>Forza Motorsport 7 1984 Nissan #11 Skyline Turbo Super Silhouette
9月是Forza的重要月份。除了从9月28日开始的Forza Horizon 4的早期发布之外,我们还将在9月的最后一个周末看到墨西哥城Forza Racing Championship的系列赛2季后赛。但在我们实现这一目标之前,我们将在9月11日星期二为Forza Motorsport 7发布另一个巨大的更新。紧接着我们8月的大规模更新,其中包括我们新的赛道限制和漂移社区的巨大更新,九月更新带来了游戏中的全新功能,包括Experimental Drag和我们新的Meetups功能。此外,我们还有一款全新的Spotlight汽车,将被发送给所有Forza 7玩家,以及大量的游戏修复和改进(查看9月发行说明中的所有细节)。
1984年日产#11 Skyline Turbo超级剪影
20世纪80年代以许多事物着称:大发,New Wave音乐,当然还有5组赛车。如果有的话,第5组规则很简单。团队必须使用库存引擎盖和车顶线;除此之外,规则相对开放。 Skyline Super Silhouette是日产揟urbo军团的顶级成员,其中还包括Bluebird和Silvia的同期服装,有一个巨大的宽体,一个涡轮增压的双凸轮马达,以及大量的航空增强装置。这个工厂建造的专业由Masahiro Hasemi驾驶,他的名字是这个时代的代名词,并且已经推动了从一级方程式赛车到摩托车越野赛车的一切。这款车可以在其bosozoku鼓舞人心的时代的汽车中拥有它自己吗?毫无疑问。你可以处理一辆比同样过时的开放式轮式赛车需要更多控制和精细的赛车吗?这还有待观察。
现在让我们仔细看看9月份Forza Motorsport 7的新功能。
早在5月份,我们在Forza Motorsport 7上展示了一种新型飙车的早期版本。在Forza游戏中,飙车已经存在多年了,多年来,我们从Forza飙车中听到了响亮而清晰的声音社区关于他们喜欢什么以及他们不喜欢他们在Forza 7中最喜欢的模式。随着本月的更新,我们将介绍我们在Forza进行飙车演变的第一步。被称为“Xperimental Drag”?这种新模式可以在免费播放菜单中访问,为玩家提供有趣,真实,最重要的流线型飙车体验。
只需一两场比赛就可以轻松发现Forza 7的传统飙车和揈实验Drag之间的差异。我们在比赛开始时给予玩家更多的控制权。现在,您可以通过起始线上的自由转速油门控制轻松管理发动机转速,在绿灯下降时让您深入RPM带。我们还有一个新的圣诞树灯系统,倒计时开始(是的,你可以跳起头,甚至是DQ抎!)我们也点亮了终点线,所以玩家可以清楚地看到结束四分之一英里
尽管四分之一英里比赛很有趣,但可以说实验性拖拽事件之间发生了什么,这对玩家来说是真正的好处。首要的是:没有加载!一旦比赛结束,玩家可以点击一个按钮并立即回到起跑线,为另一个3-2-1 Go做好准备!此外,玩家奖励将在每场比赛之间保存,并在玩家会话结束时收集,这意味着需要等待的菜单更少。我们还加载了有玩家享受统计数据的模式,包括总时间,反应时间,60英尺时间,陷阱速度等好处;拖累赛车手喜欢的各种统计数据。这是我们使飙车更快,更高效,更有趣的目标的一部分。换句话说,就像在赛道上一样,我们每一秒都在计算。
顾名思义,“Xperimental Drag?”是重新设想Forza飙车体验的第一步。就目前而言,它只是一个四分之一英里赛道上的单人游戏体验。明显的问题比比皆是:你什么时候会添加更多的曲目?我们什么时候可以在多人游戏中玩这个?我们很想听到您对实验性拖动的更多反馈,请转到我们在Forza论坛上的专用实验性拖动反馈主题,让我们听听您的意见。你喜欢什么?你想看到什么改变了?您希望将来在Forza Motorsport看到飙车的演变?对话是开放的,团队渴望得到您的反馈!
