
银河战星:僵局 v1.0.20升级档+DLC+免DVD补丁CODEX版

银河战星:僵局 v1.0.20升级档+DLC+免DVD补丁CODEX版






Battlestar Galactica Deadlock: Reinforcement Pack






- 专注于火力和反应能力的突击载体,Berzerk是殖民地舰队的快速和有效的力量倍增器。


- Janus是一艘具有高弹药容量的旧Gemenon重型巡洋舰

- 火卫一是一艘大型的赛隆科技船,当一个基地之星不动不前是一个负责任的移动指挥中心。


- Cerastes是对空间优势战斗机设计永无止境的升级的新的回应。




- 殖民地邻近地雷。设置这些,当一艘敌舰关闭时,这个地雷就会引爆。

- 殖民地EMP地雷。这些地雷会造成子系统伤害,而不是护甲/船体的伤害。

- Cylon归属群矿。


所有地雷都可以在冲突(单人)和多人游戏中使用。在竞选模式下,殖民地邻近地雷立即可用; EMP地雷可以在活动期间解锁。



- 增加了Cylon舰队与DLC船(几乎是大多数层次的两倍)
- 当DLC未启用时,将DLC存储(包含DLC出货的保存)设置为在负载游戏面板中不可互动。
- 当装载DLC弹药(但没有DLC船只)的中间战斗救援时,当DLC未启用时,弹药现在与引导的弹药交换(而不是摆脱整个船只)。
- 更新了DLC蓝图描述。





- 紧急跳转


- 战略顾问


- 小冲突 - 殖民地舰队

- 冲突 - 目标


- 中队组


- 减少大多数船舶的蓝图成本
- 如果殖民地的条款被禁用,那么只能在故事任务简报中表明这一点:“殖民地舰队必须恢复十二个殖民地的联盟”。
- 所有地雷的部署高度范围加倍
- 当使用肩膀按钮选择船只(在游戏手柄上)时,使用船只选择器UI中的船只顺序作为参考。顺序是从左到右,从上到下。
- 增援舰队单位减少
- 增援事件的机会减少50%
- 升级增长50%,等待时间减少30%,以便在战斗中更早发生强化事件
- 改进使用游戏手柄的目标选择
- 使命8中的航路点移动,以便在目标解决之前,MkIIs不能到达它们
- 在回合开始时刷新所有3D面板(包括智能屏幕)
- 每当出现一个新的任务标记时,刷新智能屏幕
- 在战争室模拟和战斗排队阶段显示Tylium
- 在FTL注入面板中消除了供应成本后显示的Tylium数量
- 从1050到1100增加Phobos FPV
- 在大多数Cylon船只上增加了俯仰和偏航子系统的最小控制,减少了这些数据的有效上限,以防止“潜水”速度
- 增加赛隆点防御ROF的范围和目标跟踪角度
- 降低鹰爪点和最大间距
- 增加残余最大间距
- 调整教程,以适应新的智能屏幕
- 将经济按钮更名为智能
- 从第12章中的一个运输工具(太接近产卵垫)
- 如果在战斗中获胜,则在战斗小组出现时自动保存(仅在战役中)。如果视频采集系统出现故障,这样可以更方便地恢复运行

