本升级档适用于 真人快打X RELOADED版游戏:http://down.ali213.net/pcgame/mortalkombatxiso.html
真人快打X v20150418升级档:http://patch.ali213.net/showpatch/40429.html
真人快打X v20150425升级档:http://patch.ali213.net/showpatch/40677.html
真人快打X v20150602升级档:http://patch.ali213.net/showpatch/42145.html
D'Vorah - 2减少取消的优势Pterothorax组合后(向+ FP,FP,BP)
ð扸orah(群女王) - 必须在错误炸弹举行环路3帧之前,你可以取消冲出来的
卡西 - 单发+2命中(从-9)
Ermac - 击中格的灵魂爆破与灵魂调整突发使它更难低调
Ermac - 4增加了魂爆发伤害
Ermac - 提高高炉魂伤害10
Erron黑 - 由3增加到向下+ FK的取消优势(不再连接到滑车上命中)
FERRA /托 - 3'N'增加伤害上抢刺
FERRA /托 - 4对深刺伤害增加
五郎 - 增加命中的优势在Shokan的外带Shokan的大满贯28(从8)
五郎(Kuatan战士) - 增加命中的优势在胸部伦哥到20(从5)
五郎(Kuatan战士) - 增加命中的优势在胸部充电到23(从5)
五郎(龙獠牙) - 增加命中的优势在Shokan的刀砍伤到22(从7)
五郎(龙獠牙) - 增加命中的优势在Shokan的大屠杀为23(从5)
五郎(Tigrar怒) - 地面灼烧后下降连击伤害缩放
杰奎 - Stanky腿(BK〜起来BK),现在在movelist上市
杰森 - 增加了对返回断路器击中格,脊柱粉碎,呛,呛大满贯,挤紧,与Crippler使它更难低调
贾森(无情) - 减少了恢复帧上的暗黑追求(加强型)至54(从106下)
贾克斯?对手后可以不再techroll X射线
约翰尼·凯奇(拳头)?千寻+ FP目前拥有10架启动(从9)
约翰尼·凯奇(拳头) - 所有制袋速度命中现在总是在-3块,而不是每4个一个是0
卡诺 - 黑色龙珠(强化)造成的伤害提高4
卡诺 - 登高球(增强)造成的伤害提高3,现在-5分块(低于-27)
啃噬 - 向下+ BK不再能招架高
啃噬(拥有) - 镰刀电梯反应现在是一致的(不再更多的还是取决于身高打少的优势)
啃噬(Kenjutsu) - 从远程攻击装甲去除
Kitana?现在出来戳在惩治捅了风扇(向下+ FP)
Kitana - 瑞星刀片,现在可以特招二合一抎出对撞
Kitana - 增强风扇折腾第二扇现在是一个中间块
Kitana - 反斜杠(往+ FP)现在是-9块命中(从-20)(-34向下)+5并且有25较少恢复帧
Kitana - 学习尊重组合(向+ FP,FP)现在是在-2块(从-1FP下)+6命中上(从-3),并有9个少恢复帧
Kitana - 假输出组合(BP,FP)现在+2块(低于-12)
Kitana - 4增加了风扇Tastic组合(BP,FP,BP)的伤害,现在在-3块(从-10下降)
Kitana - 范刷卡(往+ BP)现在-6分块(从-18下降)+8命中上(从-14),并有12个少恢复帧
Kitana - 加什肠道组合(向+ BP,BP)-6分块(低于-17),并有9个少恢复帧
Kitana - 正当的继承人组合后增加连击伤害比例(朝+ BK,FK)
Kitana(皇家风暴) - 广场升压与方波现在是很难击倒
Kitana(刺客) - 降低了仪表增益从招架
Kitana(刺客) - 公主帕里启动现在是7(18下)
Kitana(悲哀) - 更容易地忙里忙外的组合后,航空战刃投掷和空气长刀返回
Kitana(悲哀) - 无影脚与Eclipse的启动踢12(14下)
Kotal卡恩?朝+ FK不再能够高挡开
Kotal卡恩(太阳神) - 对太阳神扼流改进击中格
龚金(祖) - 现在进入一个闪避状态中低射
Kung老挝 - 不再做唤醒帽子抛或瞬移的时候获得计酒吧
Kung老挝(暴风雨) - 帽子旋转及轨道红帽现在可以正确连击伤害的规模上打
Kung老挝(帽子戏法) - 帽子回拨现在是一个中等块
Kung老挝(帽子戏法) - 低帽陷阱的帽子回拨现在是一个低挡
Kung老挝(帽子戏法) - 稍微容易帽子后回电话忙里忙外的组合
Kung老挝(帽子戏法) - 降低高帽子陷阱恢复了25帧
Kung老挝(帽子戏法) - 减少帽陷阱和低帽陷阱恢复了15帧
功夫Lao's- EX瞬移掷固定伤害
刘康 - 调整数hitboxes更加一致打
刘康 - 对BP下降3个活动帧
刘康 - 现在进入一个回避状态,在低火球
刘康(火焰拳) - 风车冲床及风车乱舞现在可以2IN1特别取消了对块/命中
刘康(火焰拳) - 少林火焰,现在可以2IN1特殊抵消了
刘康(二元论) - 低灵魂球现在是一个低挡
美琳娜 - 调整数hitboxes更加一致打
美琳娜 - 低斜杠(下FP)活动帧之前不再推离对手
美琳娜 - 对车手组合(客场+ BP,BP,扔)到25(从-7)增加命中的优势
美琳娜(穿刺) - 现在进入低中一西的状态闪避
美琳娜(贪婪) - 增加击中抢特价优势
美琳娜(贪婪) - 做快速口味组合(客场+ FP,BP,扔)现在会医治她少量的,因为她咬
美琳娜(飘渺) - 减少了对已逝的复苏客场与已逝走向。还允许组合继续算账。
泉池 - 对手后可以不再techroll X射线
泉池(术士) - 受害者被击中门后刺不再扔免疫
雷电 - 超自然组合(客场+ FK,BK)现在可以二合一抵消了
雷电 - 降低电飞与雷飞的击中格
雷电(雷电之神) - 在充电法线略少芯片损坏
雷电(风暴之/浮筒硕士) - 现在有一个上帝的愤怒连击(朝+ FP,BP,消失+ BP)
爬行动物 - 调整数hitboxes更加一致打
爬行动物 - 可以反复不再潜行和隐形的叠加伤害无效
爬行动物 - 冰虫巴掌(客场+ BP)2增加伤害
爬行动物 - 4增加早产连击伤害(FP,BP,FP)
