- 玩家伤害:玩家造成的伤害。
- 对手伤害:对手所造成的伤害。
- 耐力成本:修改你的行动的耐力成本。
- 增加了FXAA T2x和SMAA T2x抗锯齿技术
- 改善Angrim的日常行为,当他应该与Zerwas小谈。 (只有在Zerwas还没有和第三个狂战士交谈的时候才有效)
- 关于神职人员研究论文的地图目标现在将被正确更新,如果玩家有任务获得他们的爪子。
- 修正了一些杜拉斯问题的目标
- 修正了Eva和一封信的错误
- 修正了与康纳在招募神职人员方面的不合逻辑的对话,就Connor的招募而言,Connor和Xander的固定地图目标
- 修正了玩家可以卡在与卡尔对话(只有新游戏)
- 贡德尔的钥匙现在可以在他的尸体附近找到
- 如果玩家决定杀死古斯塔夫,猎人的任务之一现在应该更加适当
- 修正了巴尔德试图成为神职人员的地图目标
- 修正了几个日常的常规问题
- 如果玩家说服他为神职人员工作,Galar的任务之一现在应该关闭
- Ryan现在应该有一个适当的交易清单
- 玩家可以得到白衣指挥官的盔甲。根据玩家的行动,他现在甚至可以得到Alb Elexetor Armor。
- 关于你以前的行动(Jax帮助Trevor或Lucky Sam),Mad Bob的第二个Scrap Delivery Quest将会正常工作,所有相关的NPC都应该触发正确的对话选项。
- 修正了玩家无法给Chloe一些狂战士的Elexit包裹的错误。
- 如果玩家使用建议的权力来接手Kral拥有的被盗Elex套餐,他现在就可以这样做了。如果玩家已经与Kral建议对话,他现在只需要向Caldrim报告,任务情况就会正常。
- 修正了关于Thorgal和Emmet农场的一些对话问题
- 如果你为Jora扒下他的金属部件,Korin现在可以正常工作。
- 与死信箱的对话使得现在清楚玩家如果事先掠夺Logan的胸部,就需要做些什么
- Hakon现在用适当的剑来奖励玩家
- 修正了Cormag派出的玩家帮助Born的问题。如果博恩死了,他现在可以告诉科马格,博恩已经死了,任务线将按预期进行。
- 修正了Snake有一个不合逻辑的对话选项的问题
- 修正了辛迪在某些情况下可能遇到的一些不合逻辑的对话
- Balder的任务之一现在应该有一个适当的任务目标,如果玩家报告回Balder正确关闭。此外,如果玩家加入了神职人员,他现在是一名交易者(如果玩家已经是神职人员,则必须与Balder交谈两次,以使其交易信息出现)。
- 删除了Ethan对船员的忠诚
- 如果阿洛伊斯必须偿还犯下的罪行,现在应该从玩家那里拿钱。
- 如果玩家要求,Walter现在应该交出一些碎片
- 修正了奥兰之后的不合逻辑的对话,玩家贿赂他再与其中一个部落交易
- 在某些情况下,Elexit的Shorty调整量
- 如果Bertram没有活着,则为Rijka删除不合逻辑的对话选项
- 根据玩家的行为,修正了关于Irdor奖励的对话问题
- 维托现在应该在正确的时间触发关于盗贼行会的某些信息
- 如果玩家交付了所有的食物,则显示玛莎的任务目标现在将被正确移除
- 修正了阿洛伊斯涉及佩奇的任务地图
- 如果玩家给他足够的修士的面包,对于Irdor的食物问题的追求现在将被关闭
- 修正了Caleb任务之一缺失的任务目标
- 修正了一些涉及Caldrim和Kral的地图目标
- 修正了Jorg,Caleb和Fenk的任务和地图目标
- 修正了Ray应该攻击Walter的情况
- 修正了Logan关于Ulrich和Konrad的对话
- 短小现在有一个贸易库存
- 增加了中文语言包
- 提高了胸部锁定机会
- 天气和照明改善
- 增加了失踪的小白色插座宝石
- 一些NPC装备了错误的武器,现在他们有了一个合适的武器
- 阿尔瓦和她的巨魔现在将以正确的行为作出反应
- 双手武器和重武器现在需要2级的折磨才能拆除它们
- 你需要使用Lvl 2的建造弹药来为重型武器建造弹药
- 修正了玩家拥有无尽的喷气背包能量的错误
- 修正了玩家拥有一件能够给予他奖励技能的装备物品时扒手技能的问题
- 修正了生物和NPC掉落地面时的一些问题
- 太阳镜不再有盔甲了
- 修复了能量再生的一个错误
- Crony在昏迷后重新生成HP
- 插座物品现在附加到盾牌上时会获得奖励
- 使用stims的XP malus正在工作
- 修正了战利品屏幕被玩家身体隐藏的问题
- 下降时,玩家正确地使用他的下降动画
- 死亡的生物不再有碰撞
- 对话期间,女性身体部位现在正常运行
- 修正了HUD中没有显示武器模式的错误
- 调整了一些战利品
- 现在可以保存双击时关闭逃生卷的选项
- 修正了一些图标问题
- 纯净法力现在也可以恢复法力值(仅用于狂战士)
- 修正了绘制时没有弹药数量的远程武器的一些问题
- 所有药水都可以在快速插槽中使用
- 硫磺现在将显示在玩家的盘点屏幕上
- 修正了一些食谱
- “有武器能力的人”现在有一个冷却时间
- 有些武器在第四击时没有造成伤害,现在他们会这样做
- 如果玩家很远,生物立即停止追赶玩家
- 修正了通过交易来利用Elexit的一些问题。
- 改进了一些怪物的战斗行为
- 火焰喷射器现在有一个冷却时间和半径减小
- 许多网格和纹理的返工和改进
- 红锈生锈的金属板的LOD范围已被纠正。当盘子靠近时,盘子正在使用正确的LOD,不再是平的
- 生锈的电塔之一的碰撞网格更准确。玩家不再落在某些水平横梁上
New Difficulty Settings:
- Player Damage: damage dealt by the player.