- 如果RecorderAgent中存储少于2轮,则隐藏“查看重放”按钮
- 殖民鱼雷的供应成本增加
- 公用事业中队的供应成本下降
- 没有加入房间时,完全关闭公共大堂面板
- 降低阿拉希宽边装甲
- 降低阿拉善最大速度
- 制造战斗机中队AI,以及赛隆和殖民地战斗机AI大脑有50%的机会攻击船舶发射的高射炮
- 将爪背武器改为轻背
- 坚持最大海拔降低
- 牛头怪最高海拔增加
- 赛隆船级别2和3最大沥青下降
- Revenant和克星导航子系统调整
- 修改显示船舶信息面板中的值,当介于0和1之间时,向上取整(不显示零),否则向下取整(所以最大值仅显示为100%)
- 移动在黑暗星云小冲突4地图的太阳
- 交换战斗星火力控制和军械库子系统的位置
- 增加太空堡垒炮兵伤害
- 提高赛隆重型枪的准确性
- 改善锡兰重火枪率
- 提高了火焰残留率
- 增加了大部分资源代表队的Tylium和RP产量
- 减少资源任务生成之间的延迟
- 从CylonFleetComposer中的0级移除了3750FV的车队,以防止这个车队出现在简易模式
- 当使用游戏手柄时,按下左键不再选择最近的船只(只能使用Button0),以避免与使用左手杆的重放控制相冲突以启用Autocam
- 使用游戏手柄时,使用肩膀按钮选择船只时,将船只选择器UI中的船只顺序作为参考。顺序是从左到右,从上到下。
- 使命8中的航路点移动,以便在目标解决之前,MkIIs不能到达它们
- 增加检查以确保目标资产与简历中的目标相关联。这包括故事任务11(维尔根站),12(卡普里卡终端)和14(阿瓦隆)
- 在冲突2(边境)标准化的生成点高度
- 按“开始”/“菜单”按钮将暂停游戏板上的模拟。
- 模拟暂停时,屏幕底部显示“已暂停”文本
- 使用游戏手柄时,FTL插入的各种改进
- 船舶操作菜单更改和游戏手柄操作菜单快捷键更一致定位



- 修正:介绍视频完成时潜在的崩溃
- 修正:作出Daidalos不算在船队的船舶限制
- 更正了错误:[多人]船只在多人游戏中没有使用偏航
- 更正了BUG:在完成漫游或资源任务战,或者重新加载保存之后,故事任务再次变得可见。然后在下一回合中回到隐形状态。故事任务应该在战争室初始化期间更新。
- 修正:对Nemesis爆炸定位和模型交换时间的调整
- 更正了错误:SIGINT建议屏幕在加载游戏时显示不正确的tylium和趋势数据
- 更正了错误:船舶毁坏后,碰撞区域不会关闭
- 修正错误:船舶正在被识别,被销毁后再次出现
- 修正了Bug:运输装甲显示
- 修正了Bug:如果目标移动得太快,重型攻略就不会登上
- 更正了BUG:SIGINT显示Avalon资源使命
- 更正了错误:AI Cylons有时不会移动
- 更正了Bug:War Room相机在离开Build船舶,经济舱,BP或官员菜单之后旋转怪异
- 更正了Bug:选择多个行星时选择一个跳转位置
- 更正了错误:船舶信息面板不会立即使用导弹击中船体点
- 修正了Bug:敌人和玩家的选择不一致
- 更正了错误:当船舶受损时,工具提示不会更新
- 更正了Bug:Autocam在FTL中查看错误的目标
- 更正了Bug:在介绍步行动画过程中点击行星,导致相机景深切换到行星视图模式
- 更正了错误:选择插槽时,后退按钮提示不可见
- 修正了Bug:故事5:爪正在移动
- 更正了错误:AI中队瞄准停靠的猛禽中队
- [BUGFIX]将MkII中队的最大船数从10改为8,所以供应成本计算正确
- 更正了错误信息:Daidalos船队超过了船长限制
- 修正了Bug:Warroom:舰队模型基地是浮动的
- 更正了错误:任务汇报屏幕中的UI元素不居中
- 更正了从选项面板离开多人游戏时的空引用异常
- 修正:固定的问题修理赛隆船舶不会结束时,子系统进程已经调整
- 修正:在任务12中,卡拉狄加不再在改变方面给自己的命令
- 修正了[BUG]矿山部署高度是根据平面高度而不是单位高度
- 修正了Bug:运输装甲显示
- 修正了Bug:如果目标移动得太快,重型攻略就不会登上
- 更正了BUG:SIGINT显示Avalon资源使命
- 更正了Bug:War Room相机在离开Build船舶,经济舱,BP或官员菜单之后旋转怪异
- 更正了Bug:选择多个行星时选择一个跳转位置
- 更正了错误:船舶信息面板不会立即使用导弹击中船体点
- 修正了Bug:敌人和玩家的选择不一致
- 更正了错误:当船舶受损时,工具提示不会更新
- 更正了Bug:Autocam在FTL中查看错误的目标
- 更正了Bug:在介绍步行动画过程中点击行星,导致相机景深切换到行星视图模式
- 更正了错误:选择插槽时,后退按钮提示不可见
- 修正了Bug:故事5:爪正在移动
- 更正了错误:AI中队瞄准停靠的猛禽中队
- [BUGFIX]将MkII中队的最大船数从10改为8,所以供应成本计算正确
- 更正了错误信息:Daidalos船队超过了船长限制
- 修正了Bug:Warroom:舰队模型基地是浮动的
- 更正了错误:任务汇报屏幕中的UI元素不居中
- 更正了从选项面板离开多人游戏时的空引用异常
- 修正:固定的问题修理赛隆船舶不会结束时,子系统进程已经调整
- 修正:在任务12中,卡拉狄加不再在改变方面给自己的命令
- 修正了[BUG]矿山部署高度是根据平面高度而不是单位高度
- 修正了Bug:运输装甲显示
- 修正了Bug:如果目标移动得太快,重型攻略就不会登上
- 更正了BUG:SIGINT显示Avalon资源使命
- 更正了Bug:War Room相机在离开Build船舶,经济舱,BP或官员菜单之后旋转怪异
- 更正了错误:SIGINT建议屏幕在加载时显示不正确的tylium和趋势数据
- 更正了错误:船舶毁坏后,碰撞区域不会关闭
- 修正错误:船舶正在被识别,被销毁后再次出现
- 修正了BUG:炮塔火力不会伤害Caprica码头
- 修正了故事任务12和14在第一回合将卡普里卡终端和阿瓦隆交给锡兰派的错误
- 更正了错误:第12章排序错误
- 更正了错误:卡拉狄加在加载战斗中保存的故事任务14时有5个插槽
- 更正了BUG:故事任务8的客观资产列表为null,当basestar可见时重新加载保存
- 更正了Bug:从保存的游戏中恢复时冻结
- 修正了操作菜单通知窗口与炮塔按钮重叠的问题
- 修正了中队的行动菜单按钮位置
- 更正了Bug:[GAMEPAD]焦点火焰快捷键在随后的回合中不显示为“取消目标”
- 修正了Bug:[GAMEPAD]当没有足够的舰队存在时,可以尝试分配一名军官