爬行动物 - 4增加了致命的毒液伤害组合(FP,BK)
爬行动物 - 2下降龙踢(FK)的损害
爬行动物 - 2增加皮肤脱落的连击伤害(FK,BK,羽绒服+ BK)
爬行动物 - 增加命中/取消上的优势偷偷摸摸的蛇组合(客场+ FP,向下+ BK)20
爬行动物 - 2增加伤害的有毒组合(向+ FK,消失+ BK)
爬行动物 - 低跟鞋(向下+ FK)目前拥有7架启动(从9下降),是在-3块(从-2)
蝎子(地狱火) - 火焰灵气/刻录机可以不再在同一组合超过一次
蝎子 - 永恒复仇组合(BP,FP,BK)有4个较小取消优势不再复位块眩晕时,它的二合一抵消了
蝎子(忍术) - 2增加伤害的痛苦组合(客场+ FP,BP,FP)
蝎子(忍术) - 4增加伤害的末日切片(客场+ BP)
蝎子(忍术) - 4增加伤害的末日之刃(往+ BP)
蝎子(忍术) - 2增加了穷途末路连击伤害(BP,FP,BP)
蝎子(忍术)?倒台(客场+ BK)现在打两次
蝎子(忍术) - 由4大灾变组合增加伤害(向+ BK,BP)
Shinnok - 调整数hitboxes更加一致打
Shinnok(死灵法师) - 魔鬼弗里克,魔鬼的反手调节跟踪,召唤恶魔,与召唤大满贯
Shinnok(死灵法师) - 3增加了判断拳&判决粉碎伤害
Shinnok(死灵法师) - 魔鬼弗里克没有在-8块(从-4)
Shinnok(骨整形) - 暗梁现在是一个高拦网和+8的命中(从-14)
Shinnok(骨整形) - 对手不能再techroll权杖后大满贯
Shinnok(骨整形) - 神组合(向+ BP,BP,掷)现在可以取消2合1击中
索尼娅 - 调整数hitboxes更加一致打
索尼娅 - 能源高炉是块中间块和-5(从-15)
索尼娅 - 4增加腾空飞脚(增强)损伤
索尼娅 - 由5个增至腿猛击的伤害
索尼娅(谍报) - 绞喉帕里不再扔免疫
索尼娅(拆卸) - 增加对取消临时工组合优势(FP,FP,BP)
索尼娅(拆卸) - 调整了伤害和命中的手榴弹袭击打晕
武田(鞭笞者) - 鞭子鞭笞和鞭击命中现在两侧
塔尼娅 - 调整数hitboxes更加一致打
塔尼娅 - 阻塞快速瞬移后不能攻击10帧
塔尼娅 - 从快速瞬移去除盔甲
塔尼娅(甲部忍术) - 背刺组合(客场+ FP,BP + BK,扔)不再能击中处罚
塔尼娅(甲部忍术) - 你延缓先前攻击第二和拐横扫第3安打将有较少的块恢复帧的时间越长
new patch for the early access release of Predator and the Predator/Prey Skin Pack to Kombat Pack owners. The patch will also address the following for all users:
Frame Skipping has been removed
Liu Kang抯 揌ot Head?brutality no longer triggers when no stage interaction is used
When installing the Title from a complete backup the entire package will now be installed
Saving a controller preset for the keyboard will now make it the active preset
Characters will no longer be doubled on the character select screen
The pings of other players in a room will now display correctly
After completing an Invasion Boss, the Invasion Bosses defeat will now trigger correctly
Fixed a crash where sometimes the game will minimize, becoming unplayable
Pausing and unpausing quickly while Frame Smoothing is set to 搊n?will no longer cause a display driver crash in arenas
Users can now leave a KOTH session as king without taking a loss
There are new secret brutalities to discover
General Gameplay Fixes
You can now turn off auto saving of Match Replays in game play options (this is defaulted OFF you will need to turn these ON after getting this patch if desired)
Improvement to PlayStation? system generic driver support (The user can now turn off the DUALSHOCK? wireless controller after pairing a compatible fightstick to the console. The DUALSHOCK? wireless controller can only be turned off AFTER pairing the fightstick.)
User now can leave a KOTH session as king without taking a loss
There are new secret brutalities to discover!
Character Specific Fixes
