Red Pack DLC简介:
Circuit of RedBull Ring GP / NATIONAL version
Ferrari SF-15T
Ferrari F138
Ferrari 488 GT3
Maserati 250F 6C
Maserati 250F T2 12C
Maserati GranTurismo MC GT4
Lamborghini Aventador SuperVeloce
- 已恢复HideApps命令键(CTRL + H)
- 修正了前大灯自动开关,大雾天气
- 莱万特制动盘,损伤区和安全带固定
- F138固定镜子
- 修正了在多人游戏开始时可能不同步
- 在ERS零固定潜力鸿沟
- 调整了打滑的声音音调和音量玛莎拉蒂Levante的
- 在高转速法拉利SF15-T Finetuned交叉淡入淡出
- 共享内存的新成员
- SPageFileStatic
- 诠释hasDRS = 0;
- 诠释hasERS = 0;
- 诠释hasKERS = 0;
- 浮kersMaxJ = 0;
- 诠释engineBrakeSettingsCount = 0;
- 诠释ersPowerControllerCount = 0;
- SPageFilePhysics
- 浮performanceMeter = 0;
- 诠释engineBrake = 0;
- 诠释ersRecoveryLevel = 0;
- 诠释ersPowerLevel = 0;
- 诠释ersHeatCharging = 0;
- 诠释ersIsCharging = 0;
- 浮kersCurrentKJ = 0;
- 诠释drsAvailable = 0;
- 诠释drsEnabled = 0;
- 浮brakeTemp [4];
- 蟒蛇新的功能和成员
- 增加了新的成员getCarState(见acsys.py)
- getCarEngineBrakeCount(carid)
- getCarPowerControllerCount(carid)
- 更新了服务器插件的例子,以反映ACSP_LAP_COMPLETED协议更改
- 如果离合器踏板被按下固定autoclutch汽车无法启动
- 增加了红牛赛道赛道(红色包DLC)
- 增加了法拉利SF15-T(红色包DLC)
- 增加了法拉利F138(红色包DLC)
- 增加了法拉利488 GT3(红色包DLC)
- 增加了兰博基尼Aventador SV(红色包DLC)
- 增加了玛莎拉蒂GranTurismo MC GT4(红色包DLC)
- 增加了玛莎拉蒂250F 6缸(红色包DLC)
- 增加了玛莎拉蒂250F 12缸(红色包DLC)
- 增加了玛莎拉蒂Levante的小号
- 性能三角洲应用:新增的即时速度差巴
- 实时应用程序:新增公路/环境温度和抓地力
- 修正了系统消息时,ABS和TC不可用
- 固定设置会话添加加载/保存系统
- 对音频应用添加了音频设备选择。如果保存的设备是不存在的,主要设备将被用于
- 增加音量斜坡功能,以克服罗技耳机驱动器的问题
- 增加了精密滑块在照片应用
- 增加了重播接口上缺少的图标
- 增加QUANTITY_MULT系统/ cfg /中skidmarks.ini
- 修正了RX-7调谐涡轮声音行为
- 外部声音固定阿尔法155混合途径
- 修正了法拉利F40的低通滤波器和一些活动量
- 平衡外部音量所有的车
- 新BMW M3 E92外部声音
- 增加了制动盘的温度模拟(法拉利488 GT3,玛莎拉蒂GranTurismo MC GT4,玛莎拉蒂莱万特)
- 新Drivemotive漂流学校制服为BMW M3 E92漂移和S1变种
- 轮胎压力现在影响温度分布,并建立
- 为增加EBB动态控制器(电子制动力平衡)。使用文件ctrl_ebb.ini为控制器。
- 增加日光功能的“灯”的剧本
- 增加了多台涡轮增压模拟仪表管理
- RaceControl屏幕上添加的服务器提示
- 增加了TC,ABS,涡轮增压键控制器接口(向上和向下)
- 现在TC和ABS可以通过CTRL + SHIFT可以循环回
- 增加了闪烁的灯光
- 陈列室:增加了视频编辑的相机控制
- 展厅:新增汽车灯引发的剧本“SHOWROOM”“LOAD_LIGHTS”(预览时不车灯制造)
- 陈列室:额外的动画新增支持(extra_animations.ini)。 Numkey_6
- 增加了闪烁的灯光系统
- 修正了音量应用程序不节能保险杠音频
- 增加了跳跃开始
- 增加了3种不同的可选配置的处罚对于跳开始
- 在比赛中增加了处罚“ESC键坑”
- 修正了一些汽车/曲目组合在HotLap会话的开始复位到坑
- 在路肩改进遥控汽车运动
- AI是不是有可用ABS的汽车制动决策失误
- 增加了AI设置功能。保存任何设置与名称AI_default和AI会使用此设置为电路。
- 不同级别的发动机制动是现在轿车上,提供该选项的用户选择(按Ctrl + E)
- 增加了图形平滑从物理学未来刚体
- 板载制动偏差现在遵循Setup.ini中的FRONT_BIAS部分相同的限制
- 红色线和指示在GUI变速正在考虑损害转速以及限制器
- 圈比赛中完成了GUI适应症现在请参阅“领头羊完成圈”,而不是球员完成圈
- 性能三角洲的应用程序现在使用的样条线位置的计算,而不是从汽车的速度计算(不太现实,但更精确)的距离
- 在开始新的摄影机视图,显示的轨道,而不是汽车
- 新的AI算法竞赛工艺
- AI车手在一个单圈,并在会议期间,现在在性能上更加多变
- “熄灯ON / OFF”现在是汽车,而不是一个开关的状态和被复制在网络上正常
- 轮胎半径是现在也轮胎角速度的函数的
- 修正了自对准扭矩要负值太早
- 增加了ERS仿真MGU-K,MGU-H,电池,能量回收和部署限制
- 增加了主动变后制动扭矩。作品除了MGU-K恢复
- 增加了可变发动机制动
- 增加了按键/按钮,命令上面ERS功能和配置文件。
- 新的轮胎型号为V10选择汽车
- 对汽车的图形附加一般bugfixing和整个车辆含量一些改进,检测限
- 日产R34天际线的3D改进
- 日产370Z NISMO 3D改进
- 在法拉利法拉利Laferrari 3D改进
- 在多个轨道一般错误修正
- 新的云彩纹理
- 改进PPeffects
- 改进韦瑟斯
- 修正GUI没有出现在魔环与PP关闭和AA对
- 增加了直接启动SIM卡的可能性。添加栏目
- Reverted HideApps command key (CTRL+H)
