Patch 1.10 Changelog
● Adds music after horse race in quest titled Ciri's Story: The Race.
● Fixes issue whereby ambient music from surroundings of Kaer Muire could override other music.
● Fixes lack of music if autosave made before fight against pirates was loaded during quest titled Destination: Skellige.
● Adds segments to conversations with Triss and Yen before battle at Kaer Morhen.
● Adds segements to conversation with Ciri in quest titled Payback.
● Adds segments to conversation with Triss in quest titled On Thin Ice.
● Fixes issue whereby forktail could screech endlessly if ignited with the Igni Sign Igni and then slashed with a sword.
● Fixes issue entailing unintended loop in combat music during first musical sequence in New Game + mode.
● Fixes issues whereby New Game + would not start correctly from certain save files.
● Fixes rare instances of imcorrect Stamina regeneration.
● Fixes rare issue whereby player character movement remained accelerated after player used crossbow, cast bombs or engaged in sword combat on horseback.
● Fixes incorrect weight calculaction in Inventory.
● Fixes rare issue whereby slowmotion effect of Caranthir's spell was not lifted from player character after the stipulated time.
● Fixes issue with occasional malfunction of Superior Thunderbolt potion.
● Fixes issue whereby Firestream Alternate Sign Mode skill could be used despite not being equipped in Character Development panel.
● Fixes issue whereby Roach would behave incorrectly during horse race in quest titled To Bait a Forktail...
● Fixes rare issue whereby Toxicity regeneration was blocked if player drank Water Hag decoction.
● Crafting diagrams in merchant inventories now include item level information in addition to basic information about craftable item.
● Fixes color of 'Required level' as displayed in merchant inventories and Stash. Display is now same as in Inventory. If player level is insufficient for item, 'Required level' is red.
● Introduces modification whereby potions and bombs can no longer be sold.
● Fixes assorted issues with quest and enemy scaling in New Game + mode.
● Introduces multiple improvements in gwent, including option to choose one of three difficulty levels. To set option, go to Options>Game.
● Introduces multiple game balance improvements in New Game + mode.
● Modifies diagram for Enhanced Legendary Wolven Gauntlets, now craftable without Griffin Gauntlets.
● Fixes issue whereby Toxicity gain from decoctions was not acurately reflected in character statistics.
● Fixes issue whereby high Toxicity level could block exploration when this involved a ladder or stepping onto a boat.
● Introduces enhancement whereby color of runeenchanted swords now depends on runes used.
● Fixes rare issue with incorrect display of interaction prompts when appoaching ladders.
● Fixes issue whereby Geralt remained attached to sinking boat when aiming crossbow.
● Fixes rare issue whereby player character in combat mode would be propelled into the air when stepping on boat tiller.
● Fixes rare issue entailing Wild Hunt minions running in circles during quest titled The Battle of Kaer Morhen.
● Fixes issue whereby ifrits were not invulnerable to all variants of Igni Sign.
● Improves game balance for Katakan monster.
● Improves balance for Death March difficulty.
● Improves ingame information for Card Collector achievement adds indicators to show missing cards.
● Fixes incorrect loot spawning on hens and geese.
● Fixes issue whereby players could not view Novigrad region map while in Velen and thus could not use Novigrad fast travel points.
● Fixes issue with undesirable checkpoint creation occurring if player acquired quests from notice board mid way through botchling story thread.
● Fixes issue with location for boss fight against Nithral that could result in NPC being immobilized.
● Fixes issue whereby tattoo from The Witcher 2 would appear in The Witcher 3 even if player completed quest culminating with its removal.
● Fixes issue whereby alternate Yrden enabled Sign to be cast multiple times using specific talent.
● Removes ability to kill NPCs (including quest NPCs) using Dragon's Dream bomb.
● Fixes issue whereby hostile NPCs could cause Geralt to become locked in combat mode.
● Fixes issue whereby Greater Perun Runestone disabled Adrenaline Gain ability for steel and silver Mastercrafted Ursine Swords.
● Fixes issue whereby Geralt could get trapped in boatwreck in Velen.
● Fixes rare issue involving delay in appearance of interaction component.
● Fixes rare issue of missing soothsayer during quest titled Gwent: Velen Players.
