- “制造战场牺牲”角色修改器现在最多只能叠加三次。
- 中国政府在结婚或结婚时忽视了宗教差异。
- 增加了Arberian文化随从和文化建筑
- 减少'What is Love'活动的机会
- 一旦十字军东征结束,现在儿童十字军事件部队将被解散。
- 进一步增加了对儿童十字军的士气。
- 亚历山大和阿育王的Bloodline事件链发射的几率有所降低,并将所需的Prestige要求从10000增加到15000。
- 使教皇不太可能代表AI统治者接受逐出教会的请求,并且不太可能接受无地雇佣军/神圣命令的逐出教会请求。
- 拜占庭选民AI行为现在更多地考虑候选人的军事/阴谋/外交在决定是否接他时。
- 在帝国选修课中减少出生于紫色和暴君的重量。
- 调整与Forge Bloodline事件链之一相关的反抗风险效应。
- 为希腊邪恶之神列表添加了Typhon。
- 世界主义自然和宗教税收原则不再是不相容的。
- 增加了Benevolent Bloodline给出的公正意见,并对其提出了善意。
- 早期之后,匈牙利人肖像不再使用游牧发型。
- 将十字军国家重新设计为有针对性的标题决策,而不是随机事件。
- 略微降低了球员被要求进行弥撒的机会。
- 老年人的立场现在更宽容(0到60是高兴的基本意见范围,而不是25到75)。
- 当涉及到文化和宗教时,老年选民的分类更加严厉(异教徒和外国人不太可能被选中)。只有当前的统治者不属于世界主义宗教,宗教权重才有效。
- Forge Bloodline如果你的王朝已经创造了Forged Bloodline类型(即使玩家统治者不亲自拥有它),Prestige的要求也会大大增加。
- 在决定Antipapal / Excommunicated for Coronation war的潜在目标时调整AI重量。
- 如果标尺成为内容,Forge Bloodline不再自动中止,只有在变为Incapable时才会发生。
- 增加了“教皇朋友”血统,作为一个小天主教统治者获得了与HRE的Antipapal / Excommunication战争。
- 调整了一些军事类别书籍上的一些错误的质量数字。
- 如果他们的谎言已经成为了Outremer,那么就调整了人工智能的机会。
- 统治拉丁帝国,耶路撒冷和Outremer的人工智能角色将不再皈依当地文化。
- 根据各种情况调整AI请求批量转换的机会,并在选择可能的赞助商时更加聪明。
- 更新了旧的Holmgang事件,以便更有逻辑地计算其结果。
- 在他之前的十字军东征被取消的那一刻,教皇不应该尝试开始新的十字军东征
- 减少战斗事件的频率(主要是AI)和一些最致命的事件。
- 显着减少了那些大规模生产的龙护身符的发生率。
- 如果真正的十字军东征在儿童十字军正在进行中开始准备,那么儿童十字军就会消散。
- 持有指挥官的小标题现在提供10个个人战斗等级。
在Alternate Start中添加了以下新设置:
- 文化只有随机命名选项
- 宗教只有随机命名选项
- 修正了关于妾的工具提示,以包括“或Consort”,因此它适用于两种性别。
- 修正了Crusade风味事件选项中的次要文本重叠。
- 修正了Warrior Lodge创立的血统的描述,文字太长。
- 修正了在Warrior Lodge Legendary Journey活动中收到的升级武器描述中缺少的名称。
- 缩短战斗事件中的选项文本以避免纵向重叠。
- 在一些更新的朝圣事件中缩短事件文本以防止文本溢出。
- 修复了在加载游戏菜单中不会将已损坏或不受支持的保存显示为已禁用的问题。
- 为神话中的心脏和血液文物添加了新的神器图标。
- 修复了神迪瓦斯的错字版本。
- 修复了文本重叠,有时会出现在旧法院牧师工作事件的选项中。
- 修复了使用UI缩放时将交互窗口部分或完全置于游戏窗口之外的问题。
- 修正了Plaguebringers的招募决定的名称,显示了整个社会的描述。
- 修正了秘密道教社会第1级女性成员缺少的等级名称。
- 修正了刺客勒索事件中缺失的代名词。
- 添加了一个复选框以切换标题havi
- 添加了[GetRootFromInsultNoun],它只打印侮辱的名词。