D'Vorah - reduced the cancel advantage after Pterothorax combo (Towards + FP, FP, BP) by 2
D扸orah (Swarm Queen) - must be in the Bug Bomb held loop for 3 frames before you can dash cancel out of it
Cassie - Single Shot is +2 on hit (up from -9)
Ermac - adjusted hitbox on Soul Burst & Soul Burst to make it harder to low profile
Ermac - increased Soul Burst damage by 4
Ermac - increased Soul Blast damage by 10
Erron Black - increased the cancel advantage of Down + FK by 3 (no longer connects into Tackle on hit)
Ferra/Torr - increased damage on Grab 'n' Stab by 3
Ferra/Torr - increased damage on Deep Stab by 4
Goro - increased hit advantage on Shokan Grab & Shokan Slam to 28 (up from 8)
Goro (Kuatan Warrior) - increased hit advantage on Chest Lunge to 20 (up from 5)
Goro (Kuatan Warrior) - increased hit advantage on Chest Charge to 23 (up from 5)
Goro (Dragon Fangs) - increased hit advantage on Shokan Stabs to 22 (up from 7)
Goro (Dragon Fangs) - increased hit advantage on Shokan Massacre to 23 (up from 5)
Goro (Tigrar Fury) - decreased combo damage scaling after Ground Scorch
Jacqui - Stanky Leg (BK ~up BK) is now listed in the movelist
Jason - increased the hitbox on Back Breaker, Spine Shatter, Choke, Choke Slam, Tight Squeeze, & Crippler to make it harder to low profile
Jason (Relentless) - reduced the recovery frames on Dark Pursuit (enhanced) to 54 (down from 106)
Jax ?opponent can no longer techroll after x-ray
Johnny Cage (Fisticuffs) ?Away + FP now has 10 startup frames (up from 9)
Johnny Cage (Fisticuffs) - all Speed Bag hits are now always -3 on block instead of every 4th one being 0
Kano - Black Dragon Ball (enhanced) damage increased by 4
Kano - Uprise Ball (enhanced) damage increased by 3 and is now -5 on block (down from -27)
Kano (Commando) ?Choke & Strangle are now -4 on block (down from -14)
Kenshi - Down + BK can no longer be high parried
Kenshi ?it is now easier to juggle combo after Sword Dance
Kenshi ?several moves were not combo damage scaling correctly on hit
Kenshi (possessed) - Sickle Lift reaction is now consistent (no longer more or less hit advantage depending on height)
Kenshi (Kenjutsu) - removed armor from Tele-Strike
Kitana ?now pokes out with a fan in Punishing Poke (Down + FP)
Kitana - Rising Blades can now be special move 2in1抎 out of on hit
Kitana - 2nd fan in enhanced Fan Toss is now a mid block
Kitana - Back Slash (Towards + FP) is now -9 on block (down from -34) +5 on hit (up from -20) and has 25 less recovery frames
Kitana - Learn Respect combo (Towards + FP, FP) is now -2 on block (down from -1FP) +6 on hit (up from -3) and has 9 less recovery frames