● Fixes problems with player character movement following conversation with herbalists near Cunny of the Goose tavern.
● Fixes issue whereby loot bag could float in air if dropped while Geralt was in midair, i.e., jumping.
● Fixes issue whereby Yrden with elevated Sign intensity would cause foes to freeze.
● Fixes issue whereby Item Info keyboard shortcut I would close Shop screen instead of opening Item Info screen.
● Fixes incorrect wyvern behavior in specific arena.
● Fixes issue whereby player could not hand Philippa's crystal to Yen at Kaer Morhen.
● Fixes issue whereby previously felled NPCs would be resurrected and die again on screen during conversation following combat.
● Fixes issue whereby numerous treasure hunt map icons were missing from game map.
● Fixes issue whereby image of Geralt was placed incorrectly if Inventory was opened while sailing.
● Fixes issue whereby Achievements did not work correctly on game patched to version 1.07 when played from save created from version 1.06.
● Fixes issue whereby item statistics could differ if item was purchased from merchant.
● Fixes balance issue for quest titled The Nithing played in New Game + mode.
● Fixes issue whereby player character movement could appear accelerated or decelerated after slowmotion sequences, e.g., while horseback riding.
● Fixes issue where buffs from consumption of food items were not cumulative.
● Fixes issue whereby smith at Mulbrydale incorrectly offered Superior Griffin Armor Upgrade Schematic.
● Fixes issue whereby crypt in game White Orchard could be locked permanently, thereby blocking progression of Scavenger Hunt: Viper School Gear.
● Fixes balance issue in New Game + mode adversely affecting fight involving Cerys during quest titled King's Gambit.
● Fixes issue whereby Mutagen tutorial did not check if player possessed mutagens.
● Fixes issue that could render Battlefield Loot POI impossible to complete.
● Fixes incorrect functionality of Whirl skill.
● Fixes issue whereby decoy gwent card could leave residual value on game board.
● Fixes assorted issues with Roche’s default conversation, including unintended disabling of dialogue choices, of option to play cards, or of conversation as a whole upon completion of main game.
● Fixes issue whereby parries were not correctly taken into account during Combat Tutorial.
● Fixes issue whereby Reset to Default in Key Bindings did not take effect until game was reloaded.
● Fixes issue whereby missing ingredients were not updated on pinned alchemy formulae.
● Fixes issue with Philippa's level in quest titled Blindingly Obvious in New Game + mode.
● Fixes issue whereby Inventory could be accessed at start of New Game + though access was disabled by quest.
● Fixes issue whereby arachas boss remained unresponsive for some time after last checkpoint was loaded before fight.
● Fixes issue whereby exclamation point could remain over Zoltan's head thorughout quest titled The Battle of Kaer Morhen.
● Fixes issue where guard leading Geralt to Rosa's cellar could begin floating in the air upon reaching set destination.
● Fixes issue whereby Ciri could leave intended gameplay area and become blocked during quest titled Ciri's Story: Breakneck Speed.
● Fixes issue whereby deserters near Person in Distress were invincible.
● Fixes issue whereby using Igni against foes significantly increased their Stamina regeneration rate.
● Fixes issue whereby Stash tutorial was unintentionally displayed when starting new game.
● Adds missing name of mutagen obtained by looting noonwraith dilled during quest titled Contract: Devil by the Well.
● Fixes issue whereby fiend prowling southern reaches of Crookback Bog respawned each time Geralt meditated.
● Fixes issue whereby Ruined Inn in Skellige, intended to be an abandoned site, was populated before liberation.
● Fixes issue where player could be trapped between certain buildings in Oxenfurt.
● Fixes issue in New Game + mode whereby climbing was impossible due to quest titled Contract: The Creature from Oxenfurt Forest.
● Fixes incorrect operation of DLC: New Finisher Animations subsequent to installation of Patch 1.08.
● Fixes manifest file for game engine EXE to prevent game from running in Windows Vista compatibility mode.
● Introduces multiple fixes and improvements in HUD.
● Fixes "Track Quest" button prompt, which occasionally was incorrectly displayed following "New Quest" notification.
● Introduces multiple changes in GUI for Alchemy and Crafting.
● Fixes incorrect display of save file names when game language setting differed from system region and language settings.
● Fixes issue with crafting category display in GUI.