- 扩大潜在的选任候选人和选民,包括直接的司法法院和附庸以及所有事实上的谎言。
- 扩展的潜在选任候选人和选民包括任何具有缓存特征的角色,遗憾的是,这将需要一些小心的触发器来避免一些全球角色为一堆选举继承选举结束选举。
- 移动游牧民族在婚姻中无视宗教信仰,并采取配偶作为政府形式的布尔切换,允许其被禁用或扩展到其他政府的模式。
- 添加了portrait_is_patrician触发器,仅在纵向评估中可用,它检查角色是否在商家共和国及其雇主贵族或拥有共和国政府表格。
- 添加了portrait_in_command触发器,仅在纵向评估中可用,它会检查角色是否处于指挥状态并领导任何部队。
- 未经硬编码的共和国服装,它现在可以像任何其他肖像通过脚本一样工作。
- 添加了add_age = int效果,将给定值添加到范围字符的年龄。警告:弄乱角色的年龄可能会产生意想不到的副作用,因此请谨慎使用。
- 添加了set_gender =男/女/相反效果,将范围角色的性别设置为男性或女性,或者与当前角色相反。警告:弄乱角色的性别可能会产生意想不到的副作用,因此请谨慎使用。
- 添加了set_holy_site效果,将范围标题设置为右手宗教的圣地。警告:这可以让你有超过5个圣地,这可能会导致古怪,也为宗教增加圣地,但不是它的异端将导致他们的图标单独出现在其他共享的圣地,而不是像往常一样被隐藏。
- 添加了remove_holy_site效果,删除了作为右手宗教的圣地的范围标题。警告:这可以让你拥有少于5个圣地,这可能会导致古怪,也可以从一个宗教中移除圣地,但不是它的异端将导致他们的图标单独出现在其他共享的圣地而不是像正常一样被隐藏。
- 添加了set_holy_site_with_heresies效果,将范围标题设置为右手宗教及其异端的圣地。警告:这可以让你有超过5个圣地,这可能会导致奇怪。
- 添加了remove_holy_site_with_heresies效果,删除了作为右手宗教及其异端的圣地的范围标题。警告:这可以让您拥有少于5个圣地,这可能会导致奇怪。
- 添加了supply_limit触发器。在省范围内使用,它将给定角色的省份供给与其领导者的价值进行比较。除非指定,否则领导者默认为给定字符。例如:supply_limit = {for = scope <leader> =范围值> 10}
- 更新了令人困惑的is_bloodline_active触发器,因为它需要在字符范围内:现在它被称为“bloodline_is_active_for”,现在应该在血系范围内使用,将字符范围作为其右侧参数。
- 添加了GetGirlWomanBoyMan自定义loc键,它考虑了年龄和性别。
- 修复了与自定义触发修改器相关的领域视图中的崩溃。
- 从769书签中删除了一个事实上的Epirus,并重新安排了一些Slavic High Chiefs(Dukes)下的土地。
- 毕竟,769年的阿德里亚诺波利斯公爵在拜占庭帝国的家中感受到了更多的感受
- 修正了Sayfawa王朝的错误。
- 服用安提阿后,波希蒙德感觉更加十字军
- 稍微调整一些西班牙省份
# Bug修复
- 当你在十字军东征上领导力量时,某些特别沉浸式的事件不再流行。
- 正面角色修饰符Martially Ambidextrous现在的图标为绿色而不是红色。
- 修复了旧Monks&Mystics事件中一些错误名称的字符标记,这有时会导致特征在不应该添加时添加。
- 修正了声称决斗结果事件中威胁使用的奇怪的“熟人”。
- 进入隐居状态,或让你的Sway-target这样做,现在会让你停止摇摆你的目标。
- 如果他们拒绝你的第一个目标,你就不能再向目标发送决斗性的挑战 - 而是有一个冷却时间。
- 处于隐居状态不再阻止你试图自杀。
- 当它是你自己的伟大支柱并且你重新占领一个被占领的省份时,大支柱事件的毁灭就不能再发生了。
- 修正了一个问题,北方十字军总是可以通过右键点击一个异教目标,即使北方十字军尚未开始。
- 如果你在永恒生命链中被监禁,大部分事件现在将排队等待你的释放,而不是继续或只是停止。
- 极好的神器“Perkunas之斧”不再被描述为“不是非常有用”......