Kitana - Fake Out combo (BP, FP) is now +2 on block (down from -12)
Kitana - increased damage on Fan-Tastic combo (BP, FP, BP) by 4 and is now -3 on block (down from -10)
Kitana - Fan Swipe (Towards + BP) is now -6 on block (down from -18) +8 on hit (up from -14) and has 12 less recovery frames
Kitana - Gut Gash combo (Towards + BP, BP) -6 on block (down from -17) and has 9 less recovery frames
Kitana - increased combo damage scaling after Rightful Heir combo (Towards + BK, FK)
Kitana (Royal Storm) - Square Boost & Square Wave are now a hard knockdown
Kitana (Assassin) - reduced meter gain from parry
Kitana (Assassin) - Princess Parry startup is now 7 (down from 18)
Kitana (Mournful) - easier to juggle combo after Air Glaive Throw and Air Glaive Return
Kitana (Mournful) - Shadow Kick & Eclipse Kick startup is 12 (down from 14)
Kotal Kahn ?Towards + FK can no longer be high parried
Kotal Kahn (Sun God) - improved hitbox on Sun God Choke
Kung Jin (Ancestral) - now goes into a ducking state during Low Shot
Kung Lao - no longer gains a bar of meter when doing a wakeup Hat Toss or Teleport
Kung Lao (Tempest) - Hat Spin & Orbiting Hat now correctly combo damage scale on hit
Kung Lao (Hat Trick) - Hat Call Back is now a mid block
Kung Lao (Hat Trick) - Hat Call Back of a Low Hat Trap is now a low block
Kung Lao (Hat Trick) - slightly easier to juggle combo after Hat Call Back
Kung Lao (Hat Trick) - reduced High Hat Trap recovery by 25 frames
Kung Lao (Hat Trick) - reduced Hat Trap & Low Hat Trap recovery by 15 frames
Kung Lao's- EX teleport throw damage fixed
Liu Kang - adjusted several hitboxes to hit more consistently
Liu Kang - 3 more active frames on down BP
Liu Kang - now goes into a ducking state during low fireballs
Liu Kang (Flame Fist) - Windmill Punch & Windmill Flurry can now be 2in1 special cancelled on block/hit
Liu Kang (Flame Fist) - Shaolin Flame can now be 2in1 special cancelled out of
Liu Kang (Dualist) - Low Soul Sphere is now a low block
Mileena - adjusted several hitboxes to hit more consistently
Mileena - Low Slash (down FP) no longer pushes opponents away before the active frames
Mileena - increased hit advantage on Rider combo (Away + BP, BP, throw) to 25 (up from -7)
Mileena (Piercing) - now goes into a ducking state during Low Sai
Mileena (Ravenous) - increased hit advantage on grab specials
Mileena (Ravenous) - doing the Quick Taste combo (Away + FP, BP, throw) will now heal her a small amount as she bites
Mileena (Ethereal) - Reduced the recovery on Vanish Away & Vanish Towards. Also allows for combos to continue afterwards.
