
方舟:生存进化 测试版v174.31升级档+游侠原创免DVD补丁(感谢游侠会员thegfw提供分享)

方舟:生存进化 测试版v174.31升级档+游侠原创免DVD补丁(感谢游侠会员thegfw提供分享)






- “EnablePvPGamma =真正的”服务器选项将现在的工作;)
- 增加了布展和复制逻辑节约,避免保存或部落数据的任何损坏
- 通过方尖碑修正了统计数学问题迪诺斯下载

- 伽玛调整现在被禁用的PVP /性交服务器(由服务器端的默认值)。非官方服务器可以强制允许在PVP /性交伽马调节与此命令行/ INI选项:
EnablePvPGamma =真

- 上减少40%的资源补养时间(将补充更快)

- 修正了崩溃的棘龙被正式影响到服务器17
- 安装军刀现在可以跳 - 被恶人凉爽攻击的时候这样做,增加了前进的动力
- 改进驯服恐龙攀岩和下面的距离
- 修正了主菜单UI线程崩溃
- 三轮车现在有25%的马力和百分之三十多的伤害
- Stegos磨光10%的伤害,并百分之十五以上的HP
- 由17%提升夜间的亮度(其中暴露在外的月球森林/阴影区域就如同黑暗,因为他们曾经是。)
- 不能再拖累住在PvE不属于你的团队球员无意识/恐龙。
- 改变矛重量为3(6)

- 相对于最大麻木麻木恢复野生无意识恐龙的减少率。这是一个服务器端变化。另外增加的速度恢复被驯服的恐龙!双赢!

- 修正了女骑军刀anims
- 低的机会,从所有非金属岩获得金属,虽然较常用的顺利河流岩石。并用镐当然更好。这将不生效的官方服务器,直到它们升级到174.1过夜。
- 由50%降低爆炸伤害到金属结构。这将不生效的官方服务器,直到它们升级到174.1过夜。
- 食人鱼增加转弯率。

- 募集最大玩家等级为64,120提供额外的印迹点
- 募集最大驯服迪诺级别添置38
- 修正了传单耐力。
- 修正了天然气消费率。提高30倍
- 护甲耐用性再平衡。 〜3倍的耐久性
- 三倍的金属和丰富的金属的岩石中的金属含量
- 重新添加了一个小的机会,从河流的岩石得到金属。感谢您的回馈大家,这是有道理的,以提供备用不太激烈的发展路径;)
- 防止被驯服的恐龙从这么容易淹死
- 改变自毁在PvE结构至18天,并使其使,而不是自动拆迁本身的结构,然后给出了选项,任何人都可以通过径向菜单拆除它。
- 制造铁匠铺等容器自动具备必要的记忆痕迹时,新的记忆痕迹的添加,而不是让他们重建
- 通过制造描述了食品保鲜斌要求Sparkpowder保存食物清楚,而且它也可以创建牛肉干。
- 增加选项来禁用麻木屏闪(闪光灯紫)
- 迪诺敲除国家现在将举行,直到恐龙的麻木达到0%,此前他们可以更早退出。然而,他们的麻木会更迅速地降低的基础上有多大的最高水平麻木是 - 让更高级别的恐龙自然更难以保持敲除。
- 增加了20%的温度保温效果
- 犀鞍,现在可以适当配备:)
- 非水迪诺斯现在将尝试游到水面,而不是淹没:)
- 修正装甲隔热值及UI显示(未显示温热保温正确):布现在增加了积极的温热保温,所有其他的盔甲目前加负温热绝缘,但现在已经调整更为合适。泳装来增加更多的积极温热绝缘!
- 修正了LOD对恐龙大门和其他资产
- 中型恐龙(小于雷克斯,如隐秘等)现在正确地适应直通迪诺门。对于大型层的恐龙,你仍然需要一个巨型门,当然。
- 修正了在起草一些项目表的要求,现在显示的印迹UI其应有的手工艺表(即现在说一个铁匠铺需要制定一个棘龙鞍)
- 调整后生成速率:食人鱼对insland湖泊/河流比较常见的(他们失踪为主),Carnos不太常见的无处不在,Spinos不太常见的无处不在
- 减少Spino陆路及运行速度散步25%
- 修正了一个糟糕的伤害加成对木结构的爆炸物(如多次太强:-P)