Update v1.0.20:


The following new ships are available when the Reinforcements Pack DLC is installed:

Colonial "Berserk" Assault Carrier

- An assault carrier that focuses on firepower and reactiveness, the Berzerk is a fast and effective force multiplier for Colonial Fleet.

Colonial "Janus" Heavy Cruiser

- Janus is an old Gemenon heavy cruiser with high munitions capacity

Cylon "Phobos" Tech Cruiser
- The Phobos is a large Cylon tech ship that acts as a mobile command centre when a basestar’s immobility would be a liability.

Cylon "Cerastes" Destroyer

- The Cerastes is a new response to the never-ending escalation of space superiority fighter design.

All ships are available in Skirmish (single player) and Multiplayer. In campaign mode, Berserk is available immediately; Janis ships can be unlocked during the campaign.


The following new munitions are available when the Reinforcements Pack DLC is installed:

- Colonial Proximity Mines. Set these up and when an enemy ship gets to close, the mine detonates.

- Colonial EMP Mines. These mines do subsystem damage, instead of armour/hull damage.

- Cylon Homing Cluster Mines.

Mines can be disarmed by fighters.

All mines are available in Skirmish (single player) and Multiplayer. In campaign mode, Colonial Proximity mines are available immediately; EMP mines can be unlocked during the campaign.



- Added Cylon Fleets with DLC ships (almost double the amount in most tiers)
- Set DLC saves (saves containing DLC ships) as non interactable in the load game panel when DLC is not enabled.
- When loading a mid-battle save with DLC munitions (but no DLC ships), the munitions are now swapped with guided munitions (instead of getting rid of the entire ship) when DLC is not enabled.
- Updated DLC blueprint descriptions.


Changes to Base Game


The changes and fixes below are available in the base game, regardless of whether the Reinforcement Pack DLC is installed or not.

- Emergency Jump

> It's possible to do an emergency jump from inside a battle for a Skirmish or Resource mission. There is a Tylium cost.

- Strategic Advisor

> Completely changed the layout of the Economy Panel to become the strategic advisor panel. This includes a quorum status, colonial fleet priority, COMINT Advisory and Daidalos Bonus section.

