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+ + +本地化
* KSPedia本地化文本和图形更新。
*为Ubuntu Linux修复Lingoona库。
*在SPH / VAB中修复自定义类别筛选,并本地化了一些缺失的文本。
*将语法固定到Mun P2教程中。
+ + +增强
+ + + Bug修复
*固定UT / MET显示在飞行中。
*在VAB / SPH的Sentinel望远镜图标上安装标志。
* Jetpack翻译不再受伊娃·克尔巴尔的爪子打开和被拖拽的影响。
* Kerbals不能从内部的整流罩内(但可以通过舞台间的整流罩)来避免爆炸的船只。
*当梯子被收回时,修复了EVA kerbals的抓取交互。
*在手工缩略图创建上修复NREs -添加文件名消毒。
*在VAB / SPH中,修复部分突出部分的轻动画。
*在VAB / SPH中,修复部分突出显示新的和掉落的部分。
*除去与EVA Kerbals建立机动节点的能力。
================= v1.3.1 ====================
+++ Localization
* Localization Texts updated.
* KSPedia Localization texts and graphics updated.
* Fix KerbNet localization strings.
* Fix Number and time displays for localization.
* Fix Lingoona library for Ubuntu Linux.
* Localization Performance improvements.
* Fix localization of Tutorials and Scenarios.
* Fix localization of planet names in Science Reports.
* Resource names on Mining contracts localized.
* Removed lingoona Gender tags on Biome filters in RnD archives screen.
* Texture update opening scene for Chinese.
* Fix Profanity filter for Kerbal Names in Russian.
* Fix Custom Category filters in SPH/VAB and localized some missing texts.
* Fix tooltip for custom Category filters.
* Fix incorrect text on engineer report for Antenna check.
* Fix RnD archive biome filter for mini biomes showing lingoona gender tags.
* Fix failed file deletion message when overwriting saves.
* Fix grammar To the Mun P2 Tutorial for English.
* Fix keyboard layouts overwriting EVA Light key from ‘U’ to ‘L’. Now U in all cases and G for Dvorak.
* Fix key binding display on settings input dialog.
* Fix locked facility dialog headings.
* Fix format of MET display all languages.
* Fix Flag naming dialog text positioning.
* Add noun gender indicators to resource names in Russian.
* Add localization for shielded parts PAWs in stock saves.
* Fix Keyboard layout confirmation dialog to show correct punctuation keys when binding. A reset may be required for exisiting custom layouts.
* Fix labels on settings menu for languages to fit.
* Fix use of Lastly (all languages) for contract parameters.
* Fix Engineers Report text alignment all languages.
* Log Celestial Body periods in English in the game logs.
* Fix punctuation position on Japanese and Chinese fonts.
+++ Enhancements
* Default setting for NavBall in Mapmode (default is not to autohide).
* Default throttle setting to 0%.
* Add ability to tweak endpoints of symmetry struts and fuel lines.
* Improvements to symmetry tweaking in the editor scenes.
* Add game clock to all KSC Facility Menus.
* Game clock in all screens now shows the time in Gray when time is paused.
* Add action groups for wheel motors and wheel steering.
* Add the shadow fade fix from KSC scene to the editor scenes.
* Change the near clipping pane on game camera so it doesn’t clip when zoomed in as much.
* Add ‘Control from here’ to External Seat.
* Add action group for ‘Control from here’ to ModuleCommand and ModuleDockingNode, External Seat and Grapple.
* Exclude wheels from part recovery contracts as some are too hard to grapple.
+++ Bug fixes
* Fix the deploy/retract actions not showing for drills on custom action groups.
* Fix UT/MET display in flight.
* Fix control command persistence when changing to map view.
* Fix delta time Part Thermal Flux calculations.
* Timewarp indicator in all screens now shows no green arrows when time is paused.
* Fix MK3 size 2 adapter collider.
* Fix issue with compound parts inside fairings causing launched vessels to explode.
* Change Settings UI text alignments to be centered.
* Fix texture on VAB level 3 floor near the outer door.
* FIx the tweakable end of compound parts not getting mirrored when moved.
* Fix an incorrect text when a station contract gets completed.
* Fix the toggles in the UI at the Main Menu stretching as much as they could.
* Fix Flag on Sentinel Telescope Icon in VAB/SPH.
* Fix Sun (stepping) movement in Flight whilst retaining sun shadows fix.
* Fix opacity issue in editor scenes for unconnected parts.
* Jetpack translation is no longer affected when an EVA Kerbal’s PAW is open and being dragged.
* Kerbals can no longer EVA from inside fairings (but can from interstage fairings) to avoid exploding vessels.
* Fix quicksaveload dialog when enter is used in the filename input box.
* Fix Grab interaction msg for EVA kerbals when ladders are retracted.
* Fix NREs on craft thumbnail creation - added filename sanitizing.
* Fix Part highlighting in VAB/SPH interacting with Light Animations on parts.
* Fix destructible building on Tracking Station Level 2 dish.
* Fix Part highlighting for new and dropped parts in VAB/SPH.
* Replace TrackIR with new implementation.
* Fix Flight camera issues when active vessel crashes into the ground.
* Fix Destructible Building error messages in log.
* Disable Save on PauseMenu when active vessel is dead to avoid invalid save files.
* Shadow tweak on buildings in KSC scene.
* Fix issue with being able to add maneuver nodes to vessels without control.
* Remove ability to create maneuver nodes with EVA Kerbals.
* Fix an issue where an atmospheric resource harvester would not properly activate.
* Fix Loading Scene picture swapping feature.
* Fix Grass texture on level 3 RnD building.
* Fix MPL cleaning experiments screen messages.
* Fix Restart Warning text on main Settings Screen.
* Fix Cannot Deploy while stowed messages.
* Fix "Toggle Display" button on scientific devices.
* Fix floor decal alignment level 2 SPH.
* Fix Difficulty settings dialog height for all tabs.
* Fix icon visuals on Contracts App when pausing during flight.
* Fix empty craft name save expection in VAB/SPH.
* Fix Tour contract kerbal gender log messages.
* Fix RnD Archives Biome filtering.
* Fix rotate and offset on compount parts in VAB/SPH.
* Fix drill action groups.
* Fix drill disable and mining when lost ground contact.
* Improve vessel ground collision checks for landed vessels coming off rails (includes recovery contract parts that are landed).
* Reduce stutter when flying fast and low over a planet.
* Fix kerbal heading calculations - fixes swimming animation jitters.
* Fix Duna Rock allows kerbals to climb and plant flags (no more ragdoll).
* Turn on Goliath and Wheesley Exhaust damage.
* Fix fairing shader not set correctly and overlaying engine FX.
* Fix external command seat ejection.
* Fix PAW actions and events ordering on pinned PAWs.
* Fix NRE on Navball in IVA when doing scenarios and training.
* Fix black line low over terrain (unfortunately re-introduces green line low over ocean).
* Fix presence of .DS_Store file no longer marks save games as modded.
+++ Modding
* Restore CelestialBody.theName methods (marked as deprecated).
* Fix Part Filter category names capitalization for mods.
* Add property to CustomParameterUI to support Localization.
* ModuleDeployablePart now finds all animations.
* CelestialBody GetRelSurfacePosition now calling correct methods.

《Wallpaper Engine》新西兰星空动态壁纸[1440P]
《Wallpaper Engine》暗黑风初音未来动态壁纸[1080P]