● Fixes multiple issues with HUD buff/debuff display formatting.
● Fixes instances of background text flickering when selected books were opened.
● Fixes issue whereby Slow/Reverse Boat was not bound to MovementDown key.
● Fixes issue entailing clipping of lettering displayed with upscaled fonts in certain languages.
● Alters popup message displayed when players choose to travel to Isle of Mists updated for New Game +.
● Fixes Inventory sorting order for potions, bombs, oils, food, etc.
● Fixes issue where Dismantle popup was not properly localized in all languages.
● Fixes issue where abandoned settlement lacked appropriate marker.
● Fixes issue whereby nonfunctioning icons were displayed in DLC list.
● Fixes nonfunctioning icon in New Game + menu.
● Adds option to show/hide HUD/Minimap using single button/click.
● Fixes issue whereby unlocalized string appeared in place of recommended level number in popup message displayed upon entry to Isle of Mists.
● Fixes issue whereby on mouse and keyboard configurations an invalid character was displayed alongside the Track Quest message when said functionality was not bound.
● Fixes mouse and keyboard UI issue encountered on configurations featuring mouse, keyboard and controller.
● Fixes issue whereby doubleclick on dialogue choice would cause first dialogue line after choice to be skipped.
● Decreases chance of unwarranted screen blur occurring during play.
● Fixes rare infinite loading screen appearing upon loading of save made during Broken Flowers quest.
● Fixes performance issues near the Cave of Dreams in Skellige.
● Improves game performance during quest titled Practicum in Advanced Alchemy.
● Improves general game performance in location Whoreson's Arena in Novigrad during quest titled Get Junior.
● Improves game performance throughout Swamps location in Velen.
● Improves game performance when bombs are used, especially with Cluster Bomb skill active.
● Improves game performance in areas with toxic clouds and when said clouds are ignited.
● Improves game performance in Novigrad Bathouse, especially during quest titled Blindingly Obvious.
● Improves overall game performance in Bald Mountain location.
● Improves game performance during quest titled The Battle of Kaer Morhen.
● Improves game performance in Kaer Trolde during quest titled King's Gambit.
● Improves game perfromance during quest titled Family Matters.
● Improves game performance during burial and feast scenes in the quest titled The King is Dead Long Live the King.
● Improves game performance in Keira's hut during quest titled Wandering in the Dark.
● Improves game performance during ritual forming part of the quest titled Family Matters.
● Improves game performance during quest titled Pyres of Novigrad.
● Improves game performance during quest titled A Towerful of Mice.
● Improves game performance during quest titled A Favor for a Friend.
● Improves game performance during quest titled For the Advancement of Learning.
● Improves game performance and stability on Fyke Island.
● Improves game performance in scene featuring gwent croupier during quest titled A Matter of Life and Death.
● Improves game performance on closeups in conversation between Geralt and Whoreson Junior during quest titled Get Junior.
● Improves game performance during combat in Ermion's laboratory during quest titled The King is Dead Long Live the King.
● Improves game performance at site of cataclysm on Skellige during quest titled Echoes of the Past.
● Improves game performance during necromancy ritual in quest titled Nameless.
● Improves game performance during quest titled The Calm Before the Storm.
● Improves game performance in Crookback Bog location.
● Improves game perfromance on lifting of curses in quests titled Soldier Statuette and Nobleman Statuette.
● Improves game performance in mountains surrounding Kaer Morhen.
● Improves game performance during fight against Fugas in quest titled Bald Mountain.
● Improves game performance for concert scene at Kingfisher Inn during quest titled Broken Flowers.
● Improves game performance on Temple Isle in Novigrad at night and in rain.
● Improves game performance in Dark Valley in quest titled Through Time and Space.
● Improves game performance when using torch near bodies of water.
● Improves game performance during conversation with Yennefer at Kaer Morhen.
● Improves game performance during conversation with Eskel (katakan dissection sequence).
● Improves game performance during quest titled Va Fail, Elaine.
● Improves game performance upon ignition of explosive toxic clouds.
● Improves game performance when using Northern Wind bomb with Cluster Bomb skill active.
● Improves game performance when using Devils Puffball bomb with Cluster Bomb skill active.
● Improves game performance when using Dragon's Dream bomb with Cluster Bomb skill active.