- 现在,Dedicate Temple决定允许您循环使用您拥有的各种选项。
- 修正了老狼事件中的一些错误名称标志,这些标志导致意见修饰符无法正确添加。
- 修复了旧的Shieldmaiden事件中一个错误名称的标志,导致在一个关于猫的后续事件中为Shieldmaiden显示错误的文本。
- 长老选民将不再向他们的牢房提出蛮横的要求。
- 在战士小屋的决定/权力“Go Berserk”中明确删除/添加特征。
- 修复了罕见的边缘情况,你杀死的一个子单位指挥官会奇迹般地回到你的下一场战斗事件中。
- 确保与Enatic Clans的角色可以从Marshal事件中找到女指挥官“Great Commander Found”。
- 为战士小屋教学活动添加了一些浪漫偏好检查。
- 确保Spymasters不会将那些被派系劝阻的封臣视为他们的君主派系的合适候选人。
- 修正了“将你的宗教转换为你的宗教更快”的修改 - 不适用于某些血统。
- 修正血缘效应有时会因未满足的要求而持续存在。
- 修正了某些血系在成立后不必要地更新其活动要求,导致例如Seaking血统要求你是天主教徒。
- HRE现在可以再次在Charlemagne开始形成
- 修正了当十字军的收件人是游牧民时的崩溃
- 修复了拥有圣怒但没有伊比利亚肖像包的安达卢西亚肖像的兼容性问题。
- 修正了法国的单位。
- 调整了几条海岸线和河流,使地形与省界相匹配
- 修正了约克议员的职位。
- 修正了一个试图将同性恋关系设置错误的旧污点事件。
- 修正了Brauweiler的拼写。
- 教皇将不再要求人们成为伟大的圣战的目标在其他地方进行十字军东征。留在家里,保护你的土地。
- 修正了1081书签中塞尔维亚王国的问题。
- 修正女性角色永远无法加入瓦兰吉卫队。
- 修正了在连续投票支持时可能发生的崩溃。
- 修正了特殊的选民边缘案例,用于二级选修的gavelkind头衔。
- 修正了狂战士在战斗中丧生的事件,并意外地向自己发送了一个奇怪的后续行动,说他们放下了武器。
- 部落节日MA修饰符的固定值。
- 修复旧的不朽竞争对手事件中的语法错误。
- 增加了失踪的Outremer文化随从。
- 现在Bön正确地分配了他们的十字军特征。
- Outremer文化现在使用Frankish随从/战术。
- 现任选举继承人的头衔现在应该是决定性的决胜局。
- Enatic氏族学说现在正确地设置了女性寺庙的持有者。
- 修正了传奇之旅(Warrior Lodges)中的决斗下降有时会导致链条卡住的问题。
- 修正了Legend进度条可能卡住的问题,禁止玩家再次使用Legendary Gathering决定。
- 修正了传奇之旅事件链中罕见的多人游戏问题,如果你的目标在决斗计算运行之前就已经死亡,这将导致你被困在旅途中。
- HRE Succession现在在其描述中显示选民标题。当HRE由Charlemagne决定形成时,选民头衔现在也动态应用,这取决于形成帝国的统治者的资本是在德国,Francia,Britannia,Hispania还是Italia。
- 修正拜占庭政府/继任问题并不总是正确应用于随机世界,当帝国被外国人征服时消失,或者当皇帝皈依/改革为父母/女权主义宗教时。
- 修正了Full Council Power Faction需求/战争导致拜占庭帝国转向选举性封建继承的问题。
- 希望修复儿童十字军仍然卡在热那亚,堆积可笑的事件部队,然后消灭伊斯兰教。
- 罗马文化现在可以访问Crucifixion执行方法。
- 固定出生于帝国选举中的紫色和暴君选民接受堆叠。
- 修正了Charlemagne事件链的Crowed by Trait没有使用正确的事件目标。
- 修正了由任何头衔转移引发的神王转移,而不仅仅是当前的神王将其宗教头衔给予其他人。
- 修正了罗马皇帝在任命指挥官到安理会职位时失去投票权以解雇指挥官的问题。
- 修正当神圣之怒未激活时,Fylkir标题未正确传递给改革者。
- 修正了建筑物清单中偶尔出现挥之不去的Great Pillar的问题。伟大的支柱现在从活跃状态切换到非活动状态,而不是在没有被未经改造的异教徒部落控制时切换到配对的建筑物。
- 修正P / Matriarchal Deposition War cb可用于对抗Theocracies。
- 罗马城堡男爵现在称为堡垒而不是前哨。
- 修正了HF.25295中loc键的错误范围。
- 修复了国王级天主教徒Viceroys,尽管不需要加冕,但仍然获得了无冕改造者。
- 修正了无情血统效果无法正常工作,导致撤销图失败,除非满足一个常规要求。
- 从潜在的血腥节竞争者名单中排除长老。
- 修正了错误的loc触发器对vassalage事件的敬意。
- 修正了不匹配的事件文本,如果你拒绝传说中的决斗,可能会在链中发生。
- 修正你的孩子放弃他们的秘密社团成员身份,当你试图将他们招募到你的战士小屋时,将他们列为已经存在的社会......
