专营曲棍球经理4 v4.5.66更新changelog:
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专营曲棍球经理4 v4.5.65更新changelog:
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本次更新是我们第一次添加了大量新内容:更新的名单,新的可玩联盟,一些界面的变化,2018-19 NHL / AHL / ECHL的变化,以及其他各种各样的东西,其中一些我们已经在论坛上提到过。除此之外,我们还继续对引起我们注意的各种问题进行修正和调整。
这个更新在测试中已经稳定了一段时间,但是在接下来的几天里我们会仔细观察任何关于重大问题的报告。如有必要,我们将在假期前为任何严重问题发布修补程序。一些球队将在圣诞节后休息一下,但我们仍然每天都在监视我们的论坛和Facebook(FranchiseHockeyManager),Twitter(@FranchiseHockey),Reddit(/ r / FranchiseHockey)等,回答问题并根据需要提供帮助,如果您有任何问题或建议,请告诉我们。感谢您一直以来的支持。这之后的下一次更新(除了任何修补程序之外)可能与生成它所需的时间框架和内容级别相似。
- 增加当前Rosters启动选项;这些花名册是截至12月11日(NHL,直到包括Dowd-Subban交易在内)。如果你想使用开放的夜间花名册,它们在启动时仍然可用;然而,今后,当前Rosters开始将是数据库的版本,获取所有的更新和补充。注意那些制作和安装mods:Current Rosters开始是在一个新的快速启动文件夹Current.quick中。现有的uniform / logo / facegen mods将需要被添加到Current.quick graphics文件夹来处理新的开始。从OpeningDay.Quick复制 graphics文件夹是最简单的方法。发布到Steam工作室的Mod制造商可能想创建安装到正确文件夹的第二版(非历史)mod。
在球队战术弹出窗口中增加了“适应性”指标,以显示每个战术对球队的适应程度。规模与熟悉度相同,为1-5点,但要注意的是,这个等级只是衡量哪种策略对团队来说效果最好,而不是他们将如何执行战术。对于一个糟糕的球队来说,最好的策略是显示一个5,但是球队可能不会像一个适合这种战术的优秀的球队那样被执行为3等级。适宜性水平之间的区别也可能相当小,一般来说,使用3级以上的任何东西都不是一个严重的风险,如果你认为它真的适合你想要对团队做什么。 1-2是唯一一个你应该避开的。
-WSM Liga(捷克二级)现在可以上场了,所以现在所有的四大欧洲曲棍球强国至少有两个级别的可玩联赛。两场季后赛半决赛获胜者加入晋级/升降联赛中排名最低的Extraliga队伍;排名最低的球队被降级,换成第三级的球队。
- 真实生活2018-19年改为圣路易斯/拉斯维加斯/科罗拉多州AHL / ECHL的加盟情况将在2018年7月1日比赛结束时发生:ECHL的科罗拉多之鹰将转会到AHL,在中央赛区。他们将成为科罗拉多雪崩AHL的附属机构,取代圣安东尼奥的横冲直撞。圣安东尼奥横冲直撞将成为圣路易斯蓝调的AHL分支。缅因水手将被添加为一个新的ECHL专营权(技术上,在现实生活中,他们是不活跃的阿拉斯加专营权的延续,但为了这个更新的目的,他们需要有一个新的团队记录)。他们将成为科罗拉多州的ECHL分支机构,取代老鹰队。芝加哥将保持拉斯维加斯AHL联盟。
俄罗斯取消了2018年奥运会,取而代之的是白俄罗斯(KHL球员将参加)。看起来俄罗斯人可能能够以中立的制服进行竞争,但是没有很多特殊的编码方法在游戏中没有简单的方法而且现在情况似乎正在逐周改变,现在做一次性的事情是没有意义的。如果在下次更新之前俄罗斯/ KHL的参与发生了实质性的变化,我们会做出更多的改变。
- 大体上重建了每个战术角色的评级要求数据。这是对线路建设AI进行重大调整的一个步骤;即时的结果不会太明显(在某些情况下,实际上可能会退步一些,尽管在实际中,即使发生这种情况,玩家的使用也应该是相对现实的),但是它可以使我们做出进一步的改变知道系统的这方面已经稳定的下一次更新。
- 添加了一个选项(在“开始”屏幕的“设置”菜单中),以全屏关闭用户界面突出显示的团队名称。
- 为联盟中的AI GM添加了一些新的方法,这些方式使用转会进行转会交易,特别是对于进口球员来说,如果他们没有使用所有的进口点。
- 在通用汽车的员工历史记录中点击某一行时,可能会发生崩溃。
- 卡尔加拉杯锦标赛和欧冠比赛之间可能的赛程冲突。
- 增加了一个警告,即在工作时使用“请勿打扰”模式,除非在6月30日关闭,否则将跳过年度绩效审核。
- 新秀全明星队“获奖”新闻项目不再列出第一个全明星队。
- 团队历史记录屏幕底部的“总计”行的固定对齐。