● Improves game performance following scene with Josta on Skellige.
● Improves game performance in sauna pool during quest titled The Calm Before the Storm.
● Improves game performance in selected Velen locations.
● Improves game performance during quest titled Ciri's Story: The King of the Wolves.
● Fixes issue with crashes occurring on hardware configurations incorporating AMD Radeon R9 285 cards.
● Fixes game freeze occuring when players alttabbed out of game in fullscreen mode while loading save.
● Fixes GeForce GTX 980specific crash issue.
● Fixes XBox One memory management issue.
● Fixes crash occurring during conversation with owner of haunted house in quest titled Novigrad Dreaming.
● Fixes issue where looting often caused mini freezes on Xbox One.
● Fixes issue with game stability when loading game saves. UI
● Fixes unwanted variation in display of certain tutorial text content.
● Fixes UI issue whereby icons would become corrupted when items were purchased or disassembled.
● Fixes issue whereby Character panel would open if player started meditating just as Geralt left previous meditation.
● Fixes visual stutter in animation of Roach (horse).
● FIxes assorted graphics glitches, including, but not limited to, two instances of Roach appearing simultaneously, NPCs appearing to lack hands, dead bodies flying off after a foe is decapitated, and others.
● Introduces array of minor changes in ingame locations and in presentation of said locations on ingame maps.
● Fixes visual issue with appearance of light in house windows at short distances.
● Fixes issue whereby peasants would walk incorrectly while carrying boxes.
● Fixes visual issue entailing incorrect behavior of blood splatter from felled opponents.
● Fixes incorrect display of leshen's s root attack FX.
● Fixes issue whereby some corridors were missing from minimap of elven ruins in quest titled The Sunstone.
● Fixes corrupted minimap of caves in quest titled Scavenger Hunt: Cat School Gear.
● Fixes stuttering animations of some NPCs when viewed at a distance.
● Fixes issue whereby NPCs in background would occasionally disappear when dialogue choices were displayed.
● Fixes multiple instances of duplication of interaction icons on trapdoors and ladders.
● Fixes collision issue whereby player could climb through ceiling of Kingfisher's cellar.
● Improves shifts in level of detail on selected buildings in main square of Novigrad.
● Fixes chair hanging in midair in Oxenfurt river port.
● Fixes issue whereby Geralt could fall through floor behind bed in Roche's room in Temerian guerilla hideout.
● Improves visibility of spawning on selected NPCs in Novigrad.
● Improves appearance of water ripples triggered by Aard Sign.
● Fixes issues involving NPCs freezing or adopting Tpose when viewed from a distance.
● Fixes popin issues for certain types of small foliage.
● Fixes issue entailing improper appearance of Redanian armor cloth on Geralt when emerging from scenes and following fast travel.
● Fixes broken animation/meshes for horses in quest titled Ciri's Story: Out of the Shadows.
● Fixes issue whereby Lambert could adopt Tpose if certain path was chosen in quest titled The Battle of Kaer Morhen.
● Adds some missing water ripple effects.
● Fixes animation issues affectin certain female NPC.
● Fixes issue whereby sound focus clues in Colorblind Friendly mode were red.
● Fixes multiple streaming delay issues with terrain, ingame community and foliage.
● Fixes issue with level of detail for King Radovid's ship.
● Fixes issue whereby raindrops would become invisible if player character died during rainfall.
● Fixes issue whereby Geralt would adopt Tpose during specific cutscene.
● Fixes multiple issues entailing popin of building elements.
● Fixes issue with hanged man's body adopting Tpose.
● Fixes corrupted rope in cut scene set in water well.
● Fixes rendering issue on house in Oxenfurt.
● Restores intended blood decal so it appears on Geralt and other NPCs when hit.
● Fixes issue whereby Geralt appeared solely in undergarments throughout a cut scene.
● Fixes issue whereby water surface texture was discontinuous when viewed from certain camera angles.
● Fixes issue where both red and blue scent trails were displayed when playing in Colorblind Friendly mode during quets titled Novigrad, Closed City II.
● Fixes issue with shadows in tavern in Lindenvale.
● Fixes holes visible from behind rock formation in cave containing Mastercrafted Cat School Armor diagram.