- 当持有人处于指挥状态时,固定的权杖文物有时会在肖像上错误地出现。
- 修复了缺乏十字军东征的希腊宗教。
- 修复斯多葛社会给予不可能完成的慈善任务。
- 教皇不应再在教皇战争中加入辩护人,相反,如果有的话,他应该是攻击者的盟友。
- 当指挥官生病或处于隐居状态时,拜占庭皇帝不应再使用discharge_hero修饰符。
- 条顿人更确定他们想要什么样的Duchies作为攻击某人的补偿。
- 确保不是*任何人*写一个关于他们母亲的浪漫故事和他们不适当的陪练比赛。
- 如果转换器或转换后的大规模转换之王变为无地,则与洗礼后活动相关的事件现在将停止
- 修正了撒旦教徒在社会本身被引入太早的孩子。
- Gui-scale现在可以正确应用于右键单击交互菜单。
- 各种内存优化,以减少内存使用。
- 只要您点击其外部,游戏规则窗口就会关闭,以防止游戏在错误状态下开始出现问题。
- 修复了将邮件设置重置为默认值会导致邮件标题无法正常显示的问题。
- 拒绝传奇之旅链将不再允许您继续作为Warrior Lodge的领导者。
- 如果你和其他三个玩家一起参加多人游戏,那么他们也是同一个战士小屋的4名成员,而你们都拒绝了传奇之旅,它将不再打破传奇进度条。
- 在继承war_for_coronation的标志时添加了更多的安全检查,以避免统治者王朝的罕见情况变得无法再被加冕。
- 在她的加冕仪式中加入了与女王坠入爱河的流浪骑士的年龄检定。
- 修正了范围问题,使统治者对他们的妾的保真度充满了怀疑。
- 修正了妾没有机会怀孕的机会。
- 修正工具提示问题和编写更好的逻辑,选择适当的公国以交换神圣秩序以换取加冕。
- 确保所有on_combat_pulse事件(包括旧的圣前狂怒事件)一次只发射一个。
- 添加了一些工具提示,告知您敌人何时使用他们的Intrigue技能来最好地进行决斗。
- 确保如果敌方指挥官存在,随机士兵在战场上侮辱你的事件将引用*他们的*文化,而不是他们的君主。
- 确保你的角色意识到你的*配偶*是魔鬼崇拜加入链中的撒旦感应者(你不能再以你的婚姻状态震惊他们作为一种出鸡的方式)。
- 弗里斯兰海岸的长期成就要求现在应该再次与海岸线相对应。
- 修正了Duchies缺少大写的一些问题。
- 修正黑暗牺牲决定中的血缘变量检查。
- 当你的统治者实际上被称为异教徒时,确保你的儿子不要求加入针对异教徒的神圣命令。
- 女同性恋统治者将不再相信他们的爱人已经怀上了孩子。
- 修正了在Jashn-e Sadeh节结束时永远无法正确清除的角色旗帜。
- 当他们喝醉并认为他们受到上帝的引导时,品格不应再能够加入不存在的圣职。
- 固定泥浆飞溅修改器,提供声望,而不是把它带走。
- 修正了冒险者和十字军国王/王后特征没有应用他们的征兵规模乘数的问题。
- 修正了“限制海军”的独立性,无效
- 修正了Christian Pilgrimages有时候没有正确结束。
- 如果十字军的目标改变了宗教信仰,攻击者就不会再发生两件令人困惑的事件,说他们都失败了并赢得了十字军东征。
- 事件选项现在应显示相关效果的正确特征和字符。
- 如果您的配偶在监狱中,您的配偶将不再与您联系。
- 修正了加冕典型事件,将弗朗西亚皇帝误认为是HREmperor。
Update v3.0.1:
# Balance
- The "Made a Battlefield Sacrifice" character modifier now only stacks up to three times.