- Skirmish - Colonial Fleets
> Player created Colonial fleets can be used by the AI in a skirmish battle

- Skirmish - Objectives

> Added several new objectives to Skirmish battles, Defend Civilians and Destroy Facility

- Squadron Groups 

> New system to group fighter squadrons together. Orders given to a single squadron are applied to all squadrons in the group. Assign/de-assign from the Action menu.

- Decreased blueprint costs for most ships
- Only showed this as the title in the story mission briefing if the articles of colonization were disabled: "Colonial Fleet must reinstate the alliance of the Twelve Colonies."
- Deployment height range doubled for all mines
- Used the order of ships in the ship selector UI as a reference when using the shoulder buttons to select ships (on gamepad). The order was left to right, top to bottom.
- Decreased number of units in reinforcement fleets
- Decreased chances of reinforcement event by 50%
- Increased escalation growth by 50% and decreased wait time by 30% so that reinforcement events occur earlier in battle
- Improvement to target selection using gamepad
> Allowed camera movement when selecting a target
> Allowed selecting other targets with the gamepad reticule when moving the camera around. The confirm target prompt only appears if the reticule is over the currently selected ship.
> Disabled joystick UI selection while selecting a hack target (left stick used for camera movement, d-pad used for subsystem selection)
- Waypoint in Mission 8 moved so that MkIIs can't reach them before the objective resolves
- Refreshed all 3D panels at the start of a turn (including the intelligence screen)
- Refreshed the intelligence screen whenever a new mission marker appeared
- Displayed Tylium while in the war room simulation and battle queue phase
- Displayed Tylium amount after supply costs were removed in the FTL injection panel
- Increased Phobos FPV from 1050 to 1100
- Increased minimum of Pitch and Yaw subsystem controls on most Cylon ships, decreasing the effective ceiling of these stats to prevent "dive" speed
- Increased Cylon Point Defence ROF range and target tracking angles
- Decreased Talon Hull Points and Max Pitch
- Increased Revenant Max Pitch
- Adjusted tutorials to fit around new Intelligence screen
- Renamed Economy button to Intelligence
- Removed prox detonation from one of transports in Chapter 12 (too close to spawn pad)
- Auto-save during a battle if it was won, when the post battle panel appears (only during the campaign). This allows for more convenient campaign resume if the video capture system fails
- Hid the View Replay button if less than 2 rounds were stored in the RecorderAgent
- Increased supply cost of Colonial Torpedoes
- Decreased supply cost of Utility squadrons
- Closed the public lobby panel completely when failing to join a room
- Decreased Arachne broadside armour
- Decreased Arachne Max Velocity
- Made Fighter Squadron AI, as well as Cylon and Colonial fighter AI brains have a 50% less chance of attacking a ship firing flak
- Changed Talon dorsal weapons to Light Dorsal
- Adamant max elevation reduced
- Minotaur max elevation increased
- Cylon ships size class 2 and 3 max pitch decreased
- Revenant and Nemesis Navigation subsystem tweaks
- Alteration to display of values in ship info panel, when between 0 and 1, round up (so zero is not displayed), otherwise round down (so max value is only displayed at 100%)
- Moved the sun in Dark Nebula skirmish4 map
- Swapped positions of battlestar Fire Control and Armory subsystems
- Increased Battlestar Artillery damage
- Increased accuracy of Cylon Heavy gun
- Improved Cylon Heavy gun rate of fire
- Improved Revenant broadside rate of fire
- Increased Tylium and RP yield of most Resource Missions
- Decreased delay between generation of Resource Missions
- Removed 3750FV fleet from Tier 0 in CylonFleetComposer, to prevent this fleet appearing in Easy mode
- When using a gamepad, pressing Left Stick no longer selects the nearest ship (only Button0 can be used) to avoid conflict with Replay Controls using Left Stick to enable Autocam
- When using a gamepad, used the order of ships in the ship selector UI as a reference when using the shoulder buttons to select ships. The order was left to right, top to bottom.
- Waypoint in Mission 8 moved so that MkIIs can't reach them before the objective resolves
- Added checks to make sure target assets were linked to objectives on resume. This included story mission 11 (Virgon Station), 12 (Caprica Terminal) and 14 (Avalon)
- Standardised spawn point heights in skirmish2 (Frontier)
- Pressing 'Start'/'Menu' button will now pause the simulation on gamepad.
- 'Paused' text appears at the bottom of the screen while the simulation is paused
- Various improvements to FTL Insertion when using a gamepad
- Ship action menu changes and gamepad action menu shortcuts are more consistently positioned



