- Windows系统:依赖到Visual Studio运行时已被删除。地址在哪里ColossalNative.dll将无法加载用户丢失/错误有MSVCRT DLL文件的问题。
- 在Windows / OSX:固定的一个问题,一些用户将没有权限访问用户文件夹
- Linux的:固定某些情况下,在第一时间推出将显示在游戏中途出来上双显示器屏幕
- Linux的:不同的运行时优化
- Linux操作系统:希望固定的性能问题和日志垃圾邮件,我们无法重现这个问题,所以这是一个有点蒙住修复
- Linux操作系统:增加了$ XDG_DATA_HOME支持。如果您正在使用XDG自定义路径,并已经玩过游戏的那台机器上,您将需要手动从默认文件夹移动用户文件〜/。本地/股/庞订购/ Cities_Skylines至$ XDG_DATA_HOME /庞订单/ Cities_Skylines
- 苹果/ Linux的:选择在资产进口商建筑时固定崩溃
- 所有平台:试图帮助用户遇到麻烦时,增加了一些调试信息可能是有用的
- 所有平台:增加了对-screen高度和-screen宽支持和参数错误不支持的启动选项降低严重程度,这样他们就引起了新的游戏按钮变灰
- 改装API:固定OnCalculateResidentialDemand,OnCalculateCommercialDemand和OnCalculateWorkplaceDemand正确地调用各自的对应。也是固定的办公楼打电话工业水平了。
- 削弱了公园减少商业需求
- 公路升级工具,现在的双向和单向道路,右鼠标键之间的工作改变了单向道路的方向
- 建筑效果半径更准确
- 在图形选项增加了胶片颗粒滑块,像倾斜的转变。 (与禁用胶片颗粒MOD用户从蒸汽车间认购,将启动一个“控制台的警告”通知当游戏开始,游戏将自动禁用MOD,并设置胶片颗粒量为0,所以没有从用户的动作从关闭控制台面板)除了必需的。
- 在音频选项增加了chirper音量滑块
- 介绍屏幕可以用鼠标点击或按键跳过
- 固定的,如果没有找到源文件夹中,同时共享一个国防部的作坊里会发生错误的情况下
- 固定的发布车间面板的标题无论哪个资产类型选择不总是显示秘技
- 在满月附近的载入画面结束被杀的可以听见在一个宁静的夜晚的滴答声
- 上传到厂房会自动去各自的标签。 (建筑物已经在车间就不会,我们目前正在研究如何做到这一点无需用户不必做任何事情)
- 修正按住鼠标按钮和释放用户界面上保存了一些积极的工具
- 使用快捷键时,打开区域视图固定的工具提示保持可见
- 固定车位仍然工作烧毁的建筑物。
- 固定鼠标的光线投射正常使用网格烧毁的建筑物。
- 从unlockpanel去除飞机发动机的声音...:P
- 在不同的语言固定的轻微文字问题
- 修正错误的树的影子阿尔法污染或水
- 固定bulldozeing船/飞机在地图编辑器,即使它们是不可见的路径
- 固定的人行天桥的颜色从很远的距离稍有不妥
Update v1.06:
- Windows: dependencies to the visual studio runtime have been removed. Addresses the issue where ColossalNative.dll would fail to load for users missing/having wrong msvcrt dlls.
- Windows/OSX: fixed an issue where some users would not have permissions to access an user folder
- Linux: fixed some cases where the first time launch would show the game half way out of the screen on dual monitors
- Linux: various runtime optimizations
- Linux: hopefully fixed the performance problems and the log spam, we were unable to reproduce that issue so this is a bit of a blindfolded fix
- Linux: added support for $XDG_DATA_HOME. If you are using a custom path for XDG and already played the game on that machine, you will need to manually move the user files from the default folder ~/.local/share/Colossal Order/Cities_Skylines to $XDG_DATA_HOME/Colossal Order/Cities_Skylines
- Mac/Linux: fixed a crash when selecting a building in the Asset importer
- All platforms: added some debug info which may be useful when trying to help users in trouble
- All platforms: added support for -screen-height & -screen-width and lowered severity of argument error unsupported launch options so they would cause the new game button to be greyed
- Modding API: fixed OnCalculateResidentialDemand, OnCalculateCommercialDemand and OnCalculateWorkplaceDemand to call their respective counterpart properly. Also fixed for office buildings calling industrial level up.
- nerfed parks decreasing commercial demand
- road upgrade tool now works between two-way and one-way roads and right mouse-button changes direction of one-way roads
- building effect radius is more accurate
- added a Film grain slider in the Graphics options, like for the Tilt shift. (Users with the Disable Film Grain mod subscribed from Steam workshop and enabled will be notified with a "Console warning" when the game start and the game will automatically disable the mod and set the film grain amount to 0 so that no action from users is required apart from closing the Console panel).
- added a chirper volume slider in the Audio options
- intro screen can be skipped with mouse click or key press
- fixed a case where an error would occur if the Source folder was not found while sharing a Mod to the workshop
- fixed Publish workshop panel caption to not always show Savegame regardless which asset type was selected
- killed the clicking sounds that could be heard on a quiet night during full moon and near the end of the loading screen
- buildings uploaded to the workshop will now go to their respective tags automatically. (Buildings already on the workshop will not, we are currently investigating how to make it happen without users having to do anything about it)
- fixed holding down mouse button and release over ui keeps some tools active
- fixed tooltip stays visible when using shortcut to open area view
- fixed parking spaces still working for burned down buildings.
- fixed mouse raycast use normal mesh for burned down buildings.
- removed airplane engine sound from unlockpanel... :p
- fixed minor text issues in different languages
- fixed wrong tree shadow alpha with pollution or water
- fixed bulldozeing ship/airplane paths in map editor even when they are not visible
- fixed pedestrian bridge color slightly wrong from far distance
by thegfw
合金装备5:幻痛 v1.15升级档+免DVD补丁CODEX版
传说法师 v1.033b升级档+免DVD补丁SKIDROW版
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NBA 2K19 v1.08升级档+免DVD补丁CODEX版
死或生6 v1.04a升级档+DLC+免DVD补丁CODEX版
旋转轮胎:泥泞奔驰 v20181227升级档+免DVD补丁CODEX版