- 在加时赛中没有得分的联赛(例如1996 - 97年的历史NHL),主场/路段记录不再重复计算损失。
- 如果用户接受多个国际工作机会,则可能崩溃。
- 调整的历史财务档案,所以选手选项将在2005年以后的比赛中工作,并且在最近的赛季中,优秀球员的起薪水平更高。在这些年中,首发球队可能还存在一些问题,下次更新会有所改进。
- 将“玩家需要分配的号码”PM中的关联玩家名称替换为非关联版本,以避免混淆改变号码的位置。
- 调整选择打大三的欧洲球员的数量和类型(现在稍多些更好的球员);还定制了主要国家的机会,而不是一个通用机会,以更好地反映截至2017年的典型CHL进口草案组成。
- 提高非北美球员获得主要青少年偏好的质量要求。
- 将“点”和“后卫”的权力播放战略屏幕标签更改为“左点”和“右点”,以澄清前锋将在任何一个工作。
固定工作提供给用户$ 0或定制游戏中的负薪水。
- 玩家拒绝移动到另一个大陆的可能性。
- 当玩家签名延期时,在名单屏幕上对剩余合同年份进行固定分类。
- 领先者屏幕和整个排行榜屏幕将不再偶尔用另一个随机玩家取代在游戏中退役的玩家的名字。
- 当用户赢得升级到更高的联赛时,固定的棋盘信心电子邮件描述“令人失望”的结果。
- 以前改变缓慢溜冰者发展一旦接近潜力微调,以增加球员数量,使其达到较高的技能水平。
助手:制造线AI现在应该正确使用具有防守对方(例如LW / LD)的防守对手,如果他适合的话。
- 轻微守门员健身恢复。
- 在联盟主页的球队防守领导者部分,现在反对领导人的上海目标现在正确显示,而不是显示PP目标反对。
- 如果用户只使用通用汽车,穿着/刮擦和“用右键单击替换玩家”选项现在变灰了,因为AI教练总是会自行选择。
- 历史游戏设置中的固定问题可能导致玩家不能得到正确的统一号码。
- 即使用户第一次尝试向他们提供新的合同,玩家也不再偶尔拒绝谈判延长合同,说“我没有进一步谈判的兴趣”,好像谈判已经中断了一样。
- 中央童军排名现在正确地将北美高中和高中排名靠前的球员分类,而不是欧洲的。
- 所有未结合同的报价都会在某位选手在扩充选秀中被曝光时被取消,以防止扩张队必须与原先队伍的报价相匹配,就好像该选手已经签署了报价单一样。
- 游戏开始时失业人员声誉过高。
- 球队不应该偶尔重新雇用他们刚刚解雇的教练。
- 员工屏幕上的“助理教练”框现在可以由业主分配,而不是自动填写。
- 在保存和退出屏幕后,现在在玩家编辑屏幕上更改NCAA联盟权利保留。
- 在18支球队,2个大会和4个部门的定制游戏中,在季后赛的第一轮中,一个会议中的#1和#4队伍不再与#2和#3的支架的同一侧从另一个会议,反之亦然 - 会议保持分开,直到决赛,即1v4和2v3在第一回合的每一方应该来自同一个会议。
- 较长的枪战将不会被中断或重叠在postgame框得分。
- 一个固定的问题,导致在新游戏开始时出生年数为0(如此年龄)的少数玩家。
- 在放弃几个目标的比赛中,减少守门员热度的机会稍微增加。
在新闻报道中点击U17 / U18国家队的队名不再需要您参加CHL的球队页面。
- 在允许转会的联赛中,转会截止期限从截止日期延长至7月1日,而不是在赛季结束后再次转让。
- 如果NHL扩大到32支球队,宣布NHL选秀的新闻项目在第一轮不再显示33个选秀权。
- 如果在失业的时候开始自动播放NHL全明星赛,那么ASG总结将不再出现在每一天的结果画面上,就好像刚刚播放过一样。
- 调整不可玩的联盟统计数字,以解决一个赛季太多玩家获得0个PIM的问题。
- 高于平均KHL球员的平均水平减少。
- 玩家UI崩溃的可能修复(例如,在开始新游戏后第一次点击玩家时,会发生崩溃)。
- 如果玩家受伤,并且在进入第二天之前立即将其替换成阵容,即使已经修复了空白点,您将不再收到弹出警告,以便在尝试前进时检查您的阵容。
- 联赛加时赛失利总数,加时赛失分0分,现在应该正确显示。
- CHL联盟中的商家提供的优惠现在应该不那么慷慨和合理。
- 花名册屏幕上的DGR栏现在可以在赛季的所有阶段正确排序。
- 历史设置中的球员合同生成现在会减少球员入门级合同(现在应该只是最年轻的)。
- “大游戏”新闻现在可以适当地描述领带游戏,所以优秀的选手产生领带不会在文中被引用为例如。一个“2-2损失”。
- 完成蓝军历史挑战的条件。
- 某些非NHL联赛固定的特许经营经理(10年一队)条件
- 各种小文本和UI修复。
Franchise Hockey Manager 4 v4.5.66 Update changelog:
Change List:
This hotfix corrects a single issue with NHL-contracted players loaned to the three CHL junior leagues (WHL, OHL, and QMJHL.) In 4.5.65, these players weren't being returned to their NHL team at the end of the season, eventually leading to them becoming free agents when they became too old to play junior hockey. We've corrected the problem; the fix will also apply to existing games started in 4.5.65 or earlier. However, if you happen to be between June 23 and June 30 in your current save, a small group of players affected by the problem may become free agents on June 30. If this is the case, you may want to consider returing to a slightly earlier version of your save by copying the contents of either the RS_ONE or RS_TWO rolling save folders (whichever files are most recent) into the main folder for that save, which will return your game to the second-to-last time you saved it. Alternately, if you can enable commissioner mode, you could move the affected players to their NHL team manually by editing them.
Franchise Hockey Manager 4 v4.5.65 Update changelog:
This update is the first one where we've been able to add a significant amount of new content: updated rosters, a new playable league, some interface changes, the 2018-19 NHL/AHL/ECHL changes, and a variety of other things, some of which we've mentioned on the forum already. In addition to that, we've continued to make fixes and adjustments to various issues that have come to our attention.
The update has been stable in testing for a while now, but we'll be watching carefully in the next few days for any reports of major issues. If necessary, we'll issue a hotfix for any serious problems before breaking for the holidays. Some of the team will be taking a break after Christmas, but we'll still be monitoring our forums and Facebook (FranchiseHockeyManager), Twitter (@FranchiseHockey), Reddit (/r/FranchiseHockey), etc. on a daily basis, answering questions and offering help as needed, so if you have any problems or suggestions, please let us know. Thanks for your continued support. The next update after this (aside from any hotfix) will probably be similar to this one in terms of the time frame required to produce it and the content level.