- FIX: Potential crash when the intro video is finished
- FIX: Made Daidalos not count toward the ship limit of a fleet
- Fixed Bug: [Multiplayer] Ships are not using Yaw in multiplayer
- Fixed BUG: The story mission becomes visible again after doing a roaming or resource mission battle, or when reloading a save. It then goes back to invisible during the next turn. The story mission should update itself during the war room initialisation.
- FIX: Adjustments to Nemesis explosions positioning and model swap timing
- Fixed Bug: SIGINT advisory screen displays incorrect tylium and trend data on loading game
- Fixed Bug: Collision zones do not get turned off after a ship is destroyed
- Fixed Bug: Ships are being identified and are appearing again after being destroyed
- Fixed Bug: Transport armour display
- Fixed Bug: Heavy Raiders won't board if target is moving too fast
- Fixed Bug: SIGINT displaying Resource Mission on Avalon
- Fixed Bug: AI Cylons sometimes don't move
- Fixed Bug: War Room Camera rotates weirdly after exiting Build ships, economy, BP, or Officer Menus
- Fixed Bug: Multiple planets selected when selecting a jump location
- Fixed Bug: Ship Info panel does not update hull points immediately when the ship is hit with a missile
- Fixed Bug: Enemy and player ship selection is inconsistent
- Fixed Bug: Tooltips don't update when a ship takes damage
- Fixed Bug: Autocam looks at the wrong target during an FTL in
- Fixed Bug: Clicking a planet during the intro walk animation causes the camera depth of field to switch to planet view mode
- Fixed Bug: Back button prompt not visible when selecting a slot
- Fixed Bug: Story Mission 5: Talons are moving
- Fixed Bug: AI Squadrons are targeting docked raptor squadrons
- [BUGFIX] Changed max ship count of MkII squadrons from 10 to 8, so supply costs are calculated correctly
- Fixed Bug: Incorrect error message when Daidalos fleet goes over point cap
- Fixed Bug: Warroom: Fleet model bases are floating
- Fixed Bug: UI elements in Mission Debriefing screen are not centred
- Fixed Bug: Null reference exception when leaving a multiplayer game from the options panel
- FIX: Fixed issue with repairs on Cylon ships not ending when the sub-system processes had been adjusted
- FIX: In Mission 12, Galactica is no longer giving itself commands when it changes side
- Fixed [BUG] Mine deployment height is based on plane height instead of unit's height
- Fixed Bug: Transport armour display
- Fixed Bug: Heavy Raiders won't board if target is moving too fast
- Fixed Bug: SIGINT displaying Resource Mission on Avalon
- Fixed Bug: War Room Camera rotates weirdly after exiting Build ships, economy, BP, or Officer Menus
- Fixed Bug: SIGINT advisory screen displays incorrect tylium and trend data on loading
- Fixed Bug: Collision zones do not get turned off after a ship is destroyed
- Fixed Bug: Ships are being identified and are appearing again after being destroyed
- Fixed BUG: turret fire does not damage Caprica Terminal
- Fixed bug where story mission 12 and 14 set Caprica Terminal and Avalon to the Cylon faction on turn 1
- Fixed Bug: Chapter 12 sequencing bug
- Fixed Bug: Galactica has 5 slots when loading a mid-battle save in story mission 14
- Fixed Bug: Story mission 8's objective asset list is null when reloading a save while the basestar is visible
- Fixed Bug: Freeze when resuming from a saved game
- Fixed issue where the action menu notification window was overlapping the turrets button
- Fixed action menu button positions for squadrons
- Fixed Bug: [GAMEPAD] Focus Fire shortcut does not display as "Cancel Target" in subsequent turns
- Fixed Bug: [GAMEPAD] Can attempt to assign an officer when not enough fleets exist

by codex



















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银河战星:僵局Battlestar Galactica Deadlock
制作公司:Black Lab Games
发行公司:Slitherine Ltd.




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