- Made the Chinese Imperial government ignore religious differences when marrying or taking a consort.
- Added Arberian cultural retinue and culture building
- Reduced the chance for the 'What is Love' event to fire
- Children's Crusade event troops now are disbanded once the Crusade ends.
- Further increased the morale malus applied on the Children's Crusade.
- Somewhat toned down the chance of Alexander and Ashoka's Bloodline event chain from firing and increased the required Prestige requirements to 15000 from 10000.
- Made the Pope somewhat less likely to accept Excommunication requests on behalf of AI rulers and significantly less likely to accept Excommunication requests from landless mercenaries/holy orders.
- Byzantine Elector AI behavior now takes more into consideration the candidate's martial/intrigue/diplomacy when determining whether to pick him or not.
- Reduced Born in the Purple and Despot weight in Imperial Elective.
- Toned down the Revolt Risk effect tied to one of the Forge Bloodline event chains.
- Added Typhon to the Hellenic Evil Gods list.
- Cosmopolitan Nature and Religious Tax Doctrine are no longer incompatible.
- Increased Just opinion given by Benevolent Bloodline, and added Kind opinion to it as well.
- After Early period, Hungarian portraits no longer use nomadic hairstyles.
- Reworked Crusader States into targeted title decisions, rather than random events.
- Slightly toned down the chance of Players being asked for Mass Conversions.
- Elder Stances are now more forgiving (0 to 60 is the base Opinion range for Pleased, rather than 25 to 75).
- Elder Electors are sorted more harshly when it comes to culture and religion (infidels and foreigners are less likely to be picked). The religious weights are only active if the current ruler does NOT belong to a Cosmopolitan religion.
- Forge Bloodline Prestige requirements have been significantly increased if your dynasty has already created a Forged Bloodline type (even if the player ruler does not own it personally).
- Adjusted AI weights when deciding a potential target for an Antipapal/Excommunicated for Coronation war.
- Forge Bloodline is no longer aborted automatically if the ruler becomes Content, it only happens when becoming Incapable.
- Added "Papal Friend" Bloodline, unlocked as a small Catholic ruler winning an Antipapal/Excommunication war vs the HRE.
- Adjusted some faulty quality numbers on some martial category books.
- Tweaked the AI chance of enbracing Outremer Culture should their liege already be Outremer.
- AI characters ruling the Latin Empire, Jerusalem and the Outremer will no longer convert to the local culture.
- Tweaked chance of the AI requesting a Mass Conversion depending on various circumstances and made it smarter when it comes to select a likely sponsor.
- Updated the old Holmgang events to have their outcomes calculated more logically.
- The Pope shouldn't try to start a new Crusade the moment his previous Crusade is cancelled
- Decreased the frequency of battle events a bit in general (mostly for the AI) and for some of the most lethal events.
- Significantly decreased the occurrence of those mass produced Dragon Amulets.
- If a real Crusade starts being prepared while the Children's Crusade is ongoing, the Children's Crusade will dissipate.
- Holding the minor title of commander now gives 10 Personal Combat Rating.
Added the following new settings to Alternate Start:
- Cultures Only random naming option
- Religions Only random naming option
# Interface
- Fixed a tooltip regarding concubines to include "or Consort" so it works for both genders.
- Fixed a minor text overlap in an option of a Crusade flavor event.
- Fixed a description of a Warrior Lodge-founded bloodline having too long a text.
- Fixed a missing name in the description of an upgraded weapon received in one of the Warrior Lodge Legendary Journey events.
- Shortened an option text in a battle event to avoid portrait overlap.
- Shortened event texts in some updated pilgrimage events to combat text overflow.
- Fixed issue where broken or unsupported saves would not be shown as disabled in the load game menu.
- Added new artifact icons for the mythological heart and blood artifacts.
- Fixed typoed version of the deity Dievas.
- Fixed text overlap which would sometimes occur in an option of an old Court Chaplain job event.
- Fixed issue with holding interaction window being partially or fully outside the game window when using UI-scaling.
- Fixed the name of the Recruitment decision for the Plaguebringers displaying the entire description of the society instead.
- Fixed a missing rank-name for female members at rank 1 of the secret Taoist society.
- Fixed missing pronoun-loc in Assassins blackmail event.