Your existing savegames will be compatible with the updated game, but some of the update's fixes may not retroactively correct certain problems in existing saves.
Changes and Additions
-Current Rosters startup option added; these rosters are as of December 11 (for the NHL, up to and including the Dowd-Subban trade.) If you want to use the opening night rosters, they're still available as an option at startup; however, going forward, the Current Rosters start will be the version of the database that gets all the updates and additions. Note for those making and installing mods: the Current Rosters start is in a new quickstart folder, Current.quick. Existing uniform/logo/facegen mods will need to be added to the Current.quickgraphics folder to work with the new start. Copying the graphics folder from OpeningDay.Quick is the simplest way to do this. Mod makers who've posted to the Steam workshop may want to create a second version of their (non-historical) mods that installs to the correct folder.
-Added "Suitability" indicator on the team tactics popup to show how well-suited each tactic is to the team. The scale is the same 1-5 dots as Familiarity, but note that this rating is only measuring which tactics will work best for the team - not how well they will execute the tactic in relation to their league. The best tactic for a bad team will show a 5, but the team probably won't be as good executing it as a great team whose suitability for that tactic is rated as a 3. The distinctions between suitability levels may also be fairly small; generally, it's not a serious risk to use anything rated 3 or above if you think it really fits what you want to do with the team. 1-2 are the only ones you should really steer away from.
-WSM Liga (Czech second level) is now playable, so all of the Big 4 European hockey powers now have at least two levels of playable leagues. The two playoff semifinal winners join the lowest-ranked Extraliga teams in the promotion/relegation tournament; the lowest-ranked team is relegated and replaced with a team from the third level.
-Real-life 2018-19 changes to the St. Louis/Vegas/Colorado AHL/ECHL affiliate situation will happen when the game reaches July 1, 2018: The Colorado Eagles of the ECHL will move to the AHL, playing in the Central Division. They will become the AHL affiliate of the Colorado Avalanche, replacing the San Antonio Rampage. The San Antonio Rampage will become the AHL affiliate of the St. Louis Blues. The Maine Mariners will be added as a new ECHL franchise (technically, in real life they're a continuation of the inactive Alaska franchise, but for the purposes of this update they needed to have a fresh team record). They'll be Colorado's ECHL affiliate, replacing the Eagles. Chicago will remain the Vegas AHL affiliate.
-Added 20 new storylines and rewrote portions of others.
-Russia removed from the 2018 Olympics and replaced with Belarus (KHL players will participate.) It looks like the Russians may be able to compete in a neutral uniform, but there's no easy way to do that in-game without a lot of special coding, and with the situation seemingly changing on a week-to-week basis right now it doesn't make sense to make that kind of effort for a one-time thing. If something substantially changes regarding Russian/KHL participation before the next update, we'll make more changes.
-Substantially rebuilt the ratings requirements data for each tactical role. This is a step in a major adjustment to the line-building AI; the immediate results won't be too obvious (and in some cases may actually appear to regress a bit, although in practice, even when this occurs the player usage should be relatively realistic), but it'll enable us to make further changes in the next update(s) knowing that this aspect of the system has been stabilized.
-Added an option (in the Settings menu of the Start screen) to turn the UI highlighting of a team's name in all-caps off.
-When an NHL team attempts to return an import player to a CHL team who is at the import limit, the team will either make room for him or release his CHL rights, allowing him to be sent to the minors.
-Added some new ways for AI GM's in leagues that use transfers to make transfer deals, particularly for import players if they're not using all of their import spots.
-Fixed potential crash when clicking on a line in the staff history of a GM.
-Possible schedule conflict between Karjala Cup tournament and Champions League games fixed.