- Fixed headlights auto-switch with foggy weather
- Levante brake disks, damage zones and seatbelts fixed
- F138 mirrors fixed
- Fixed App issue when TIME_TO_LOSE_FOCUS was defined
- Fixed a possible desync at multiplayer start
- Fixed potential divide by zero in ERS
- Tweaked skid sound pitch and volume for Maserati Levante
- Finetuned crossfade at high rpms for Ferrari SF15-T
- Shared Memory new members
- SPageFileStatic
- int hasDRS = 0;
- int hasERS = 0;
- int hasKERS = 0;
- float kersMaxJ = 0;
- int engineBrakeSettingsCount = 0;
- int ersPowerControllerCount = 0;
- SPageFilePhysics
- float performanceMeter = 0;
- int engineBrake = 0;
- int ersRecoveryLevel = 0;
- int ersPowerLevel = 0;
- int ersHeatCharging = 0;
- int ersIsCharging = 0;
- float kersCurrentKJ = 0;
- int drsAvailable = 0;
- int drsEnabled = 0;
- float brakeTemp[4];
- python new functions and members
- added new members to getCarState (see acsys.py)
- getCarEngineBrakeCount(carid)
- getCarPowerControllerCount(carid)
- Updated server plugin example to reflect protocol changes in ACSP_LAP_COMPLETED
- Fixed autoclutch cars not starting if clutch pedal is pressed down
- Added Red Bull Ring track (Red Pack DLC)
- Added Ferrari SF15-T (Red Pack DLC)
- Added Ferrari F138 (Red Pack DLC)
- Added Ferrari 488 GT3 (Red Pack DLC)
- Added Lamborghini Aventador SV (Red Pack DLC)
- Added Maserati GranTurismo MC GT4 (Red Pack DLC)
- Added Maserati 250F 6 cylinder (Red Pack DLC)
- Added Maserati 250F 12 cylinder (Red Pack DLC)
- Added Maserati Levante S
- Performance Delta App: Added velocity difference bar
- Realtime App: Added road/ambient temperatures and grip
- Fixed system messages when ABS and TC are not available
- Added loading/saving system for fixed setup sessions
- Added audio device selector on Audio App. If saved device is not there, main device will be used
- Added volume ramp function to overcome issues with logitech headphone drivers
- Added Precision slider in Photo App
- Added missing icons on replay interface
- Added QUANTITY_MULT in system/cfg/skidmarks.ini
- Fixed RX-7 Tuned turbo sound behavior
- Fixed Alfa 155 mixing route for external sounds
- Fixed Ferrari F40 low-pass filter and some events volume
- Balanced exterior volume for all the cars
- New Bmw M3 e92 external sounds
- Added brake disc temperature simulation to (Ferrari 488 GT3, Maserati GranTurismo MC GT4,Maserati Levante)
- New Drivemotive Drifting School livery for BMW M3 e92 drift and S1 variants
- Tyre pressure now influences temperature spread and build up
- Added dynamic controller for EBB (electronic brake balance). Use file ctrl_ebb.ini for the controller.
- Added daylight function on "lights" script
- Added multiple turbo analogue instruments management
- Added server hints on RaceControl screen
