage raised a bit
- Modding : Ini/Spec* files' extension changed to .ini - Camera : now the camera
will also look forward when standing on a grid and looking into a gap next to it
Bug Fixes : - Modding : fixed crash when removing enchantments and setting no
role for an enchantment
SubBuild 2015.12.01
New Features : - Localization : Hungarian localization done by Brechler Zsolt
Changes : - AI : mobs will now flee if your party attacks them from under a
bridge - Boss : Nightshade (and other spell casters) can now turn around when
casting a ranged spell that prevents them from moving - Gear : mages & healers
cannot dual wield anymore - Ability : added "High threat" to Protector's Rend
Bug Fixes : - Puzzle : Level 5 puzzle's arrows were spawning only once
SubBuild 2015.12.03
New Features : - GUI : option to keep GUI shown when looting an item, so can
equip it right away, through Dungeon.ini (HowTo =>
http://steamcommunity.com/app/409450/discussions/0/496881136925569961/ )
Changes : - Environment : Secret Door Indicator in Mossy Wall Set changed ; now
it's a missing stone corner, like other environments (instead of a broken stone
corner looking too much like a button) - Animation : now Mobs do a run animation
when repositioning in their cell after a mob have been killed - Ability : Soul
Eater self-healing can't crit anymore (ie: it'll scale up only if the damage
crits) - Mac OSX : Fullscreen mode is now without Dock & Bar (if it gives you
any issue, let me know!) - GUI : map note colors position changed when the GUI
is scaled up
Bug Fixes : - GUI : dialogs were changing the Dps Graph buttons' text size
Build 39, December 5th:
New Features : - Map Editor : Steam Workshop support ! Notes: modding through
the Workshop is still not supported, so do not upload Dungeon needing Modded
content) ; only the share of the dungeon is ok ; it still misses some part to
actually be able to play a custom dungeon - Map Editor : XP Scale per level,
which will allow you to create smaller or bigger levels, with more or less
enemies, while still leveling at the rate of 1 toon level per 1 dungeon level -
Map Editor : option to test only the current edited level, to avoid the long
loading time needed for big dungeons
Bug Fixes : - Modding : fixed the size & position of the scrolling portrait
window shown when there's a lot of portraits (ie: more than 16 per gender) -
Animation : the mobs weren't sliding anymore when repositioning within 1 cell,
but they were sliding most of the time when running for more than 1 cell...
Build 40, December 10th:
New Features : - Enchantments : added a couple of Willpower enchantments for the
tanks, which is really useful only if the tank is wearing a shield - GUI : Mob's
tooltip shows the threat level of all Toons - Steam Workshop : game detects and
loads Dungeons subscribed through the Steam Workshop
Changes : - Talent : Protector's 1st talent now also adds 15% Block chance (to
compensate the fixed bug about the Block mitigation as explained below) - Talent
: Duelist's 1st talent adds 7% Parry & Dodge instead of 5% (to compensate the
fixed bug about the Block mitigation as explained below) - Difficulty : lowered
the Adventurer Difficulty enemy damage to 70%, from 75% - GUI : tooltip ring
order is inverted, so left tooltip is for ring on the left of Character Sheet -
GUI : when selecting a new target, and having the mouse cursor over a Toon with
a different target, now both the current Toon target and the selected Target
will be shown instead of only the Toon target ; in such case, new queued
abilities will still be applied to the selected Target, not the current Toon
target (it'll probably still be confusing, but hopefully, a bit less than before
:-) ) - Attributes : now Willpower regenerates more Mana in Combat, and Stamina
less - Attributes : now Willpower adds 1 point of Mana and Awaress 4 instead of
Bug Fixes : - GUI : Tooltip was invisible if the Global Icons were turned off -
Loot : if different groups of mobs were merging together, less random loot was
generated - Ability : Ranger's Volley of Arrows extra damage from Streak Point
was applied only on the 1st tick - Combat : Block was lowering melee hit damage
by 65-80% (depending of the armor level) instead of 30% - Environment : clicking
on a fake wall in the Palace & Crypt environments were producing the usual tap
sound instead of silence
SubBuild 2015.12.13
New Features : - Workshop : support for Mod through the Workshop ; you can get
the No Spiders from here => ; to upload your own Mod, go to the Map Editor ->
Dungeon -> Steam Workshop -> Mods - Loot : added a tank weapon a bit hidden in
the Level 8 - Controls : added a key to loot all the items in the current cell
(Backspace by default)
Bug Fixes : - Loot : mobs killed from telefragging were not dropping their loot
- Boss : Level 5 Boss' Rain of Arrows had its arrows visually misplaced - Boss :
Level 5 Boss' Light Avatar was going out of combat forever if you hid behind the
wall under him - Animation : critically hit animations of Skeletons & Raktin
Warlord were slightly off
SubBuild 2015.12.15
No update details provided.
by ALiAS