-Added a warning that playing in Do Not Disturb mode while employed will skip the annual performance review unless it's turned off on June 30.
-The new rookie all-star team "award" news item no longer lists the first all-star team instead.
-Fixed alignment of the "Totals" line at the bottom of the team history screen.
-In leagues where no points are awarded for an overtime loss (e.g. historical NHL in 1996-97), the home/road records no longer double-count the loss.
-Fixed potential crash if user accepts multiple international job offers.
-Adjusted historical finances file so shop player option will work in post-2005 games and starting salaries levels for good/great players in the most recent seasons are higher. There may still be some issues with teams starting under the cap in those years, that'll be improved in the next update.
-No-trade and no-movement clauses should now be applied correctly to human-AI trade negotiations.
-Shop Player option no longer available for players with a No-Trade/No-Movement clause.
-Replaced the linked player names in the "Players Need to be Assigned Numbers" PM with the non-linked versions to avoid confusion over where to change the number.
-Adjusted development speed for players who are likely to have long careers - had been too slow, particularly noticeable in historical.
-Adjusted number and type of European players that choose to play major junior (slightly more and better players now); also customized the chances for the major countries rather than a single generic chance to better reflect typical CHL import draft composition as of 2017.
-Increased quality requirement for non-North American players to get the Major Junior junior preference.
-Fixed alignment issues and inconsistent linking of team names on the transactions page.
-Changed the power play strategy screen labels for "Point" and "Defender" changed to "Left Point" and "Right Point" to clarify that a forward will work in either.
-Fixed job offers to the user with $0 or negative salary in custom games.
-Lowered the likelihood of players to refuse to move to a different continent.
-Fixed sorting of remaining contract years on roster screen when a player has signed an extension.
-Leader screen and the overall leaderboards screen will no longer occasionally replace the name of a player who retired during the game with another random player.
-NHL all-star game will no longer be announced on an incorrect date that conflicts with the schedule.
-GM of the Year award criteria adjusted to avoid problem with a small number of long-time GM's dominating the award in short-season leagues.
-Fixed board confidence email description of "disappointing" results when the user wins promotion to a higher league.
-Fixed situation where player will refuse a contract offer or request less money after the player has already met his demands, eventually leading to an error message in his response.
-AI-run NHL teams in modern games should no longer release/waive some recent mid/low-round drafted players while they're still under 20.
-Previous change to slow skater development once it approaches potential tuned down slightly to increase number of players making it to higher skill levels.
-Fixed colour of date text on the league schedule screen to make it readable (had been white on very bright background).
-The Assistant: Create Lines AI should now correctly use players with a forward/defence position (e.g. LW/LD) on a defensive pair if he fits best there.
-Slowed goalie fitness recovery slightly.
-Fixed issue that could result in the same NHL-contracted player being returned to his CHL team repeatedly.
-In the Team Defending Leaders section of the league home page, the SH Goals Against leaders are now displayed correctly instead of showing PP Goals Against.
-If the user is playing GM-only, the dress/scratch and "replace player with" right-click options are now greyed out, since the AI coach will always make his own choices.
-Fixed issue in historical game setup that could result in players not being given their correct uniform number.
-Adjusted trade AI to discourage rebuilding teams from accepting offers for their good young forwards for veterans.
-Players will no longer occasionally refuse to negotiate contract extensions by saying "I'm not interested in further negotiation" as if negotiations had broken off, despite it being the user's first attempt at offering them a new contract.
-The Central Scouting ranking now correctly classifies High School and Junior B players in the North American list, rather than the European one.
-Longer text blocks in assign numbers popup are no longer cut off at the bottom.
-All open contract offers are cancelled when a player is exposed in an expansion draft, to prevent a situation where an expansion team would have to match the original team's offer as if the player had signed an offer sheet.
-Fixed excessive reputations of unemployed staff at the start of the game.
-Older head coaches will no longer occassionally retire the same day they're hired.