● Fixes issue whereby outdoor weather (rain) could be seen throughout cut scene set in interior during quest titled Hunting a Witch.
● Fixes issue where beer merchant in cut scene lacked particles/halo caused by Axii when hit with said Sign.
● Fixes issue preventing players from completing the Soldier Statuette and Nobleman Statuette quests.
● Fixes rare instances of quest titled Nameless remaning active in Journal despite having been completed.
● Fixes issue whereby Reason of State quest was labeled as failed in Journal despite having been completed successfully.
● Fixes issue preventing players from completing quest titled The Empty Coop.
● Fixes rare issue where some functionalities remained locked in spite of player having completed certain relevant parts of quest titled Get Junior.
● Fixes rare issue where Contract: The Creature from the Oxenfurt Forest was not correctly updated after conversation with quest giver.
● Improves visiblity in Inventory of chort lure needed for quest titled Contract: Mysterious Tracks.
● Fixes rare issue whereby players could not talk to Thaler after completing a specific main story path.
● Fixes issue whereby wine was not detected in Inventory during quest titled It Takes Three to Tango.
● Fixes rare issue involving incorrect progression of quest titled The Tower Outta Nowheres.
● Fixes issue whereby trophy from Contract: Patrol Gone Missing could not be sold.
● Fixes issue whereby quest titled The Bastion would reappear in Journal despite having been completed if player made use later of Keira's lamp.
● Adds missing interaction to locked chest in minor quest titled The Price of Honor.
● Fixes issue involving Morvudd being immortal in quest titled Contract: Missing Son.
● Fixes issue whereby minor quest titled Faithful Friend remained active in Journal despite main story being completed.
● Fixes issue preventing players from completing quest titled Reason of State.
● Fixes issue preventing players from talking to Vernon Roche during quest titled An Eye for An Eye.
● Fixes issue preventing players from completing quest titled Gwent: Old Pals subsequent to completing the main storyline.
● Fixes issue preventing quest titled The Cave of Dreams from failing as designed based on certain storyline choices.
● Fixes possible exploit enabling unwarranted gains in experience points during quest titled The Path of Warriors.
● Adds missing druid alchemist to location Gedyneith Grove.
● Enables horse racing at Crow's Perch after main storyline has been completed.
● Fixes rare incorrect update of quest titled Count Reuven's Treasure after player leaves witch hunters' headquarters.
● Fixes rare issue with barrier deactivating during quest titled Of Dairy and Darkness.
● Fixes rare issue whereby quest titled Gwent: Old Pals could not be completed after certain storyline choices were made.
● Fixes issue where quest titled Of Dairy and Darkness could be restarted.
● Fixes issue whereby objective was marked as failed despite being completed in quest titled The Great Escape.
● Fixes issue whereby letter could not be burned in quest titled Contract: Jenny o' the Woods.
● Fixes rare issue whereby Sven would reappear in quest titled The Heart of the Woods after certain storyline choices were made.
● Fixes issue whereby objective was marked as failed despite being completed in quest titled Contract: Here Comes the Groom.
● Fixes rare issue whereby players could not speak to Lambert to start the quest titled The Final Trial.
● Fixes issue whereby gwent card was not obtained from Lugos in quest titled Gwent: Skellige Style after ceratin storyline choices had been made.
● Fixes issue whereby quest titled The Nobleman Statuette remained active in Journal after main storyline was completed.
● Fixes issue whereby quest titled In Wolf's Clothing remained active in the Journal despite completion of all objectives.
● Fixes issue with Lambert failing to appear at Nowhere Inn during quest titled Following the Thread.
● Fixes issue whereby objective was failed despite being completed in quest titled Cabaret.
● Fixes rare issue of opponent not taking damage in quest titled Fists of Fury: Champion of Champions.
● Fixes rare issue whereby players could not resume quest titled Something Ends, Something Begins after leaving the White Orchard location.
● Fixes rare issue whereby Melusine could not be killed in quest titled Contract: Here Comes the Groom.
● Fixes issue whereby scent trail was invisible in minor quest titled The Nithing if Witcher Senses were used in Colorblind Friendly mode.
● Fixes issue whereby objective was labeled as failed despite being completed in quest titled Contract: Strange Beast.
● Fixes rare issue whereby players could not play gwent with Scoia'tael merchant in quest titled Gwent: Big City Players.