- Added a checkbox to toggle a title having a short name for the renaming title interface. "Tier of <Name>" vs just "<Name>". Is not applicable to Holy Orders or Mercenaries.
- If in a single player alternate start game, you can rename any title via the Customizer DLC regardless of if you own the title or are its top liege.
- Fixed a misleading tooltip for the Prepare Invasion decision, which would erroneously refer to you as Norse, regardless of your religion.
- Fixed some text overlap in the options of battle events.
# User modding
- Added [GetRootFromInsultNoun], which only prints the noun of the insult.
- Extended potential elective candidates and electors to include direct liege court and vassals and all de facto above lieges.
- Extended potential elective candidates and electors to include any character with a cached trait, this will unfortunately require some careful triggers to avoid some global characters ending up electors for a bunch of elective successions.
- Moved the nomads ignoring religion in marriage and taking consort to be a bool toggle on the government form, allowing this to be disabled or extended to other governments in mods.
- Added portrait_is_patrician trigger, usable only in portrait evaluation, it checks if the character is in a merchant republic and their employer patrician or has a republic government form.
- Added portrait_in_command trigger, usable only in portrait evaluation, it checks if the character is in command and leading any troops.
- Un-hardcoded the republic clothing, it now works as any other portrait does via the script.
- Added add_age = int effect, adds the given value to the age of the scoped character. Warning: messing with a character's age may have unintended side effects so use with caution.
- Added set_gender = male/female/opposite effect, sets the scoped character's gender to be male or female or the opposite of what they currently are. Warning: messing with a character's gender may have unintended side effects so use with caution.
- Added set_holy_site effect, sets the scoped title to be a holy site of the right hand side religion. Warning: this lets you have more than 5 holy sites which might cause weirdness, also adding holy sites to a religion but not its heresies will cause their icons to show up individually on other shared holy sites instead of being hidden like normal.
- Added remove_holy_site effect, removes the scoped title from being a holy site of the right hand side religion. Warning: this lets you have less than 5 holy sites which might cause weirdness, also removing holy sites from a religion but not its heresies will cause their icons to show up individually on other shared holy sites instead of being hidden like normal.
- Added set_holy_site_with_heresies effect, sets the scoped title to be a holy site of the right hand side religion and its heresies. Warning: this lets you have more than 5 holy sites which might cause weirdness.
- Added remove_holy_site_with_heresies effect, removes the scoped title from being a holy site of the right hand side religion and its heresies. Warning: this lets you have less than 5 holy sites which might cause weirdness.
- Added supply_limit trigger. Used in a province scope, it compares the supply in the province for a given character and their leader against a value. The leader defaults to the given character unless specified. eg: supply_limit = { for = scope <leader> = scope value > 10 }
- Updated the confusing is_bloodline_active trigger from needing to be in a character scope: it is now called "bloodline_is_active_for" instead and should now be used inside a bloodline scope, taking a character scope as its right hand side parameter.
- Added GetGirlWomanBoyMan custom loc key, which takes both age and gender into account.
- Fixed a crash in the realm view related to custom triggered modifiers.
# Database
- Removed a de-facto Epirus from the 769 bookmark, and rearranged the lands under some Slavic High Chiefs (Dukes) instead.
- The Duke of Adrianopolis in 769 felt more at home in the Byzantine Empire after all
- Fixed the Sayfawa dynasty being wrong.
- Bohemond feels more Crusadery after taking Antioch
- Readjusted some Spanish provinces slightly
# Bug Fixes
- Certain particularly immersion-breaking events no longer pop while you are leading forces on a crusade.
- The positive character modifier Martially Ambidextrous now has its icon in green instead of red.
- Fixed some misnamed character flags in old Monks & Mystics events, which would sometimes cause traits to be added when they should not be.
- Fixed strange-sounding "acquaintance" being used threateningly in an Claim Duel result event.
- Going into Seclusion, or having your Sway-target do so, will now cause you to stop Swaying your target.
- You can no longer spam duel challenges at a target if they refuse your first one - instead, there is a cooldown.
- Being in Seclusion no longer blocks you from attempting to commit suicide.
- The Destruction of Great Pillar-event can no longer fire when the it's your own great pillar and you retaking an occupied province.
- Fixed an issue with Northern Crusades always being available by right clicking at a pagan target, even though the Northern Crusades hasn't started yet.
