Fixed damage calculations for surfaces, which will make surfaces a bit more forgiving
Fixed situation where combat could get stuck
You will not see progression bars (identify, repair, etc...) for invisible characters
The skillbar will no longer contain empty slots when se-lecting skills in the character creation menu
Fixed errors in certain materials resulting in GPU errors
You can no longer travel to the Homestead when in combat
Changed some impact effects
Fixed HP desync issue
Improved color formatting on tooltips
Optimized texture streamer, resulting in allround better performance
Fixed player characters not correctly looking at NPC characters in a dialog
Reduced memory usage for scripts
Fixed issue where items could dissapear from your inventory
Petpal is no longer visible in talent list for companions
Item combination UI improvements
Fixed worldmap generator to generate nicer minimaps
NPCs will no longer react to surface damage coming from old surfaces
Memory optimizations for particle systems and effect pools, resulting in game client using around 250Mb less runtime memory.
Sneaking will hide your weapons now
Fixed issue in treasure generation, where certain items were preferred more above others
Added movie to telescope in Homestead
Exposed a lot more call to enemy AI scripts. Resulting in more intelligent AI.
Changed max pickpocket weight
Fixed issue with leadership for dead characters
Fixed big memory leak
Fixed issue where certain items could not be reached by the pathfinder
Added nicer water materials for lakes and rivers
Added sound effects to more surfaces
Items moved from story will no longer do hittests and cause unwanted damage
Projectiles shot from staff are fixed
Changed the way range CTH is calculated. Perception is a lot more important now!
Greatly reduced the amount of (unneeded) sound objects created by the game
Added skill level to tooltips
Loading a savegame wont make the partymembers move
Changed camera behaviour in combat. A lot more intelligent focus on targetted characters is the result
Fixed cone spells being cast in opposite direction when targetting too close
Fixed teleport skill
Added UI notifications when equipment is about to break
A lot of small stability fixes + memory improvements
Fixed seaspider skills not working
Fixed voodoo dolls
Earth summons now do a bit of earth damage
Arrow recovery, Obedient, Armormastery, leadership and luck description
Stats and equipment for Astarte
Snowboots and item combo and treasure
Eglandaer has weapon
Candles now stack
De-leted unused empty potion stat
Fixed: crafting knife with crafting 4 created crafting 3 knife
Fixed: dragging potion over ooze barrel no longer destroys barrel
New: can now make lockpicks with needle+needle or with hammer+NiN
New: can now dip arrowhead in ooze barrel to create poison arrowhead
Fixed: turning wood into mush with water bucket no longer destroys bucket
Changed: unbreakable boost only starts from level 16 and higher, when it starts making a difference
Changed: animals now always drop at least 1 thing
Changed: being Lucky and looking in containers now has a chance of finding the Precious category
Changed: made 66 changes to food effects: food now heals you less if it has another interesting use, some food types no longer give +2 or higher on primary stats, some foods no longer give high resistance boosts, some foods make you slow, some small alcoholic drinks now have a chance of making you drunk
Fix: changed bloodletting description so it makes sense when you use it on a thing that cannot bleed
Change: treat poisoning now costs more AP but has lower cooldown
Change: helping hand can now also be used to tap a burning friend (put it out)
Fix: some drinks were not dropped by treasure
Can now fill bottle with water by combining it with a well
All skill types and schools and classes and such now have the same name everywhere
Renamed Raistlin to Glass Cannon
Rewrote tooltip of Raistlin
Moved bartering ability to Personality category
You get the AP bonus of LoneWolf before AP gets doubled by Raistlin
New damage values for clouds and surfaces
Fixed: All Fear skills
Fixed: Can now eat carrot
Fixed: Gave DKBane skill a more fitting icon
Description of lockpick, clarified
New: Added some item combos with arrowheads that were proposed
New: Can make poison cheese with ooze barrels too
New: some item combos now create more than one instance of end result (e.g. axe + log = 2 branches; knife + branch = 3 arrowshafts; silver + anvil = 4 silver arrowheads
You can now eat Ishmashell (if you dare) or even do other things to it...
Fixed crafting the smokescreen arrow
by thegfw
合金装备5:幻痛 v1.15升级档+免DVD补丁CODEX版
旋转轮胎:泥泞奔驰 v20181227升级档+免DVD补丁CODEX版
异星探险家 v1.2.8.0升级档+免DVD补丁CODEX版
上古卷轴5:天际重制版 v1.5.53升级档+免DVD补丁CODEX版
NBA 2K19 v1.08升级档+免DVD补丁CODEX版