Quan Chi - opponent can no longer techroll after x-ray
Quan Chi (Warlock) - victim is no longer throw immune after being hit by Portal Stab
Raiden - Supernatural combo (Away + FK, BK) can now be 2in1 cancelled out of
Raiden - reduced the hitbox of Electric Fly & Thunder Fly
Raiden (Thunder God) - slightly less chip damage on charged normals
Raiden (Master of Storms/Displacer) - now has a God's Rage combo (Towards + FP, BP, Away + BP)
Reptile - adjusted several hitboxes to hit more consistently
Reptile - can no longer repeatedly stack the damage nullification from Stealth & Invisibility
Reptile - Slithering Slaps (Away + BP) increased damage by 2
Reptile - increased damage of Slink combo (FP, BP, FP) by 4
Reptile - increased damage on Deadly Venom combo (FP, BK) by 4
Reptile - decreased damage of Dragon Kick (FK) by 2
Reptile - increased damage of Shedding Skin combo (FK, BK, Down + BK) by 2
Reptile - increased hit/cancel advantage on Sneaky Snake combo (Away + FP, Down + BK) by 20
Reptile - increased damage Toxic combo (Towards + FK, Away + BK) by 2
Reptile - Low Heel (Down + FK) now has 7 startup frames (down from 9) and is -3 on block (up from -2)
Scorpion (Hellfire) - Flame Aura / Burner can no longer be done more than once in the same combo
Scorpion - Eternal Vengeance combo (BP, FP, BK) has 4 less cancel advantage and no longer resets the block stun when it's 2in1 cancelled out of
Scorpion (Ninjutsu) - increased damage on Affliction combo (Away + FP, BP, FP) by 2
Scorpion (Ninjutsu) - increased damage on Doom Slice (Away + BP) by 4
Scorpion (Ninjutsu) - increased damage on Doom Blade (Towards + BP) by 4
Scorpion (Ninjutsu) - increased damage on Dead End combo (BP, FP, BP) by 2
Scorpion (Ninjutsu) ?Downfall (Away + BK) now hits twice
Scorpion (Ninjutsu) - increased damage on Cataclysm combo (Towards + BK, BP) by 4
Shinnok - adjusted several hitboxes to hit more consistently
Shinnok (Necromancer) - adjusted tracking of Devil's Flick, Devil's Backhand, Summoned Fiend, & Summoned Slam
Shinnok (Necromancer) - increased damage on Judgment Fist & Judgment Smash by 3
Shinnok (Necromancer) - Devil's Flick is no -8 on block (up from -4)
Shinnok (Bone Shaper) - Dark Beam is now a high block and +8 on hit (up from -14)
Shinnok (Bone Shaper) - opponent can no longer techroll after Scepter Slam
Shinnok (Bone Shaper) - Deity combo (Towards + BP, BP, throw) can now be 2in1 cancelled on hit
Sonya - adjusted several hitboxes to hit more consistently
Sonya ?added 5 more recovery frames on Air Drop when missed
Sonya - Energy Blast is a mid block and -5 on block (up from -15)
Sonya - increased damage of Flying Kick (enhanced) by 4
Sonya - increased damage of Leg Slam by 5
Sonya (Covert Ops) - Garrote Parry is no longer throw immune
Sonya (Demolition) - increased cancel advantage on Boomer combo (FP, FP, BP)
Sonya (Demolition) - adjusted the damage & hit stun of the grenade attacks
Takeda (Shirai Ryu) ?the last hit of Air Spear & Spear Ryu will now combo damage scale correctly
Takeda (Lasher) - Whip Thrash & Whip Strike now hits on both sides
Tanya ?last hit of throw will now combo damage scale correctly
Tanya - adjusted several hitboxes to hit more consistently
Tanya - can't attack for 10 frames after a blocked Quick Teleport
Tanya - removed armor from Quick Teleport
Tanya (Kobu Jutsu) - Back Stab combo (Away + FP, BP + BK, throw) can no longer be punished on hit
Tanya (Kobu Jutsu) - 2nd and 3rd hits of Tonfa Swipe will have less block recovery frames the longer you delay the previous attack
Tanya (Pyromancer) ?slightly increased pushback on blocked fireballs

合金装备5:幻痛 v1.15升级档+免DVD补丁CODEX版
旋转轮胎:泥泞奔驰 v20181227升级档+免DVD补丁CODEX版
NBA 2K19 v1.08升级档+免DVD补丁CODEX版
合金装备5:幻痛 v1.15升级档单独免DVD补丁CODEX版
幽浮2 v20181009升级档+DLC+免DVD补丁CODEX版
秘奥法师 v1.6.26515升级档+免DVD补丁PLAZA版