- If you are imprisoned during the Eternal Life chain, most of the events will now be queued, awaiting your release, instead of continuing or simply stopping.
- The terrific artifact "Axe of Perkunas" is no longer described as "not terribly useful"...
- The Dedicate Temple decision now allows you to cycle back through the various options you have.
- Fixed some misnamed flags in old wolf-events, which were causing opinion modifiers to not be added properly.
- Fixed a misnamed flags in old Shieldmaiden-events, which was causing the wrong text to display for the Shieldmaiden, in a follow-up event about a cat.
- Eldership electors will no longer make outrageous demands from their prison cell.
- Clarified trait removal/adding in the Warrior Lodge decision/power "Go Berserk".
- Fixed rare edge case where a sub-unit commander you killed would miraculously return to take your eye out in your next battle event.
- Made sure that characters with Enatic Clans can get female commanders from the Marshal event "Great Commander Found".
- Added some checks for romantic preferences to a warrior lodge teaching event.
- Made sure Spymasters do not consider vassals who have been discouraged from factionalism as appropriate candidates for their liege's faction.
- Fixed the "Convert Counties to your Religion faster"-modifier not working for certain bloodlines.
- Fixed bloodline effects sometimes persisting through unmet requirements.
- Fixed certain bloodlines needlessly updating their active requirements long after it has been founded, causing, for instance, the Seaking bloodline to demand that you are Catholic.
- The HRE can now be formed in the Charlemagne start once more
- Fixed a crash when the recipient of a Crusade was a nomad
- Fixed compatibility issues with Andalusian portraits when owning Holy Fury but not Iberian Portraits Pack.
- Fixed a unit position in France.
- Tweaked several coastlines and rivers to make the terrain match province borders
- Fixed the position of a Councilor in York.
- Fixed an old blot event trying to set up gay relationships wrong.
- Fixed spelling of Brauweiler.
- The Pope will no longer demand that people being the target of a Great Holy War go Crusade somewhere else. Stay at home and protect your lands instead.
- Fixed an issue with the Serbian Kingdom in the 1081 bookmark.
- Fixed female characters never being able to join the Varangian Guard.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when calling in succession voting favors.
- Fixed special elector edge case for secondary elective gavelkind titles.
- Fixed the event where a Berserker is killed in battle, and accidentally sends a strange follow-up to themselves saying they had dropped their weapon.
- Fixed value for Tribal festival MA modifier.
- Fixed grammar error in old Immortal Rival event.
- Added missing Outremer culture retinue.
- The Bön are now properly assigned their Crusader trait.
- Outremer culture now uses Frankish retinue/tactic.
- Current holder of a title with elective succession should now be the deciding tie breaker.
- The Enatic clans doctrine now properly sets female temple holders.
- Fixed an issue where declining a duel during the Legendary Journey (Warrior Lodges) would sometimes cause the chain to get stuck.
- Fixed issue where the Legend progress bar could get stuck, disallowing players to use the Legendary Gathering decision ever again.
- Fixed a rare multiplayer issue in the Legendary Journey event chain, which would occur if your target died before duel calculations had run, which would in turn cause you to be stuck on your journey.
- HRE Succession now shows Electors title in its description. Electors titles are also now dynamically applied when the HRE is formed by Charlemagne decision, depending on whether the capital of the ruler forming the Empire is in Germany, Francia, Britannia, Hispania or Italia.
- Fixed issue with Byzantine government/succession not always applying correctly on Random World, disappearing when the Empire is conquered by foreigners, or when the Emperor converts/reforms to a P/Matriarchal religion.
- Fixed issue with Full Council Power Faction demand/war causing the Byzantine Empire to switch to Elective Feudal succession.
- Hopefully fixed the Children's Crusade still getting stuck at Genoa, stacking ludicrous amounts of event troops and then obliterating Islam.
- Roman culture now has access to the Crucifixion execution method.
- Fixed Born in the Purple and Despot voter acceptance stacking in Imperial Elective.
- Fixed Charlemagne event chain's Crowned by Trait not using a proper event target.
- Fixed God-King Name transfer being triggered by any title transfer rather than just when the current God-King gives his religious head title to somebody else.
- Fixed Roman Emperor losing voting power for discharging a Commander when he appoints said Commander to a Council position.
- Fixed Fylkir title not properly passing to the Reformer when Holy Fury is not active.