- Opponent Damage: damage dealt by your Opponents.
- Stamina cost: modifies the stamina cost for your actions.
- Added FXAA T2x and SMAA T2x anti-aliasing techniques
- Improved Angrim抯 routine behavior, when he should have a small-talk with Zerwas. (Works only if Zerwas hasn't already talked to the third Berserker)
- The map targets regarding the research papers of the Clerics will now be updated correctly if the player has the task to obtain them for the Claws.
- Fixed some Duras ques targets
- Fixed a bug with Eva and a letter
- Fixed illogical dialogue with Connor regarding his recruitment for the Clerics, fixed map targets for Connor and Xander in terms of Connor抯 recruitment
- Fixed issue where player can get stuck in a dialogue with Karl (only new game)
- Gondar抯 key can now be found near his corpse
- One of Hunter抯 Quests should now closer properly if the player decides to kill Gustav
- Fixed map targets involving Balder trying to become a Legate of the Clerics
- Fixed several daily routine issues
- One of Galar抯 quest should now close properly if the player convinces him to work for the Clerics
- Ryan should have now a proper trading inventory
- Player can get the Alb Commander armor. Depending on the players actions he can even get the Alb Elexetor Armor now.
- Regarding your actions before (Jax helps Trevor or Lucky Sam), Mad Bob抯 second Scrap Delivery Quest will work now properly and all involved NPCs should trigger the right dialog options.
- Fixed a bug where the player was unable to give Chloe the Elexit bags of some Berserkers.
- If the player used the power of Suggestion to get hand on the stolen Elex packages Kral has in his possession, he will now do so. If the player already had the Suggestion dialogue with Kral he now only has to report back to Caldrim and the quest situation will behave normal.
- Fixed some dialogue issues regarding Thorgal and Emmet's farm
- Korin will now behave normally if you pickpocket metal parts from him for Jora.
- The dialogue with the dead letter box makes now clear what the player needs to do if he looted Logan抯 chest in beforehand
- Hakon now rewards the player with a proper sword
- Fixed an issue where the player was sent by Cormag to help Born. If Born is dead, he will now be able to tell Cormag that Born is dead and the questline will proceed as intended.