● Fixes incorreclty displayed undiscovered location on island of Undvik in Skellige.
● Fixes rare issue whereby trophy could not be obtained from Melusine in quest titled Contract: Here Comes the Groom.
● Fixes redundant objective in quest titled Scavenger Hunt: Griffin School Diagrams.
● Fixes issue whereby queset titled Bitter Harvest quest would reactivate minor quest titled Fake Papers even once latter had been completed.
● Fixes issue whereby minor quest titled The Witchers' Forge could not be completed.
● Fixes rare issue whereby selected functionalities remained blocked despite completion of relevant parts of quest titled King's Gambit.
● Fixes issue whereby hostile witch hunters would incorrectly reappear at certain junctures.
● Fixes rare issue whereby objective in quest titled The Nilfgaardian Connection could not be completed.
● Fixes rare issue whereby endless loading screen would occur after trophy in quest titled Contract: The Phantom of Eldberg was collected.
● Fixes rare issue whereby door to crematory would sometimes be locked.
● Fixes issue whereby quest titled Brothers in Arms: Velen was not failed as designed after certain storyline choices were made.
● Fixes rare issue whereby quest titled Wandering in the Dark would not progress if player avoided fighting golem.
● Fixes issue with site of haunting that occurs near Frischlow.
● Fixes rare issue whereby quest titled Contract: The Mystery of the Byways Murders did not progress correctly if player visited Byways before taking relevant note from notice board in Oreton.
● Fixes rare issue whereby players could not talk to Zoltan during quest titled Brothers in Arms.
● Fixes rare issue where quest titled The Path of Warriors remained active in Journal despite having been completed.
● Fixes issue whereby objective in quest titled The Nilfgaardian Connection was incorrectly labeled as failed.
● Introduces enhanced reward in quest titled Berengar's Blade, changes fail conditions for said quest.
● Fixes infinite loading screen occasionally occurring after conversation with race master at Vegelbud Estate.
● Fixes issue whereby players could access Master Armorers' panels without first completing requisite quest.
● Fixes rare issue whereby players were occasionally blocked from climbing towards Philippa Eilhart in quest titled Blindingly Obvious.
● Fixes issue involving incorrect reveal of POI called Abandoned Settlement near village of Lurtch.
● Fixes issue entailing infinite haggling in qiest titled Contract: Deadly Delights.
● Fixes issue entailing incorrect quest progression where Geralt could avoid triggering conversation with Triss and King of Beggars.
● Fixes inconsistency whereby characters Geralt failed to save nevertheless appeared in quest titled Now or Never.
● Lamp item is now available in Keira's hut if player finished quest titled The Isle of Mists but did not complete quest titled A Towerful of Mice.
● Fixes issue whereby drowners from POI would attack bandits appertaining to specific minor quest.
● Fixes issue whereby Dandelion was labeled with quest marker but offered no conversation with main story completed.
● Fixes duplication of selected dialogue lines in conversation with Molly during quest titled Broken Flowers.
● Fixes issue with quest objective update after picking up letter in minor quest titled Taken as a Lass.
● Changes quest fail conditions for minor quest titled Spooked Mare.
● Fixes issue with bonfire during quest titled Bald Mountain.
● Fixes infinite loading screen occurring during quest titled Familiy Matters.
● Fixes issue entailing duplication of quest names in some languages.
● Fixes progression break that could occur if player was knocked out by guards while following Baron during quest titled Family Matters.
● Fixes incorrect quest type for quest titled In the Heart of the Woods.
● Fixes issue whereby Graham would teleport to tower instead of walking.
● Fixes progressionblocking collision issue in cyclops' cave during quest titled Practicum in Advanced Alchemy.
● Fixes progressionblocking issue in quest titled The Last Wish.
● Fixes issue whereby quest titled Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Fire could prove impossible to complete if treasure was looted before quest was started.
● Fixes issue whereby player could leave Ciri's memories during quest titled The Calm Before the Storm.
● Fixes issue whereby quest objective (to track scent of blood) and quest itself remained incorrectly tagged as failed in Journal during the quest titled Novigrad, Closed City
● Fixes balance issue whereby poisonous gas in quest titled Out of Time and Space drained air and Vitality too quickly.