- Added TC, ABS, Turbo keys to controller interface (both up and down)
- now TC and ABS can be cycled back through CTRL + SHIFT
- Added Flashing lights
- Showroom: Added video editing camera controls
- Showroom: Added car lights trigger as script "SHOWROOM""LOAD_LIGHTS" (previews are made without car lights)
- Showroom: Added support for extra animations (extra_animations.ini). Numkey_6
- Added blinking light system
- Fixed Volume App not saving bumper audio
- Added jump start
- Added 3 different selectable penalties configurations for jump starts
- Added penalty for "ESC to pits" during race
- Fixed some car/track combination resetting to pits at the start of HotLap sessions
- Improved remote cars movements over curbs
- AI is not making brake mistakes for cars that have ABS available
- Added AI setup functionality. Save any setup with name AI_default and the AI will use this setup for the circuit.
- Different level of engine brake are now selectable by the users on cars that offer the option (Ctrl+E)
- Added graphics smoothing for rigid bodies coming from physics
- Onboard brake bias now follows same limits in the FRONT_BIAS section in setup.ini
- Red lines and indications for gear change in the GUI are now considering damage rpms as well as limiters
- Laps completed indications in the GUI during races now refer to "leader completed laps" and not player completed laps
- Performance Delta app is now using spline position for calculation instead of distance calculated from car speed (less realistic but much more precise)
- New camera view at start, showing car instead of track
- New AI algorithms for race craft
- AI drivers are now much more variable in performance during a single lap and during a session
- "Lights on/off" is now a status of a car instead of a switch and gets replicated over the network properly
- Tyre radius is now also a function of tyre angular velocity
- Fixed self align torque going to negative values too early
- Added ERS simulation with MGU-K, MGU-H, Batteries, energy recovery and deployment limits
- Added active variable rear brake torque. Works in addition to the MGU-K recovery
- Added variable engine brake
- Added key/button commands for above ERS functions and profiles.
- New Tyre Model V10 for selected cars
- Additional general bugfixing on car graphics and some improvements to lods across the entire vehicle content
- 3D improvements on the Nissan R34 Skyline
- 3D improvements on the Nissan 370Z Nismo
- 3D improvements on the Ferrari LaFerrari
- General bugfixes in several tracks
- New clouds textures
- Improved PPeffects
- Improved Weathers
- Fixed GUI not showing on Oculus with PP off and AA on
- Added the possibility to launch sim directly. Add section
To race.ini then start AssettoCorsa.exe
by BAT

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