有多少次你想在Forza Motorsport 7中加载一首曲目,抓住你的朋友,只是闲逛,没有时间限制担心?现在你可以使用Meetups。这个新功能允许玩家加载到预先存在的Track Day漏斗,或者创建他们自己的私人漏斗,并邀请朋友进行一些在线乐趣。
Meetups的另一个好处是:Test Track Airfield Tag赛道现在可以在Forza 7中首次在Tag以外的多人游戏模式中使用。这条赛道非常适合驾驶员到处逛逛,以及让漂移者放松身心。实际上,这个赛道区域与其他Forza赛道的不同之处在于它没有赛道线?这意味着漂移点仅根据角度和速度来判断(而不是它们是否遵守赛道)。
随着9月的更新,我们发布了数据输出功能的新更新,该功能于6月首次推出。提醒一下,Data Out输出一个UDP流,具有开发意识的Forza玩家可以利用它创建伴随应用程序,数据记录,仪表板等。 June Data Out功能旨在支持运动雪橇;这更新了近30个新的数据,包括速度,功率,扭矩?基本上是玩家可以在Forza 7 HUD中看到的任何内容。
通过此更新,初始数据输出版本中的先前数据结构现在在游戏菜单中称为“揝led”。新版本(称为V2)具有所有相同的Sled数据输出以及新的数据输出。要查看新数据结构,请查看Forza论坛上的Data Out帖子。
随着日产Skyline Turbo Super Silhouette,免费向所有Forza 7玩家展示,我们将为玩家带来一个充满乐趣的月份。以下是九月亮点的一些亮点:
在9月份的Forza Motorsport 7中,热门人士将获得充足的乐趣。首先,我们目前的Turn 10 Bounty Hunter活动仍然很强劲。尽你所能击败10号车手(GT:SpiderGoggles,spartyyon,Euro Nation和Mechberg)的时代,你将在游戏中赢得很棒的汽车和积分。
随着日产Skyline Super Silhouette成为我们9月的Spotlight赛车,我们有一些伟大的Skyline主题竞争对手赛事正在运行;一个在铃鹿东部,另一个在枫树谷。 Skyline Super Silhouette将于本周开始在Daytona跑车赛道上亮相。
本周我们开始了Fire?League赛季的新赛季。在接下来的四周联赛系列中,我们将展示以各种各样的赛车为特色的赛事。正如您所料,我们将推出专门用于日产Skyline系列的系列(Skyline Silhouette的完美场所),以及Koenigsegg Regera,Formula E汽车,早期原型赛车,Forza Group拉力赛和漂移规格赛事。由HUSV限量版GEN-F GTS Maloo主演的活动。
伟大的#Forzathon活动在九月份比比皆是。我们有很多具有大量信用奖励的活动,以及摩托车警察,水疗日和迪斯科潜水员装备的好东西。让我们不要忘记另一个机会来获得2017款福特GT Forza版,1998款斯巴鲁翼豹22B STi Forza版以及难以捉摸的1958年MG MGA Twin-Cam等独家车型,这是我们长达一个月的奖励揝9月展示?#Forzathon活动。
Update v1.141.192.2 incl DLC:
September is a massive month for Forza. In addition to the early access launch of Forza Horizon 4 beginning on September 28, we抣l also see the Series 2 playoffs for the Forza Racing Championship in Mexico City on the final weekend in September. But before we get to that, we抮e launching another huge update for Forza Motorsport 7 on Tuesday, September 11. Hot on the heels of our massive August update, which featured our new track limits and a huge update for the drifting community, the September Update brings with it brand new features into the game, including Experimental Drag and our new Meetups feature. In addition, we抳e got a brand-new Spotlight car that will be sent out to all Forza 7 players, as well as a ton of fixes and improvements to game (check out the September Release Notes for all the detail).
