
范海辛的奇妙冒险 36号升级档+游侠原创免DVD补丁(感谢游侠会员thegfw原创提供)

范海辛的奇妙冒险 36号升级档+游侠原创免DVD补丁(感谢游侠会员thegfw原创提供)




Van Helsing: Scenario Mode DLC
Van Helsing: Blue Blood
Van Helsing: Thaumaturge
Van Helsing: Treasure Hunter Perk
Van Helsing: Veteran Multiplayer Skin
Van Helsing: Arcane Mechanic


The Incredible Adventures Of Van Helsing Changelog V1.2.72B
2月3日         - VALKYRIE_NEOCORE
Updates to The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client (in on-line mode) is restarted.

The Incredible Adventures Of Van Helsing v1.2.72B.
Major changes include:

Balance changes

- Defense, Parry and Dodge are now working even if you are being held by a spell.
- Mines placed by enemies were nerfed.
- Cooldown for Ghastly Shape is reduced for the Hunter class but not for the Thaumaturge.

Fixed bugs

- Enemy in Tunnels quest no longer gets stuck if you complete the Lair Siege before accepting it.
- The Dark Alchemist quest no longer gets stuck if you talked with the NPC before killing the ghouls.
- There were some errors in the Active Quest text space calculation.
- Masteries of Clearshot, Aura of Counterbalance and Barrier have been fixed.
- Rampage aura no longer appears twice, if the mastery is active and the first mastery now affects the second mastery.
- You can no longer write [] characters in chat (it would break the formatting).
- Fixed the chat coloring bug.
- You can now start neverending story if you are level 30 even if you havent finished the story mode.
- Infinite glory level bug is now fixed.
- Critical damage multiplier is now fixed to 400% (instead of 500%)
- Fixed a bug with the glory leveling. Sometimes you got reward twice for one level up.
- FixQuest 17 for those who cant complete the Ritual quest for Saffi.
- The character no longer moves if you press an unassigned action key.
- Mines no longer explodes when destroyed before activating.
- From now on, you get magic item find bonus for playing Nerverending Story.
- From now on, you get Glory XP for every 50 XP you would normally get from quest rewards. (E.g. for a 400 XP quest, you get 8 Glory point.)
- Difficulty, NG+, Player count bonuses now applies to summoned allies too.
- NG+ modifiers now applies to sigils, and other objects.
- Harpies in the Scarecrow bossfight no longer spawn inside the Scarecrow.
- Fixed some Damage Over Time skills damage.
- Fixed the Hunters Rejuvenation aura, and the tooltip.
- Enemy objects (sigils, mines, etc.) now have a higher priority than monsters when s electing a target.
- Fixed a bug where HP potions restored mana too.
- Your character no longer loses the targetted enemy if you cast an instantly castable spell (e.g. Arcane Healing).
- Fixed a potential crash on map change.


- Monsters now properly attack other monsters under the effect of the Control spell.
- Mind Blast now works properly.
- When using the Control spell, the controlled monsters max hp usually changed for the duration of the spell. This issue has been fixed.


- Fixed the Dodge, Defense and Resist effects in PVP
- Fixed the effects of the shrines on the Pocket Realm Battle Royale map
- The name of the server can now be only 80 characters long (too long names crashed the game).
- There is now an assist system in the Battle Royale. If you didnt make the final blow, but damaged the target within 10 secs, you get half of the score.
- In PVP, you can now get the killing score, even if a neutral monster done the killing blow, if you hit the target within 10 secs.
- Fixed a bug where Auto Drink Potion function ignored the potion cooldown in Battle Royale.
- Being invited or joining a friend no longer bypasses the normal limitations to joining a game like level limits or Hardcore incompatibility.
- Hardcore characters no longer die permanently in PVP mode.
- Fixed some errors that could prevent updating of HP in some special cases.
- Fixed a bug where the critical damage animation didnt play correctly in some cases
- Lobby window no longer remains visible after you have been disconnected.
- Quiting and returning to the lobby will now clear previous messages.
- Kick/Ban/Steam Profile now works in the lobby
- Self-Winding for the Pocket Mechanoid now works correctly on the client side too.
- The effect of Pocket Mechanoid should now properly appear on the client side.


- "Old town" and "Abandoned Research Laboratory" map related crashes fixed.
- Sound related artifacts and crashes fixed.
- Memory related crashes fixed.

by 游侠thegfw













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范海辛的奇妙冒险The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing
游戏平台:PC XBOX360




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