- 修正了一个问题,即一些玩家的游戏将在完成第1部分后复位。
- 修正了一个问题,即一些玩家无法激活白色伪造或输入Durgan的电池。
- 修正了如果你选择自己最终双目SI被卡的问题。
- 修正了一个问题,即一些玩家会得到停留在CAED NUA结束幻灯片。
- 修正了一些球员收到负载/过渡黑屏多个问题。
- 铁枷前不能再访问回国的第2部分的开始前的伟岸。
- 铸造地图图标,只要你激活第2部分后参观铸造出现。
- 更新了白石空心,Durgan的电池外观和Durgan的西塔的资产净值。
- 联格温指环放入在修道院的容器。
- 修正了在月球堕落的修道院的顶部Kaoto不和你说话的问题。
- 增加了一个增编涨潮探秘关于潮水的迹象。
- 在沉默的大厅所有的长袍过名称的更新。
- SFX在盲人的脚本交互过程中现效力。
- 烧着投石机和强力/重型火炮爆炸将不再获得来自强权或智力利益,每休息。
- 无眼“火雷不再涉及金额疯狂的故事时间的损失。
- 修正了Cayron的伤疤冻水SI应用状况的影响,以错误的字符的问题。
- 召唤岩食人魔不再掉落战利品。
- 修正了一个无情的风暴垃圾邮件投在Cayron的疤痕的问题。
- 村民现在你击败双目评论。
- 修正了Tealdor的对话了一个问题,他会停下来给恩泽。
- 修正了Mylla正在完成“迷失儿童”的追求后消失的问题。
- 与燃烧小屋SI后尖叫村民音频持续存在固定的问题。
- 岩浆在天灾西塔已掉落战利品。
- 更新了Skuldrak弹是一个冰柱。
- 在西塔气房固定式气体云特效。
- Bleakwalker鬼(Ryona的胸甲任务中召唤)现在会掉落战利品正确。
- 精神动物白石洞天已掉落正确的战利品。
- Zahua形象现在在他结束幻灯片显示。
- 修正了一个不能够塔康的秘密时离开Zahua的视野。
- 修正Zahua的谈话不依赖于探索如何塔康的秘密期间启动触发。
- 现在可以重新进入Zahua的愿景而无需重新加载白石空心。
- “塔康的秘密”不再如果你保存/载入后视力说话失败。
- “塔康的秘密',如果是Zahua完成后被杀不再失败。
- 修正了Maneha只想要谈堡的一个问题。
- 修正了打击Galawain的鱼鳔没有结束的问题。
- 修正了一个问题,即一些玩家无法Raedric主进行互动。
- Rectroactive修复做出了散乱的信仰碎片如果玩家已经洗劫了标准,但并没有埃德尔在党。
- Gathbin和朋友Yenwood战役中被磨光。
- 增加了更多的SFX到Yenwood脚本互动。
- 在烧焦的筒校长Warrin不再重生的追求完成后。
- 校长Warrin不再hostiles如果以前杀死烧焦桶所有食客的你。
- 修正Gathbin和校长Warrins扬声器标签。
- 在Cilant李氏折磨的精神应该返回到地图时,不会再出现。
- 灼热瀑布现在有敌人第一次访问的时候。
- 愤怒的村民和元帅Forwyn不再在CAED诺重生。
- 修正了在CAED诺地牢士兵鬼不产卵的问题。
- 从OD诺13级的敌人龟缩现在将结束战斗。
- 阿德拉阿尼马特在OD诺等级13保存/载入后不再重生。
- 圣骑士的解放劝现在的作品迷住上的盟友。
- 盗贼现在可以偷袭暴击武器影响了眩晕的。
- 盗贼的逃生现在将打破接触。
- 密码的“放大推力”不再生成焦点。
- 召回痛苦更新VFX这样效果持续到状态效果结束。
- 调整了VFX为心灵波拼写,以符合法术AOE的实际大小。还增加了光吧。
- 精神结合不再推出针对防御额外卷。
- Llengrath的精神和身体盾只能在战斗中施放
- 修正了一个Llengrath的布朗特智慧会给持有者永久性的准确性和伤害加成。
- Llengrath的钝智慧不再是一流的,但已建成的伤害和准确性奖金。
- 兰斯坏死现已被列为敌对状态的影响。
- 修正了一个小魔典印记偷护法调用。
- 德鲁伊的Wildstrike不再适用,而spiritshifted法术伤害。
- 游侠的“拯救同伴'不再施放两次。
- 粉伯恩斯铸造锥现在锁定为目标。
- 牧师的法术防御授予圣冥想将不再给予奖金敌人。
- 痛苦和尚的坩埚proccing错误,如果你也有专攻武器:农民。
- 修正了一个问题,即从护法词苦难是无限的。
- 更新了报复,因此将推出针对防御。
- 修正了一个野蛮攻击是影响法术的准确性。
- 第2部分灵魂绑定的武器已切换到通用(所有武器的重点将与任何灵魂绑定武器的工作)。
- 修正了一个神秘的法师斗篷是造成隐形是永久性的一个问题。
- 速度的穿靴子现在有战斗力之外正常运行的动画。
- 伤害证明MODS将不再由国家质量MODS被抑制。
- 炼成的头盔将不会受到质量MODS被抑制。
- 墓片段不再进行交易,对负载25健康。
- 刽子手的兜帽现在医治损坏它们的字符,而不是。
- 坚定的最终解锁的要求是现在28强权。
- 修正了一个问题,即圣Ydwen的救赎主会得到停留在1000/1000伤害。
- 风暴召唤者现在解除绑定后重置解锁。
- 更新了圣救主Ywdens神州马克PROC,所以它不会也打击了凶徒。