● Fixes issue whereby incorrect quest level was suggested in New Game+.
● Fixes issue whereby quest titled Nameless remained active despite previous completion of all objectives.
● Fixes issue whereby NPC would not spawn correctly, thereby blocking progression in quest titled Ugly Baby.
● Fixes issue whereby players could occasionally become blocked during quest titled The Battle of Kaer Morhen.
● Fixes potential progression issue in quest titled Count Reuven's Treasure.
● Fixes issue where player could abandon fistfight and thus block progression during quest titled Out On Your Arse!
● Fixes Journal update issue in quest titled Worthy of Trust.
● Fixes issue with Stamina regeneration during fight against Caranthir in quest titled On Thin Ice.
● Fixes occasional issue whereby player could not interact with torch unlocking secret Stash at arena during quest titled Get Junior.
● Fixes issue whereby objective for quest titled Contract: The Mystery of the Byways Murders could be labeled as failed if player reached Byways prematurely.
● Fixes issue whereby Nidas could be spawned incorrectly at start of Skellige segment of quest titled Black Pearl.
● Fixes issue whereby player could leave intended gameplay area in underwater world in quest titled Through Time and Space.
● Adds new romancerelated segments in conversations with Triss and Yen in quest titled The Sunstone.
● Fixes infinite loading screen occuring after thrid gwent victory at Vegelbud Manor during quest titled A Matter of Life and Death.
● Fixes issue whereby wraiths failed to spawn as intended during fight against botchling in quest titled Family Matters if Axii Sign was attempted and failed.
● Fixes issue whereby messenger sent by witch hunters would be revived briefly after being killed during quest titled Count Reuven's Treasure.
● Fixes issue where messenger sent by witch hunters would stand idle instead of lying on floor as intended after scene during quest titled Count Reuven's Treasure.
● Fixes issue whereby quest titled Payback could not be completed if player first visited stable and found related key.
● Fixes issue whereby Keira Metz failed encase herself in magic shield when attacked by rats in quest titled Wandering in the Dark.
● Fixes issue whereby Ciri failed to follow Yennefer into laboratory during quest titled Child of the Elder Blood.
● Fixes infinite loading screen occurring after horse race scene in quest titled Ciri's Story: The Race.
● Fixes issue whereby Keira Metz's wraith during quest titled Wandering in the Dark dealt damage not commensurate with level classification.
● Fixes issue whereby player could abandon designated game area of Tir na Lia in quest titled Through Time and Space.
● Fixes prolonged loading screen occuring after cut scene in quest titled The Calm Before the Storm.
● Fixes issue whereby door in quest titled Scavenger Hunt: Bear School Gear could be permanently locked if chest was looted before lever in throne room was pulled.
● Fixes issue whereby Cleaver's thugs could appear on second floor of Whoreson's Casino during quest titled Get Junior though said thugs were not encountered outside as intended.
● Fixes issue where, on higher diffculty settings, katakan monster in quest titled Now or Never healed too quickly.
● Fixes issue whereby Geralt and Yennefer were teleported to different room in cut scene during quest titled Redania's Most Wanted.
● Fixes issue in New Game + mode whereby Dandelion dealt excessive damage during quest titled Cabaret.
● Fixes issue whereby Sofus took 280 crowns instead of 140 if player agreed to fight during quest titled The Play's the Thing.
● Fixes issue whereby Geralt and Triss were teleported to different part of room after cut scene in quest titled Redania's Most Wanted.
● Fixes infinite loading screen occuring when catching Abbe Faria past tunnel and before ladder in quest titled The Great Escape.
● Fixes issue incorrectly labeling multiple POIs as not having been completed.
● Fixes problem with unopenable chest during POI quest titled Inheritance.
● Fixes issue with POI titled Don't Play With the Gods.
● Fixes issue with POI titled A Plea Ignored.
● Fixes issue with POI titled The Dead Have No Defense.
by BAT

合金装备5:幻痛 v1.15升级档+免DVD补丁CODEX版
NBA 2K19 v1.08升级档+免DVD补丁CODEX版
旋转轮胎:泥泞奔驰 v20181227升级档+免DVD补丁CODEX版
上古卷轴5:天际重制版 v1.5.53升级档+免DVD补丁CODEX版