
永恒之柱皇家版 v2.00.0693升级档+游侠原创免DVD补丁(感谢游侠会员thegfw原创制作)

永恒之柱皇家版 v2.00.0693升级档+游侠原创免DVD补丁(感谢游侠会员thegfw原创制作)













注:1.06节省备份在你保存的游戏文件夹中创建。 2.0+可节省1.06中不能使用,早期版本。


- 在播放音频长时间可以开始切出不正常。它正在调查和下一个测试补丁之前应该是固定的。
- 某些配方并不旨在被释放,并正确地在UI将不会显示。他们将在未来的更新测​​试版中删除。


- 人工智能伴侣 - 您现在可以设置你的同伴使用AI。对于那些你不想微操你的派对,你现在可以选择让AI为您执行基本命令。您可以激活和关闭AI控制在任何时间,所以你仍然可以拥有最终控制方,当你需要它。每个类都有专门的AI包,我们将增加更多的未来。
- 改进的AI生物 - 生物与NPC现在会采取更智能,更好地利用他们的能力和法术。
- 性格再培训 - 您现在可以重新训练你的性格和修改他们的统计一小笔费用。
- 个人隐形 - 现在你可以把党员个人进入球探模式。如果你的一些政党进入战斗,你将不再有你全党离开隐身。
- 范围指示器 - 现在有范围的指标,让你知道的法术和技能的施法距离。现在,你就会知道,如果你的精灵是怎么回事,他说施放火球术前移动。 =)
- 精度指标 - 您现在显示的机会,通过鼠标,在一个潜在的目标打的所有攻击,能力和法术。


- 固定问题,即Calisca没有休息,在废墟内部后被远距传送。

- 改变感知的奖金从偏转准确性。
- 修正了如果一个向导有能力冲击和瞄准多个目标可能发生。
- 增加宪法奖金耐力和健康的3%至5%。
- 改变开锁,以便它现在使用三个lockpicks中如果锁高于你的水平,一是开锁,如果锁等于你的水平,并没有lockpicks中如果锁低于你的水平。

- 抛光游戏周边众多的声音效果。
- 修正了武器无效的语音被打在不正确的时间。
- 修正了一个问题,即暂停游戏可能会导致VO和/或barkstrings年初完成。

- 修正了一个问题,在友好的光环后,可以保存和负载增长的大小。
- 修正了呗效果被认为是影响项目堆放目的的问题。这是导致不正确的奖金计算。
- 抑制“目标被摧毁”autopausing如果目标是在战斗的最后一个目标。这将阻止自动暂停在战斗结束。
- 俑现在有召唤持续时间。
- 护法调用现在有持续时间。
- 速度项目国防部现在可以正常工作。
- 改进的据点休息奖金。
- Noble的休息智力加成降低至+2。
- 飞弹速射卷轴是战斗而已。
- 修正了一堆偷部分未注册为偷一个问题。
- 现在只偷失去信誉,一旦每个集装箱。
- 我们现在在游戏中豁免。一些生物已经更新,以利用它们。我看着你摧残和龙...
- 改变正在愈合伤口结合和现场卫生分流量。
- 从他们的尸体抢劫关闭设备的敌人unequips它。
- 自动保存系统现在使用3轧制自动保存,而不是一个。
- 字体文本质量的提高游戏的时候是在一个更高的分辨率比1920×1200。

- 韩国的字体被更改为更清晰。

- 固定问题,即在窗口模式下的Mac上切换分辨率而不能正常工作。
- 适用于Mac试图修复游戏的地方就崩溃,在节省时间。

- 修正了法术召唤可以显示在时间不正确的信息。
- 在一些UI元素的深度排序正在随时间变化的修正问题。这是造成一些UI界面(如工具提示)正在积极UI界面来呈现。
- 项目MODS的格式更改删除项目MOD标题,只列出影响。这是为了清理的UI。
- 增加了一系列指标向导的爆炸。
- 圣骑士光环范围增加指标。
- 增加了一系列指标野蛮人的大屠杀。
- 修正了一个问题,即施法光标有时没有refesh自己的形象。
- 修正了各具特色可以显示不正确的描述和图标时,检查的成分。
- 固定问题,即党形成的UI可以跟抢UI重叠。
- 级别屏幕背景已经更新。
- 从旅馆休息的奖金现在显示的时间长短他们是活跃。
- 前字符表活性作用的感动技能。
- 停止从字符表reseting改变字符时,滚动位置。
- 在语言下拉列表中选择制造一直使用他们的母语,而不是字体的字体为当前语言。
- 修正了一个问题,即有可能在角色创建搞砸了咒语选择分期之间移动。
- 固定问题,即二次AoE的影响并没有正确显示预选赛。例如,神圣光辉的烧伤的AoE只影响船只,但描述使它看上去像是损坏的所有敌人。
- 修正了用户界面问题,即所有的圣歌一个保存和加载后,被标记为“A”。
- 固定问题,即圣歌可以得到搬出加载顺序保存的游戏后。
- 当游戏暂停考试的描述将不再消失
- 修正复选框,并在消息框中的数字部件有时会表现出一帧
- 固定问题,即有时UI不会光环和hardards描述中区分。
- 修正了一些长期的标题正在在UI切断的问题。
- 修正了口吃问题滚动文本。
- 修正了一个应用被敌方设备状态的作用没有被显示在用户界面的问题



Hey, everyone! 

We are really excited to announce the release date for the first part of the Pillars of Eternity expansion, The White March: August 25th! That's right, 20 days from now you'll be able to head back to Eora! 