- 通风挑选和龙的喉盾“Spellchance'PROC现在可以正常工作。
- 修正了一个火把,用目前的装备武器的统计,而不是其自身的问题。
- 对Gyrd Haewanes Stenes原始伤害睫毛提高到20%。
- Fenwalkers现在只需关2秒钟卡住,瘫痪,步履蹒跚的持续时间。
- 修正了瘫痪持续了不到3秒造成Fenwalkers的佩戴者不响应的问题。
- 该火枪“闪银”盲目持续时间降低到2秒。
- 修正了蜘蛛陷阱的图标和名称的多个问题。
- 固定问题,即Elryns夹克用了太多的附魔点数。
- 修正了一个红色的芦苇棒可以召唤战斗之外。
- 速度之靴不再放慢移灵德鲁伊。
- Abydon之锤现在您可以通过双方的库存,如果党员采取它和牺牲自己删除。
- 内容参考文献Giamas法术/能力不再无限期被盗。
- Greenstained靴现在医治正确的金额。
- 增加了视觉特效Abydon之锤能力关于古代锻造环“。
- 修正了古代锻造能力环音频问题。
- 增加持续时间莫西岩召唤。
- 在潮汐使者长袍现在有正确的名称和说明。
- 从苦难相呼应时触发疼痛雷现在将造成伤害。
- 技能防御:Eyestrike再受重创盟友。
- 用斧砍授予“Zephy'风臂”不再击中凶徒。
- 蜘蛛陷阱的侵扰将现低宪法。
- 修正Concelhaut骷髅宠物特效。
- 修正了一些武器器官功能障碍综合征(燃烧的睫毛,睫毛令人震惊,禁锢员工Fire和猎杀睫毛)的VFX的位置。
- 所有的法术和技能,现在应该结束了在战斗结束。有几个(警惕存在,例如),可以延伸经过战斗的结束。
- 修正了一个放置陷阱太靠近对方会删除以前的陷阱,失去了项问题。
- Caroc的魔鬼现在拥有78点属性点。
- 传奇配方现在需要16级。
- 参观者现在将离开大本营您解决他们的困境后。
- 人物被迷住/支配后不再失去健康故事时间。
- AI现在应该正确地针对各种法术和效果他们自己的动物同伴。
- 治愈同伴已被添加到游侠的AI。
- 现在抨击的焦点生成和特效的大屠杀。
- 修正了装备后项目将突出显示的问题。
- 梁法术战斗特效后不再存在。
- 修正了一个淘汰赛伤害系统冲击并没有降低防御倾向。
- 修正了一个灵魂精华可以检测你的派对,而在侦察模式。
- 攻击动画由召唤武器中断持续时间跑出来将不再打破奇才法术/攻击。
- 修正了在使用召唤同伴的武器不是死亡时掉落武器的问题。
- 磨光沼泽渗出。修正了他们不正确的防具/武器的问题。
- 调整适当降低进入的敌对效果的持续时间主要和次要的恢复药水。
- 现在,您可以切换武器套而召唤武器是积极的。
- 修正了一个问题,即催生了敌人的单位可能具有相同的豁免权的倍数。
- 修正了一个问题,即催生了敌人没有豁免权。
- 施法对抗是免疫它的敌人时,字符将现在有树皮。
- 支配友谊赛现在用一个黄色圆圈的选择。
- 的灵魂绑定物品文本格式现在正确显示。
- 修正了一个白框将旁边的性格画像出现的问题。
- 残酷的间隙不再导致白方出现在字符。
- 修正了一个问题,即在完成TWM2当传记不会显示。
- 修正了*缺少能力*将显示操作栏上的问题。
- 词组持续时间现在可以正确显示工具提示。
- 在全/主要攻击能力的描述基础攻击伤害固定伤害计算。
- 信仰和信念值现在正确地显示根据您的性格。
- 第二层皮肤立即出现在DR故障。
- 迷住或支配盟国将不再显示他们的防御。
- 修正了选项菜单中没有与要塞菜单对齐的问题。
- 删除在附魔菜单后面的结界铁砧奇怪的图标。
- 现在Outmaneuvering有一个正确描述。
- 孤项目MOD描述进行了改进。
- 更新了各种法术被标记为敌对的影响。
- 修正了一些愈合随着时间的推移效果被显示为红色在控制台中的一个问题。
- 修正了攻击做不显示在战斗记录中总结伤害类型基础原材料的损害。
- 修正了正在显示两次同伴树皮的问题。
- 现在,绑架将显示其同伴被送到抢救游客。
- 更新了战斧“风臂”授予的能力图标“西风”。
- 珠光球现在有正确的图标。
- 修正了蜘蛛网免疫,远古记忆的问题,以及垃圾邮件排水战斗记录的长城。
- 能力吧键盘导航现在支持快速的项目。
- 修正了文本是在动物寓言德国重叠的问题。
- 修正了OD诺1级与鬼村民法国性别问题。
- 修正了一个与保存文件被标记为只读。这是阻止他们发现了一些保存的球员。
Here are the update notes for Update 3.02.
Major Fixes:
- Fixed an issue where some player's game would reset after completing Part 1.
- Fixed an issue where some players couldn't activate the White Forge or enter Durgan's Battery.
- Fixed an issue with the final Eyeless SI becoming stuck if you selected yourself.
