•Miller Peshek不能再被困在开锁教程中。
•Rattay Rathaus的部分区域现在已被锁定。
•从“The King's Silver”任务中加载自动保存将不会跳过该任务中的一个过场动画。
•即使玩家在Talmberg盗取钱财,“Gallows Brothers”任务也可以正常完成。
•现在,任何成功的交易都会根据交易金额轻微提高交易商的声誉 - 只能达到75点声望。
Update v1.5:
New features:
• Henry can now wash away his sins by buying indulgences in churches.
• Physically simulated women’s clothing added.
• We scattered 16 new lore books around the world.
• Any forgotten or despawned quest items will now be moved to the gravedigger’s chest and the player will be notified via new quest “Lost and Found”.
Fixed issues:
• Guards no longer drop halberds. All previously dropped halberds deleted. This should fix many performance and camera twitching issues.
• Several bugs that caused abnormal CPU usage fixed. This should improve performance for many players.
• Optimized lighting in battles should give the player few more FPS.
• Several crashes at the beginning of the first two quests fixed.
• Any remaining issues with going through doors should be fixed.
• Slow loading of detailed textures after long game sessions fixed.
• Archery tournament no longer causes inability to save.
• Infinite fader in archery tournament will no longer appear.
• Three more activities now have initial map markers.
• The game now autosaves on completion of most of the quests.
• The game now consistently autosaves before critical story events.
• Several helmet shadows added. That should fix any weird shadows of the player.
• Many endless faders after dialogues fixed.
• NPCs now can swap weapons from melee to ranged faster.
• NPCs now reacts to player aiming at them with a bow and will try to get to him faster, instead of only reacting to being shot at as previously.
• NPCs being aimed at or shot at will no longer approach the player in a straight line.
• A bug that prevented the player from talking to Father Godwin in Mysterious Ways fixed.
• Corrupted autosave at the start of “Homecoming” quest fixed.
• It is no longer possible to stealth-kill NPCs in narrow spaces without playing the animation.
• Cages in quest “A Bird in the Hand…” should no longer disappear. Any players with the quest in progress will have the quest reset.
• Master Karel now correctly goes to play dice in the evenings. So the player can win all his money in “Rocketeer” quest.
• Executioner Hermann no longer keeps beating the player unconscious when he is angry.
• Tutorial for axe and mace master strikes fixed.
• Miller Peshek can no longer get stuck in lockpicking tutorial.
• It is no longer possible to lockpick Peshek’s tutorial trunk before starting the tutorial, which was causing the tutorial to fail.
• Novice Antonius should no longer get stuck after saving while he investigates the blood.
• Talking to Antonius before passing out from poison no longer ends in infinite fader.
• When the player is ambushed during fast travel he will be placed much closer to the enemies.
• Parts of Rattay Rathaus are now properly locked.
• Killing important NPCs during “Sheep in Wolf’s Clothing” quest now properly fails the quest.
• Erik now has lower RPG stats and is easier to persuade. This should make the achievement/trophy Freud easier to achieve.
• The player can no longer evade some crimes by being mounted on a horse.
• Knocking out Margaret during “Sheep in Wolf’s Clothing” can no longer break the quest.
• Killing the scouts near the mines before “The King’s Silver” quest no longer causes infinite fader in that quest.
• Loading the autosave from “The King’s Silver” quest will no longer skip one of the cutscenes in that quest.
• Final skirmish in “Robber Baron” quest no longer fails to start.
• The player no longer has the option to fix the leg of one of the wounded if the wounded NPC is dead, which cause the game to freeze.
• It is no longer possible to drop off the horse in “Run!” quest when the player skips the cutscene.
• Encouraging Procopius to have his tooth pulled now works even when the player has “Rocketeer” quest started.
• Objective now properly fails and gives more information in journal in “The House of God” quest when the player doesn’t meet Zmola at the scaffolding.
• “Gallows Brothers” quest can now be properly finished even when the player steals the money in Talmberg.
• Hidden places in the monastery where player could access his horse inventory removed.
• NPCs should no longer sink into terrain on collision in Rattay.
• It is now always possible to knock on the bath house door in the "Next to Godliness " quest.
• Saving the game while carrying a corpse no longer makes NPCs see the corpse even after the player drops it.
• Fritz and Matthew are no longer frightened by corpses during “A Rock and a Hard Place” quest.
• Any successful transaction now slightly raises reputation with traders based on the transaction amount - only up to 75 reputation.
• Ambushers now carry torches at night.
• The player is now officially allowed to hunt in the forest after being named Master Huntsman.
• The probability of ambush by just one stronger opponent is now much higher.
• It is no longer possible to kill your opponents in “Chumps” minigame without triggering crime.
• There should be more chatter dialogues between NPCs about the deeds the player did.
• And 200 other bugs fixed.

合金装备5:幻痛 v1.15升级档+免DVD补丁CODEX版
旋转轮胎:泥泞奔驰 v20181227升级档+免DVD补丁CODEX版
上古卷轴5:天际重制版 v1.5.53升级档+免DVD补丁CODEX版
NBA 2K19 v1.08升级档+免DVD补丁CODEX版