- Fixed issue with occasional lingering Great Pillar appearing in the building list. Great Pillars now switch from active to inactive rather than switching to a paired building when not held by an unreformed pagan tribal.
- Fixed P/Matriarchal Deposition War cb being available against Theocracies.
- Roman castle baronies now called Fortresses rather than Outposts.
- Fixed wrong scope on loc key in HF.25295.
- Fixed King-tier Catholic Viceroys gaining Uncrowned modifier malus despite not needing Coronations.
- Fixed Ruthless Bloodline effect not working correctly, causing the Revocation Plot to fail unless fulfilling one of the regular requirements.
- Excluded Elders from list of potential Blood Festival contenders.
- Fixed faulty loc trigger on homage of vassalage event.
- Fixed mismatched event texts, which could occur in the chain if you turned down a legendary duel.
- Fixed your children giving away their secret society membership status, by listing them as already in a society when you try to recruit them to your warrior lodge...
- Fixed scepter artifacts sometimes appearing wrongly on the portrait when the holder is in command.
- Fixed Hellenic religions lacking Crusade weights.
- Fixed Stoic society giving impossible-to-complete charity mission.
- The Pope should no longer join the defender in a Papal War, instead, if anything, he should be the attacker's ally.
- Byzantine Emperors should no longer incur in discharged_hero modifiers when their commanders get sick or are in seclusion.
- The Teutons are more certain about what Duchies they want as compensation for attacking someone.
- Made sure it's not *anyone* that writes a romantic tale of their mother and their inappropriate sparring matches.
- If either the Converter or the Converted King of a Mass Conversion becomes landless, the events related to the post-baptism activities will now stop firing.
- Fixed child baptized by Satanists being inducted a little too early in the Society itself.
- Gui-scale is now correctly applied to right-click interaction menus.
- Various memory optimizations to decrease memory use.
- Game rules window is now closed whenever you click outside of it in order to prevent issues where the game would start in a buggy state.
- Fixed issue where resetting your message settings to default would make message titles not show up properly.
- Turning down the Legendary Journey chain will no longer allow you to remain the leader of your Warrior Lodge.
- If you're in a multiplayer session with three other players, who also happen to be rank 4 members of the same Warrior Lodge as you, and you all turn down the Legendary Journey chain, it will no longer break the Legend progress bar.
- Added more safety checks when inheriting the flags for a war_for_coronation to avoid rare instances of a ruler's dynasty becoming unable to ever be crowned again.
- Added age check on wandering knight falling in love with a Queen during her coronation.
- Fixed scoping issue making rulers hyper-suspicious about their concubines' fidelity.
- Fixed concubines not getting a chance to have hard pregnancies.
- Fixed tooltip issue and scripted better logic when selecting the appropriate duchy to give to a Holy Order in exchange for a Coronation.
- Made sure all on_combat_pulse events (including old pre-Holy Fury events) fire only one at a time.
- Added some tooltips to inform you of whenever your enemy used their Intrigue skill to best you in a duel.
- Made sure that if an enemy commander exists, the event where a random soldier hurls insults at you on the battlefield will reference *their* culture, rather than their liege's.
- Made sure your character is aware of the fact that your *spouse* is the satanist inductor in the devil worshiping joining chain (you can no longer shock them with your marital status as a way to chicken out).
- Frisian coast is long achievement requirements should now correspond with the coastline again.
- Fixed some issues with missing capitals in Duchies.
- Fixed Bloodline variable check in Dark Sacrifice decision.
- Made sure your son does not ask to join a holy order against the infidels, when your ruler is in fact said infidel.
- Lesbian rulers will no longer believe that their lover has become pregnant with their child.
- Fixed a character flag never being cleared properly at the end of the Jashn-e Sadeh festival.
- Character should no longer be able to join non-existing Holy Orders when they are drunk and think they are being guided by God.
- Fixed mud splatter modifier giving prestige instead of taking it away.
- Fixed issue with Adventurer and Crusader King/Queen traits not applying their levy size multiplier.
- Fixed 'Limited Naval' exclave independence having no effect
- Fixed Christian Pilgrimages sometimes not ending properly.
- If the target of a crusade changes religion the attackers will no longer get two confusing events saying they both failed and won the crusade.
- Event options should now show the correct traits and characters for related effects.
- Your spouse will no longer bond with you over educational matters, if they are in prison.
- Fixed coronation flavor event mistaking the Emperor of Francia for the HREmperor.

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