- Fixed an issue where some players would get stuck at the Caed Nua End Slide.
- Fixed multiple issues where some players received black screens on load/transitioning.
White March Specific:
- Iron Flail Front is no longer accessible before returning to Stalwart at the start of Part 2.
- Foundry map icon appears as soon as you visit the Foundry after activating Part 2.
- Updated the nav for Whitestone Hollow, Durgan's Battery Exterior, and Durgan's West Tower.
- Gwyn's Band of Union placed into a container in the Abbey.
- Fixed an issue with Kaoto not speaking to you at the top of the Abbey of the Fallen Moon.
- Added an addendum to the Rising Tide Quest regarding the sign of the tide.
- All robes in the Halls of Silence have had their name updated.
- SFX now plays during the Eyeless Scripted Interaction.
- Burning Pitch Trebuchet and Empowered/Heavy Cannon Blast will no longer gain benefit from Might or Intellect and are per rest.
- Eyeless 'Ray of Fire' no longer deals insane amounts of damage on Story Time.
- Fixed an issue with Cayron's Scar Frozen Water SI applying status effects to the wrong character.
- Summoned Crag Ogres no longer drop loot.
- Fixed an issue that was causing Relentless Storm to spam cast in Cayron's Scar.
- Villagers now comment about you defeating the Eyeless.
- Fixed an issue in Tealdor's dialogue where he would stop giving bounties.
- Fixed an issue where Mylla was disappearing after completing the quest 'Lost Child'.
- Fixed issue with screaming villagers audio persisting after Burning Hut SI.
- Magma Blights in the West Tower now drop loot.
- Updated the Skuldrak projectile to be an icicle.
- Fixed gas cloud VFX in the West Tower gas room.
- Bleakwalker Ghosts (Summoned during Ryona's Breastplate Quest) will now drop correct loot.
- Spirit animals Whitestone Cave now drop correct loot.
- Zahua image now shows during his End slides.
- Fixed an issue not being able to leave Zahua's vision during Secrets of Tacan.
- Fixed Zahua's conversations not triggering depending on how the quest was started during Secrets of Tacan.
- Can now re-enter Zahua's vision without reloading Whitestone Hollow.