- 棘龙!恐惧野兽!
- 新的结构:斯派克长城(伟大的防御传入部落恐龙攻击)和食品保鲜斌物品,牛肉干! (Sparkpowder +油+熟肉制品或熟肉类总理每小时+ ==等待超长持久FOOOOOD!)
- 通用GPU的优化以及新的图形配置选项:网格LOD滑块,高品质的材料复选框(禁用此并重新启动将有巨大的储蓄PERF在不太详细的地形材料费),次表面散射复选框(禁用这会使植物和皮料看起来有点不太好,而且还节省了大量的PERF)
- 登录后,你现在得到的消息表明,你是怎么死的,如果当你登出你的性格被打死(需要添加更多细节)
- 现在Pteras土地外出时体力比较好,不会马上弹出你
- 你和恐龙现在可以进攻的时候没有体力,但这样做会增加你的麻木
- 当麻木增加轻微的紫色覆盖
- 宠爱定时器利用固定
- 各种途径进入瞬移人的房子看似固定
- 重新平衡手榴弹,〜60%,降低VS结构损伤,现在也需要油工艺
- 附近的一个星期是还没有一个部落/造物主PvE的结构现在自动拆除。玩家可以运行服务器上被禁用。
- 结构的限制,现在的玩家运行的服务器配置
- 非部落传单携带现在对PvE服务器的选项
- 增加了丰富的金属和金属定期岩石山
- 五金工具“耐久性固定
- 性格体形预设
- “查找器官功能障碍综合征”按钮添加到主机游戏菜单
- 罕见的限量版化妆品皮肤项目滴:Nerdry的眼镜(从Dilo的的的肚子)和雷克斯骨盔
- 土地恐龙现在失去耐力游泳,而在安装时,两栖恐龙(甲鱼,萨尔科等)现在在水中更快地恢复体力
- 无意识恐龙被驯服不再能够通过非部落玩家在PVE中受到伤害
- 在与发电机连接的电缆无法得到它的库存访问固定的臭虫
- 部落ID和玩家的ID现在保证是唯一的。应消除的播放器/部落抢尸今后的案件。
- 实时时间和当前地图指示现在暂停菜单上
- 在主机游戏画面下载MODS现在显示下载进度,已更新了蒸汽车间MODS现在重新下载
- 龙母现在会给档案和蒸汽成就时正确击败
- 现在,您可以设置温度单位为华氏在选项菜单
- 调升子弹损失了约20%
- 您当前的生物群落/温度现在骑着坐骑时正确地更新
- “转移所有权族”按钮现在正确点击
- 从30磨光到50中相应Carno损伤,碱雷克斯损害从50%到80磨光
- 价格从坐骑消耗尸体或树木的健康恢复的减少(以前基本上是给予坐骑几乎即时的健康恢复)

新的服务器命令行/ INI选项(GamerUserSettings.ini [ServerSettings]部分或命令行参数“选项=值?”):

bDisableStructureDecayPvE = FALSE
bAllowFlyerCarryPvE = FALSE
MaxStructuresInRange = 1300


Current Version: 174.31 
- "EnablePvPGamma=true" server option will now work ;)
- Added move-and-copy logic to saving to avoid any corruptions of save or tribe data
- Fixed a stat math problem with Downloading Dinos via the Obelisks

- Gamma adjustment now disabled on PvP/Hardcore servers (by server-side default). Unofficial Servers can force allow gamma adjustment on PvP/Hardcore with this commandline/INI option:

- Replenishing times on all resources reduced by 40% (will replenish faster)

- Fixed Spinosaurus crash that was affecting Official Server 17
- Mounted Sabers can now jump -- is wicked cool to attack when doing this, increases forward momentum
- Improved Tamed dino climbing, and following distances
- Fixed main menu UI threading crash
- Trikes now have 25 percent more hp and thirty percent more damage
- Stegos buffed 10 percent more dmg and fifteen percent more HP
- Increased brightness of night by 17% (where outside exposed to the moon. forests/shadowed areas are just as dark as they ever were ;)
- Can no longer drag living unconscious players/dinos in PvE that aren't on your team.
- Changed spear Weight to 3 (from 6)

- Lessened rate of torpidity recovery relative to max torpidity for wild unconscious dinos. This is a server-side change. Also increased speed recovery for Tamed Dinos! Win-Win!

- Fixed female Saber riding anims
- Low chance to get metal from ALL non-metallic rocks, albeit more commonly from smooth river-rocks. And better with picks, of course. This will not take effect on Official Servers until they are upgraded to 174.1 overnight.
- Reduced explosions damage onto metal structures by 50%. This will not take effect on Official Servers until they are upgraded to 174.1 overnight.
- Increased piranha turn rate.