But that's not all! 

We are also happy to announce that the Patch Beta for Update 2.0 has gone live! 

You can check out how to get set up with the Patch Beta here: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/76849-patch-betas-on-steam/ 

We'll also follow that up with the patch notes (in progress) for the new patch: 

NOTE: Backups of 1.06 saves are created in your Saved Games folder. 2.0+ saves may not be used in 1.06 and earlier builds. 

Major Known Issues 

- After long period of playing audio can start to cut out erratically. It is being investigated and should be fixed before the next beta patch. 
- Some recipes were not intended to be released and will not show in the UI correctly. They will be removed in the next Update beta release. 

Major New Features 

- Companion AI - You may now set your companions to use AI. For those of you that do not want to micromanage your party, you may now choose to have the AI perform basic commands for you. You can activate and deactivate the AI control at any time, so you can still have ultimate party control when you need it. Each class has specialized AI packages and we will be adding more in the future. 
- Improved Creature AI - Creatures and NPCs will now act more intelligently and make better use of their abilities and spells. 
- Character Retraining - You may now retrain your character and modify their stats for a small fee. 
- Individual Stealth - You may now place individual party members into scouting mode. If some of your party enters combat you will no longer have your entire party leave stealth. 
- Range Indicators - There are now range indicators to let you know the casting range of spells and abilities. Now you will know if your wizard is going to move before he casts that Fireball. =) 
- Accuracy Indicators - You are now shown the chance to hit on all attacks, abilities, and spells by mousing-over a potential target. 

Fixed Issues 

- Fixed issue where Calisca was not being teleported after resting in the Ruin Interior. 

Attributes, Abilities, Spells, and Skills: 
- Changed Perception bonus from Deflection to Accuracy. 
- Fixed crash that could happen if a Wizard had the Blast ability and targeting many targets. 
- Increased Constitution bonus to Endurance and Health from 3% to 5%. 
- Changed lockpicking so that it now uses three lockpicks if the lock is above your level, one lockpick if the lock is equal to your level, and no lockpicks if the lock is below your level. 

- Polished many sound effects around the game. 
- Fixed weapon ineffective voice over that was playing at incorrect times. 
- Fixed a problem where pausing the game could cause VO and/or barkstrings to finish early. 

- Fixed a problem where friendly auras could grow in size after a save and load. 
- Fixed an issue where chant effects were considered item effects for stacking purposes. This was causing incorrect bonus calculation. 
- Suppressed "Target Destroyed" autopausing if target was the last target in the combat. This will prevent automatic pauses at the end of combat. 
- Figurines now have summon durations. 
- Chanter invocations now have durations. 
- Speed item mod now works correctly. 
- Improved resting bonuses from the Stronghold. 
- Noble's Rest Intelligence bonus lowered to +2. 
- Scroll of Missile Barrage to be combat only. 
- Fixed a problem where stealing part of a stack wasn't registered as stealing. 
- Stealing now only loses reputation once per container. 
- We now have immunities in the game. Some creatures have been updated to make use of them. I'm looking at you blights and dragons... 
- Changed amount of Health that are healed with Wound Binding and Field Triage. 
- Looting equipment off of enemies unequips it from their dead body. 
- Autosave system now uses 3 rolling autosaves instead of one. 
- Improved quality of font text when the game is at a higher resolution than 1920x1200. 

- The Korean font was changed to something more legible. 

- Fixed issue where switching resolutions in windowed mode on the Mac was not working properly. 
- Attempted fix for Mac where game crashes on saves at times. 

- Fixed issue where spells with summons could display incorrect info at times. 
- Fixed issue where sorting depth of some UI elements were being changed over time. This was causing some UI screens (like tooltips) to render under active UI screens. 
- Changed formatting of item mods to remove the item mod title and only list the effect. This was to clean up the UI. 
- Added range indicators for Wizard's Blast. 
- Added range indicators for Paladin auras. 
- Added range indicators for Barbarian's Carnage. 
- Fixed a problem where the spell casting cursor didn't refesh its image at times. 
- Fixed issue where inspecting ingredients when crafting could show improper descriptions and icons. 
- Fixed issue where Party Formation UI could overlap with Looting UI. 
- Level up screen background has been updated. 
- Resting bonuses from inns now display the length of time they are active. 
- Moved Skills before Active Effects in character sheet. 
- Stopped scroll position from reseting when changing characters in the character sheet. 
- Made options in the language dropdown always use their native font instead of the font for the current language. 
- Fixed an issue where it was possible to mess up spell selection in Character Creation by moving between stages. 
- Fixed issue where secondary AoE effects were not properly displaying qualifiers. For example, Holy Radiance's Burn AoE only affects vessels, but the description made it appear as if it damaged all enemies. 
- Fixed UI issue where all chants were being labeled "A" after a save and load. 
- Fixed issue where chants could get moved out of order after loading a saved game. 
- Examinable descriptions will no longer disappear while the game is paused 
- Fixed checkbox and numeric widgets on message boxes sometimes showing for a frame 
- Fixed problems where sometimes UI wouldn't differentiate between auras and hardards in descriptions. 
- Fixed a problem where some long titles were being cut off in the UI. 
- Fixed stuttering issues with scrolling text. 
- Fixed an issue where status effects applied by enemy equipment wasn't being shown in the UI 

The thread for the patch notes can be found here: http://forums.obsidian.net/blog/7/entry-186-update-notes-20-in-progress/

by thegfw



















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永恒之柱Pillars of Eternity
制作公司:Obsidian Entertainment
发行公司:Paradox Interactive




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