- 'Secrets of Tacan' no longer fails if you speak to a vision after Save/Load.
- 'Secrets of Tacan' no longer fails if Zahua is killed after completion.
- Fixed an issue with Maneha only wanting to talk about the Fort.
Dyrwood Areas:
- Fixed an issue with combat not ending in Galawain's Maw.
- Fixed an issue where some players could not interact with Lord Raedric.
- Rectroactive fix made for Fragments of a Scattered Faith if the player has already looted the standard but didn't have Eder in the party.
- Gathbin and friends have been buffed during the Battle of Yenwood.
- Added more SFX to Yenwood Scripted Interaction.
- Chancellor Warrin no longer respawns in the Charred Barrel after the quest completes.
- Chancellor Warrin no longer hostiles the you if you previously killed all the patrons in the Charred Barrel.
- Corrected Gathbin and Chancellor Warrins speaker tags.
- Tortured Spirit in Cilant Lis should no longer reappear when returning to the map.
- Searing Falls will now have enemies when first visited.
- Angry Villagers and Marshal Forwyn no longer respawn at Caed Nua.
- Fixed an issue where the Soldier Ghost in Caed Nua Dungeons was not spawning.
- Retreating from enemies on Od Nua Level 13 will now end combat.
- Adra Animat in Od Nua Level 13 no longer respawns after Save/Load.
Spells and Abilities:
- Paladin's Liberation Exhortation now works on charmed allies.
- Rogues can now Sneak Attack off of Stun on Crit weapon effects.
- Rogue's Escape will now break engagement.
- Cipher's 'Amplified Thrust' no longer generates focus.
- Updated VFX for Recall Agony so that the effect lasts until the status effect ends.
- Adjusted the VFX for the mind wave spell to match the actual size of the spell aoe. Also added a light to it.
- Mental Binding no longer rolls extra rolls against defenses.
- Llengrath's Mental and Physical Shields can only be cast during combat
- Fixed an issue where Llengrath's Blunt Wisdom would give the wielder permanent accuracy and damage bonuses.
- Llengrath's Blunt Wisdom is no longer Superb, but has built in damage and accuracy bonuses.
- Necrotic Lance is now listed as a Hostile status effect.
- Fixed an issue where Minor Grimoire Imprint was stealing Chanter invocations.
- Druid's Wildstrike no longer applies to spell damage while spiritshifted.
- Ranger's 'Heal Companion' no longer casts twice.
- Powder Burns casting cone now locks to a target.
- Priest's Holy Meditation granted by Spell Defense will no longer grant the bonuses to enemies.
- Monk's Crucible of Suffering was proccing incorrectly if you also have Weapon Focus: Peasant.
- Fixed a problem where afflictions from Chanter Phrases were infinite.
- Updated Retaliate so it will roll against defenses.
- Fixed an issue where Savage Attack was affecting spell accuracy.
- Part 2 Soulbound weapons have been switched to universal (All weapon focuses will work with any Soulbound weapon).
- Fixed an issue where Cape of the Master Mystic was causing invisibility to be permanent.
- Wearing Boots of Speed now have proper running animations outside of combat.
- Damage Proof mods will no longer be suppressed by Quality mods.
- Tempered Helm will not be suppressed by Quality mods.
- Tomb Fragment no longer deals 25 Health on load.
- Executioner's Hood now heals the character instead of damaging them.
- Steadfast final unlock requirement is now 28 Might.
- Fixed an issue where St. Ydwen's Redeemer would get stuck at 1000/1000 damage.
- Stormcaller now resets unlocks after unbinding it.
- Updated St Ywdens Redeemers Divine Mark Proc so it won't also hit the wielder.
- Vent Pick and Dragon's Maw Shield 'Spellchance' proc now works correctly.
- Fixed an issue where Firebrand was using current equipped weapons stats instead of its own.
- Raw Damage Lash on Gyrd Haewanes Stenes increased to 20%.
- Fenwalkers now takes off 2 seconds from stuck, paralyzed, and hobbled durations.
- Fixed an issue where paralyze that lasted less than 3 seconds caused wearer of Fenwalkers to become unresponsive.
- The Blunderbuss 'Silver Flash' blind duration reduced to 2 seconds.
- Fixed multiple issues with Spider Trap's icon and name.
- Fixed issue where Elryns Jacket used too many Enchant Points.
- Fixed an issue where Red Reed Wand could summon outside of combat.
