- 船舶损坏段检修和可视化系统。
>在“船舶信息”面板上的鼠标悬停在段名称上,相应的段将在船上突出显示。 “维修”屏幕还突出显示细分。
- 增加了招聘人员重新命名的能力
- 改变战斗机AI逻辑,当选择目标偏向其他战斗机中队,特别是瞄准他们
- 增加了一个多人慢下来,没有飞行区,称为操作区,以减少悲伤:(
- Cylon舰队现在在比赛的每个阶段都有更大的车队变化,包括在中后期的较小的车队,因此经验不足的指挥官有更大的生存变化
- 如果在当前转弯期间(当未选择)时,使船舶投射出黄色的阴影,
- 制造中队稍微避开其他中队,所以他们不重叠,使战斗中更容易看到和选择战士
- 将“TAB”键添加为不可重新映射的独立按钮,以选择下一艘船(在战斗场景中)
- 在选择地图和车队点后,在多人游戏中添加了后退按钮/提示给练习前面板。这将隐藏多人选项卡按钮。 Esc键现在也将在前面板中返回。
- 在一些船舶上重新分配次要的子系统
- 战后屏幕调整:
- 为手机用户提供各种不同的UI改进:
- 在正确设置之前,防止记录的重播被取消
- 预防的问题,双击记录自动注册按钮导致开始记录被调用两次
- 重新构建使用游戏手柄的所有教程
- 现在输入确认导弹瞄准,集中火力,姿势,修理,黑客和赛纶系统过程。
- 修正错误:成就问题:
- 修正错误:4:3屏幕的屏幕分辨率问题(如果低于16:9宽高比,按宽度缩放,并在战争室中为3D UI移动相机以获得较低的宽高比)
- 修复错误:取消中队发射命令将删除母舰的所有发射中队命令图标
- FIX:禁用在MouseAndKeyboard模式下发送任何UI导航事件。
- 修复错误:在战场上的gamepad提示没有对俄罗斯人的支持
- 固定防火墙在猛禽被停靠时不起作用
- 修正了在提供移动指令后猛禽与目标停靠的错误(停靠的图标仍然存在,而猛禽中队飞走)
- 修复子系统强度在修复子系统面板中用于象限颜色的错误,而不是子系统健康
- FIX:Wardriver导弹Jammer现在寻找不在同一支球队的导弹,而不是寻找派系
- FIX:战后面板现在使用“WITH”文本而不是“VS”进行合作比赛
- 修复错误:在gamepad上的舰队索引小部件突出显示问题。
- 修正了在选择跳转位置之后,shipListIndexWidget短暂出现的错误。
- 修正了使用TutorialManager的Bug,即使教程仅设置为故事事件,游戏手柄按钮被禁用。
- 固定问题:Skirmish地图预览花费的时间太长
- 修正错误:启用D-pad功能菜单
- FIX:在中期战斗中制造了谷壳云
- 修复错误:战后的屏幕有时没有出现在一个合作的MP匹配后
- 修复错误:使用游戏手柄时,无法覆盖已保存的游戏或从选项菜单加载游戏
- 修正错误:放大到行星时,缺少德国“风味”文字
- FIX:修复了键盘和鼠标模式下出现游戏键的问题
- 修复了Bug:在外交官任务之后的战争空间异常
- 修复错误:当创建flak命令时,Flak停止
Update v1.0.9:
- Ship damage segment overhaul & visualisation system.
> Mouse over the segment name in the Ship Info panel and the corresponding segment will be highlighted on the ship. Segments are also highlighted in the Repairs screen.
> Damage calculations have been updated so that projectiles hitting a ship match the visualisation.
- Added ability to rename Officers, once recruited
- Changed fighter AI logic when selecting targets to bias towards other fighter squadrons, especially ones that are targeting them
- Added a multiplayer slow down and no fly zone, called the Operational Zone, to reduce griefing :(
> Updated "Refinery" and "Dark Nebula" to include more environmental elements to support the Operational Zone boundaries
- Cylon Fleets now have greater variation of fleets at every stage of the game, including smaller fleets during mid- & late-game so that inexperience commanders have a greater change of survival
- Made the ship projections a shade of yellow color if they are moved during the current turn (when not selected)
- Made squadrons slightly avoid other squadrons so they don't overlap, making it easier to see and select fighters during combat
- Added 'TAB' key as a non-remappable standalone only button to select the next ship (in the battle scene)
- Added a back button/prompt to the pre-practice panels in multiplayer after selecting the map and fleet points. This hides the multiplayer tab buttons. Esc key will now also go back when in the pre practice panels.
- Minor subsystem position reassignments across some ships
- Post battle screen adjustments:
> By default, the ship that did the most damage is selected in the post battle panel
> Added the opponent/ally in the post battle screen for multiplayer games
> Added a time and date to the bottom left for multiplayer games
> Added an Enemy Ships Destroyed stat
> Fixed Bug: Damage dealt isn't tracked if versing the same faction in multiplayer
- Various minor UI improvements for gamepad users:
> Added 'Y' for battle functions menu gamepad prompt to battle scene
> Added the subsystem being repaired to the repairing 3D label
> Made the subsystem health bar flash white in the ship info panel if it was being repaired
> Added a repair icon animation next to the ship info panel subsystem if it was being repaired (only on gamepad)
> The gamepad left stick direction is now used to select ship action menu buttons
> Added some acceleration to the Dpad when positioning a ship in the battle scene
- Prevented a recorded replay from being cancelled before it was setup properly
- Prevented issue whereby double-clicking the record autocam button resulted in start recording being called twice
- Refactored all tutorials when using a gamepad
- Pressing Enter now confirms missile targeting, focus fire, posture, repairing, hacking and cylon system processes.
- Fixed Bug: Achievement issues :
> Articles of Colonization (achievement not updating when resuming a save file)
> Fixed all progress achievements on steam not updating properly
- Fixed Bug: Screen resolution issue with 4:3 screens (scaled by width if below 16:9 aspect ratio, and shifted back camera for 3D UI in war room for lower aspect ratios)
- Fixed Bug: Cancelling a squadron launch command will remove all launch squadron command icons for the mothership
- FIX: Disabled the sending of any UI navigation events while in MouseAndKeyboard mode.
- Fixed Bug: gamepad prompts in battle scene didn't have support for Russian characters
- Fixed firewall boost not working when raptors were docked
- Fixed bug where raptors stayed docked with targets after a move command was given (the docked icon remained, while the raptor squadron flew away)
- Fixed bug where subsystem strength was used for quadrant colours in repair subsystems panel, instead of subsystem health
- FIX: Wardriver Missile Jammer now looks for missiles not on the same team instead of looking for faction
- FIX: Post battle panel now uses "WITH" text instead of "VS" for co-op matches
- Fixed Bug: Highlighting issue for fleet index widgets on gamepad.
- Fixed bug where the shipListIndexWidget appeared briefly after selecting a jump location.
- Fixed Bug with TutorialManager where gamepad buttons were disabled even though the tutorial was set to story events only.
- Fixed Issue: Skirmish maps previews take too long to load in
- Fixed Bug: Enable D-pad for functions menus
- FIX: Made chaff clouds savable in mid battle
- Fixed Bug: Post battle screen sometimes did not appear after a co-op MP match
- Fixed Bug: Cannot overwrite saved games or load a game from options menu when using a gamepad
- Fixed Bug: Missing german "flavour" text when zoomed in to a planet
- FIX: Fixed issue where gamepad buttons appeared in keyboard and mouse mode
- Fixed Bug: Exception in War Room after saving diplomat mission
- Fixed Bug: Flak stops when a flak command has been created
by codex