- Raised Max Player Level to 64, providing 120 additional Engram Points
- Raised Max Tamed Dino Level Additions to 38
- Fix for Flyer Stamina.
- Fix for Gas Consumption Rate. 30x improvement
- Armor durability rebalancing. ~3x durability
- Tripled the metal content of metal and rich-metal rocks
- Re-added a small chance to get metal from river-rocks. Thanks for the feedback everyone, it makes sense to provide an alternate less-intense progression path ;) 
- Prevented tamed dinos from drowning so easily
- Changed autodestruct in PvE structures to 18 days, and made it so that rather than automatically demolishing itself, the structure then gives the option for anyone to demolish it via radial menu.
- Made Smithies and other containers automatically have the necessary engrams when new engrams are added, rather than having them be rebuilt
- Made it clear via description that the Food Preservation Bin requires Sparkpowder to preserve food, and that it can also create Beef Jerky.
- Added Option to disable Torpor screen flash (purple flash)
- Dino Knocked-Out state will now hold until the Dino's Torpor reaches 0%, previously they could exit earlier. However, their Torpor will decrease more quickly based on how much their maximum Torpor level is -- so that higher-level Dinos are naturally more difficult to keep knocked-out.
- Increased effectiveness of temperature insulation by 20%
- Bronto saddle can now be equipped properly :) 
- Non-water Dinos will now attempt to swim to the surface and not drown :) 
- Fixed armor insulation values & UI display (wasn't displaying hyperthermic insulation properly): cloth now adds positive hyperthermic insulation, all other armors currently add negative hyperthermic insulation but now scaled more appropriately. Swimwear coming to add more positive hyperthermic insulation!
- Fixed LOD's on dino gates and other assets
- Mid-size dinos (less than Rex, such as Stego etc) now properly fit thru the Dino Gate. For large-tier dinos you need still a Mega Gate, of course.
- Fixed crafting table requirements on a number of items, to now display their proper crafting table in the Engram UI (i.e. now it says that a Smithy is required to craft a Spinosaurus Saddle)
- Adjusted Spawn Rates: Piranhas more common on insland lakes/rivers (they were missing primarily), Carnos less common everywhere, Spinos less common everywhere
- Reduced Spino overland run & walk speeds by 25%
- Fixed a bad damage multiplier for explosives on Wood structures (like several times too strong :-P)

- Spinosaurus! Fear the beast!
- New Structures: Spike Wall (great for defending against incoming tribe dino attacks) and Food Preservation Bin items, and Beef Jerky!!! (Sparkpowder+Oil+Cooked Meat or Cooked Prime Meat+hour wait == SUPER LONG LASTING FOOOOOD!)
- General GPU optimizations plus new graphics configuration options: Mesh LOD slider, High Quality Materials checkbox (disabling this and restarting will have tremendous perf savings at the cost of less detailed terrain materials), Subsurface Scattering Checkbox (disabling this will make plants and skin material look a little less good, but also save a lot of perf)
- After login you now get a message indicating how you died if your character was killed when you were logged out (needs more details added)
- Pteras now land better when out of stamina, won't eject you as soon
- You and dinos can attack when no stamina now, however doing so will increase your torpidity
- Slight purple overlay when torpidity is increasing
- Spoiling timer exploits fixed
- Various ways to teleport into people's houses seemingly fixed
- Grenades rebalanced, ~60% damage reduction vs structures and now also require oil to craft
- PvE structures that haven't had a Tribe/Creator nearby in one week are now auto demolished. Can be disabled on player-run servers.
- Structure Limit now configurable for player-run servers
- Non-Tribe Flyer Carrying now an option for PvE servers
- Added Rich Metal and Regular Metal Mountain Rocks
- Metal Tools' durabilities fixed
- Character bodytype presets
- "Find Mods" button added to Host Game Menu
- Rare Limited-Edition Cosmetic Item Skin drops: Nerdry's Glasses (from the bellies of Dilo's) and Rex Bone Helmet
- Land dinos now lose stamina when swimming while mounted, Amphibious dinos (turtle, sarco, etc) now regain stamina much more quickly in water
- Unconscious dinos being tamed no longer can be harmed by non-tribe players in PvE
- Fixed bug where Generator with cables attached could not get its inventory accessed
- Tribe ID's and Player ID's are now guaranteed to be unique. Should eliminate future cases of player/tribe body snatchers.
- Realtime time and current map now indicated on pause menu
- Downloading mods at the Host Game screen now indicates download progress, mods that have been updated on Steam Workshop will now redownload
- Broodmother will now give Dossier and Steam Achievement correctly when defeated
- You can now set the temperature scale to Fahrenheit in the Options menu
- Upped bullet damages by about 20%
- Your current Biome/Temperature now updates correctly when riding a mount
- "Transfer Tribe Ownership" button is now clickable properly
- Base Carno damage buffed from 30 to 50, base Rex damage buffed from 50 to 80
- Rate of health recovery from mounts consuming corpses or trees is reduced (was previously essentially granting mounts nearly instant health recovery)

New server commandline/INI options (GamerUserSettings.ini [ServerSettings] section or "?Option=Value" for commandline argument):


by thegfw













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方舟:生存进化Ark: Survival Evolved
游戏平台:PC PS4 XBOXONE Switch
制作公司:Studio Wildcard
发行公司:Studio Wildcard


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