- Fixed an issue where Snake had an illogical dialog option
- Fixed some illogical dialogs Cindy might have had in certain cases
- One of Balder抯 quests should now have a proper quest target and close properly if the player reports back to Balder. Furthermore, he is now a trader if the player joined the Clerics (if the player was already a Cleric you have to talk twice to Balder to make his trading info appear).
- Removed Ethan抯 loyalty exploit for crew members
- Alois should now take money from the player if he has to pay up for a committed crime.
- Walter should now hand over some shards if the player asks for it
- Fixed illogical dialogue for Oran after player bribes him to trade again with one of the Clans
- Adjusted amount of Elexit for Shorty in certain cases
- Removed illogical dialogue option for Rijka in case Bertram is not alive anymore
- Fixed a dialogue issue regarding Irdor抯 reward depending on the player抯 actions
- Vito should now trigger a certain info about the thieves guild at the right time
- A quest target showing Martha will now be removed correctly if the player delivered all the food
- Ragnar抯 quest should now succeed correctly if the player told him that all warlords gave him their approval for redemption. If this situation lies in the past, just talk to Ragnar again until he has nothing to say anymore and the quest should succeed itself
- Fixed a map target regarding Alois抯 quest involving Paige
- A quest regarding Irdor抯 food problem will now be closed if the player hands him enough Cultivator's bread loaves
- Fixed missing quest targets for one of Caleb抯 quests
- Fixed some map targets involving Caldrim and Kral
- Fixed a quest and map targets involving Jorg, Caleb, and Fenk
- Fixed a situation where Ray should attack Walter
- Fixed a dialog with Logan about Ulrich and Konrad
- Shorty now has a trade inventory
- Added Chinese language package
- Improved breaking chance of lockpicks for chests
- Weather and lighting improvements
- Added missing small white socket stones
- Some NPCs had wrong weapons equipped, now they have a proper one
- Arva and her Troll will now react in a correct behavior
- 2-handed weapons and heavy weapons now need the perk Level of 2 to dismantle them
- You need the Build Ammo perk on Lvl 2 to build ammo for heavy weapons
- Fixed a bug where the player has endless jetpack energy
- Fixed an issue with the Pickpocket skill when the player has an equipped item that gives him a bonus skill
- Fixed some issues when creatures and NPCs fell through the ground
- Sunglasses don't give armor bonus anymore
- Fixed a bug with energy regeneration
- Crony regenerates HPs now after he got unconscious
- Socket Items now give a bonus when attached to a shield
- The XP malus for using stims is working now
- The perk Good Eater now doubles the effect of food, it was tripled before
- Fixed an issue where the loot screen was hidden by the body of the player
- When falling the player uses his fall animation correctly
- Dead ambient creatures don't have collision anymore
- Female body parts now behave correctly during dialogs
- Fixed a bug in which weapon modes were not shown in the HUD
- Adjusted some loot
- Option for deactivating the evade roll on double-click is saved now
- Fixed some icon issues
- Pure mana also regenerates mana now (only for Berserkers)
- Fixed some issues with ranged weapons not having an ammo count when drawn
- All potion can be used in quick slots
- Sulfur will now be shown in the inventory screen of the player
- Fixed some recipes
- The perk "One with the Weapon Ability" now has a cooldown
- Some weapons didn't deal damage with the 4th hit, they'll do now so
- Creatures stop chasing the player now if the player is far away
- Fixed some issue with exploiting Elexit by trading.
- Improved combat behavior for some monsters
- Flamethrower single shots now have a cooldown and a decreased radius
- Many mesh and texture reworks and improvements
- LOD range of red rusty metal plates has been corrected. The plates are now using the correct LOD when close by and are no longer flat
- The collision mesh of one of the rusted electrical towers is more accurate. The player no longer falls through some of the horizontal beams
by BAT
旋转轮胎:泥泞奔驰 v20181227升级档+免DVD补丁CODEX版
合金装备5:幻痛 v1.15升级档+免DVD补丁CODEX版
世界汽车拉力锦标赛7 v1.4升级档+免DVD补丁CODEX版
方舟:生存进化 v298.3升级档+免DVD补丁CODEX版
NBA 2K19 v1.07升级档+免DVD补丁CODEX版