- Boots of Speed no longer slow down Spirit Shifted Druids.
- Abydon's Hammer will now get removed from the parties Inventory if a party member takes it and sacrifices themselves.
- Acuan Giamas Spells/Abilities no longer stolen indefinitely.
- Greenstained Boots now heal the correct amount.
- Added VFX for Abydon's Hammer ability 'Ring of the Ancient Forge'.
- Fixed audio issues with Ring of the Ancient Forge ability.
- Added duration to Mossy Rocks Summon.
- Robes of the Tidebringer now have correct name and description.
- Ray of Pain will now deal damage when triggered from Echoing Misery.
- Spell Defense: Eyestrike will no longer hit allies.
- 'Zephy' granted by the poleaxe 'Winds Arm' no longer hits the wielder.
- Infestation of Spiders Trap will now lower Constitution.
- Fixed Concelhaut Skull Pet VFX.
- Fixed positions of the VFX for a few of the weapon mods (Burning Lash, Shocking Lash, Durance Staff Fire, and Slaying Lash).
- All spells and abilities should now end at the end of combat. There were a few (Watchful Presence, for example) that could extend past the end of combat.
- Fixed a problem where placing traps too close to each other would remove the previous trap and losing the item.
- Devil of Caroc now has 78 attribute points.
- Legendary Recipe now requires level 16.
- Visitors will now leave the stronghold after you resolve their dilemma.
- Characters no longer lose health in Story Time after being Charmed/Dominated.
- AI should now properly target their own animal companions for various spells and effects.
- Heal Companion has been added to Ranger's AI.
- Bashing now generates focus and procs carnage.
- Fixed an issue where items would appear highlighted when equipped.
- Beam Spell VFX no longer persists after combat.
- Fixed an issue where the knockout injury System Shock did not lowers defense against prone.
- Fixed an issue where Soul Essences could detect your party while in scouting mode.
- Attack animations interrupted by summon weapon duration running out will no longer break Wizards spells/attacks.
- Fixed an issue with companions not dropping weapons upon death while using a summoned weapon.
- Buffed Bog Oozes. Fixed an issue where they had the incorrect armor/weapons.
- Potions of Major and Minor Recovery adjusted to properly lower the duration of incoming hostile effects.
- You are now able to switch weapon sets while a summon weapon is active.
- Fixed an issue where spawned enemy units could have multiples of the same immunities.
- Fixed an issue where spawned enemy units did not have immunities.
- Characters will now have a bark when casting spells against enemies that are immune to it.
- Dominated friendlies now use a yellow selection circle.
- Text format of Soulbound items now display properly.
- Fixed an issue where white boxes would appear next to the character portrait.
- Brutal Backlash no longer causes the white square to appear on characters.
- Fixed an issue where the biography would not display when completing TWM2.
- Fixed an issue where *Missing Abilities* would appear on the action bar.
- Phrase duration now displays correctly in the tooltip.
- Fixed damage calculation of base attack damage in descriptions of Full/Primary Attack abilities.
- Faith and Conviction values now show correctly based on your dispositions.
- Second Skin now appears in the DR breakdown.
- Charmed or Dominated allies will no longer display their defenses.
- Fixed an issue where the Options menu was not aligned with the Stronghold menu.
- Removed strange icon behind the Enchantment Anvil in the Enchant Menu.
- Outmaneuvering now has a proper description.
- Solitary item mod description was improved.
- Updated various spells to be marked as a hostile effect.
- Fixed an issue where some healing over time effects was appearing as red in the console.
- Fixed attacks doing base Raw damage not showing damage type in combat log summary.
- Fixed an issue where companion barks were being displayed twice.
- Kidnappings will now display which companion is sent to rescue the visitor.
- Updated the ability icon 'Zephyr' granted by the poleaxe 'Winds Arm'.
- Pearlescent Orb now has the proper icon.
- Fixed an issue with Spider Web Immunity, Ancient Memory, and Wall of Draining spamming the combat log.
- Keyboard navigation of ability bar now supports quick items.
- Fixed an issue where text was overlapping in the Bestiary in German.
- Fixed French gender issues with ghost villager in Od Nua Level 1.
- Fixed an issue with the save files being marked as read-only. This was preventing some players from finding their saves.
by BAT

《Wallpaper Engine》黑神话悟空 哪吒高清动态壁纸
《Wallpaper Engine》深海中的水母少女动态壁纸