-Teams should no longer occasionally re-hire the coach they just fired.
-Players who played with more than one team in their real rookie year and had playoff stats will no longer occassionally start a historical game with those playoff stats shown as real stats for the upcoming season.
-The "Assistant Coach" box in the staff screen can now be assigned by the owner instead of being automatically filled.
-Changes to the NCAA League Rights on the player edit screen now remain saved after saving and exiting the screen.
-In a custom game with 18 teams, 2 conferences, and 4 divisions, in the first round of the playoffs the #1 and #4 teams in one conference are no longer in the same side of the bracket as the #2 and #3 from the other conference, and vice-versa - the conferences stay separate until the final, i.e. 1v4 and 2v3 on each side in round 1 should be from the same conference.
-Longer shootouts will no longer be cut off or overlapped in the postgame box score.
-Fixed issue that caused a small number of players to be generated with birth years of 0 (so age 2017) at the start of a new game.
-The day prior to the OHL, QMJHL, and WHL drafts (June 23), all overage players will now be removed from AI-run teams as if it's July 1 (if they're NHL-contracted, they're returned to their owning team), and the rights to any unsigned players who are overage are also be removed so the AI will have more room to draft new players, resulting in fewer skipped draft picks due to protected list size issues.
-Slightly increased chance for goalie hotness reductions in games where they give up several goals.
-Clicking on team names of U17/U18 national teams in news stories no longer takes you to CHL team pages.
-In leagues that allow transfers, the post-transfer-deadline period has been extended from the deadline until July 1, instead of transfers being allowed again as soon as the season ends.
-If the NHL expands to 32 teams, the news item announcing the NHL draft order no longer shows 33 picks in the first round.
-If, while unemployed, you start autoplaying the day the NHL All-Star game is played, the ASG summary will no longer appear on every day's results screen as if it had just been played.
-The leader page for the World U17 Hockey Challenge now appears after the first game of the tournament instead of waiting until after each team plays their second game.
-Nationality requirements should now be applied correctly to storylines, e.g. European players will no longer get storylines designed for American players only.
-Adjusted stats generation for nonplayable leagues to fix issue with too many players getting 0 PIM in a season.
-Salary levels for above-average KHL players reduced.
-Possible fix for player UI crashes (e.g., first time you click on a player after starting a new game, there's a crash).
-Conditions for player nationality switches (i.e. second nationality becomes first) restricted, they'll only happen if the player is 23+ and is switching in a way that makes him more likely to play on a national team, i.e. switching to a weaker team.
-Criteria for news stories about high-profile injuries should now be applied correctly so 1.5 star players aren't referred to as "stars".
-If a player is injured and you immediately replace him in the lineup before advancing to the next day, you'll no longer get the popup warning to check your lineup when you attempt to advance, even though you've already fixed the empty spots.
-When a CHL team signs an import player from a user-run European team, the user will get notification of the signing in his news.
-Overall loss totals in leagues with overtime, but 0 points for overtime losses, should be shown correctly now.
-The offers from the shop player in CHL leagues should be less generous and more reasonable now.
-The DGR column on the roster screen should now sort properly at all stages of the season.
-VAC status will now end properly if a player with it is claimed on waivers by a team whose season is started.
-The contract generation for players during historical setup will now give fewer players entry-level contracts (should only be the youngest ones now.)
-The "big game" news can now describe tie games properly, so a good player result in a tie won't be referred to in the text as e.g. a "2-2 loss."
-Corrected conditions for completing Blues historical challenge.
-Winning the Kings challenge will no longer give the user the Panthers in-game (i.e., non-Steam) achievement
-True Franchise Manager achievement (10 years with one team) conditions fixed for some non-NHL leagues
-Some players in Ivan Hlinka Cup will no longer start with 1% fitness.
-Fixed problem with storyline conditions that require a losing streak not triggering properly.
-Various minor text and UI fixes.