Before we dive deep into the new features, let抯 take a quick look at the September Spotlight car, a mid-80s Japanese racing beauty whose on-track performance is just as aggressive as its classic shape:
1984 Nissan #11 Skyline Turbo Super Silhouette
The 1980s were known for many things: big hair, New Wave music, and of course Group 5 race cars. Group 5 rules were, if anything, simple. Teams had to use the stock hood and roofline; other than that the rules were relatively open. The Skyline Super Silhouette, the top tier member of the Nissan 揟urbo Corps?that also included the Bluebird and Silvia in similar period dress, had a massive wide-body, a turbo-charged twin-cam motor, and tons of aero enhancements. This factory-built specialty was driven by Masahiro Hasemi whose name is synonymous with this era and had driven everything from Formula One cars to motocross bikes. Can this car hold its own among cars of its bosozoku-inspiring era? Without a doubt. Can you handle a car that takes more control and finesse than a similarly dated open wheel racer? That is yet to be seen.
Now let抯 take a closer look at the new features coming to Forza Motorsport 7 in September.
Experimental Drag
Back in May, we showed off an early version of a new form of drag racing in Forza Motorsport 7. Drag racing has been around for years in Forza games and, over the years, we抳e heard loud and clear from the Forza drag racing community about what they liked and what they didn抰 like about their favorite mode in Forza 7. With this month抯 update, we抮e introducing the first step in our evolution of drag racing in Forza. Known as 揈xperimental Drag? this new mode can be accessed in the Free Play menu and gives players a fun, authentic and, best of all, streamlined drag racing experience.
Just a race or two is all you抣l need to easily spot the differences between Forza 7抯 traditional drag racing and 揈xperimental Drag.?We抳e given players more control at the start of a race than ever. Now you can easily manage your engine RPM with free-rev throttle control at the starting line, keeping you deep in the RPM band when the green light drops. We抳e also got a new Christmas Tree light system that counts down the start (and, yes, you can jump the start and even be DQ抎!) We抳e also illuminated the finish line so players can clearly see the end of the quarter mile.
As fun as the quarter-mile races are, it抯 arguably what happens in between Experimental Drag events that is the real benefit to players. First and foremost: No loading! Once a race ends, players can hit a button and immediately be back at the start line, ready for another 3-2-1 Go! In addition, player rewards will be saved between each race and collected at the end of a players?sessions, which means fewer menus to wait through. We抳e also loaded up the mode with statistics for players to enjoy, including goodies like Total Time, Reaction Time, 60-foot Time, Trap Speed; the kinds of stats that drag racers love. It抯 all part of our goal of making drag racing faster, more efficient, and more fun. In other words, just like on the track, we抮e making every second count.
As the name implies, 揈xperimental Drag?is a first step in re-imagining the Forza drag racing experience. As it stands today, it抯 a single-player-only experience on one quarter-mile track. The obvious questions abound: When will you add more tracks? When can we play this in multiplayer? We抎 love to hear more of your feedback on Experimental Drag so head over to our dedicated Experimental Drag Feedback thread on the Forza Forums, and let us hear what you have to say. What do you like? What would you like to see changed? How would you like to see drag racing evolve in Forza Motorsport in the future? The conversation is open and the team is eager for your feedback!
How many times have you wanted to load up a track in Forza Motorsport 7, grab your friends, and just hang out, with no time limits to worry about? Now you can with Meetups. This new feature lets players load into either a pre-existing Track Day hopper, or create their own private hopper, and invite friends in for some on-track fun.
In a Meetup lobby, players are free to drop in and drop out as they please; they can change cars in the lobby as many times as they like then load back into the track. Players can also tune their cars on the track (or in the pre-race lobby), while others are drifting, racing, or just hanging out. In short, players are free to do what they like, when they like, on any track in the game.
In public meetup lobbies, any player can initiate a vote to change the track by pausing the game and bringing up the list of tracks. Once a track has received 50 percent of the votes, the new track will be loaded in. In private Meetups, the host controls everything. When the host changes tracks, the event will end after a brief timer countdown, then all players will be pulled back to the lobby until the next track loads.
One other benefit of Meetups: the Test Track Airfield Tag track is now available to play in multiplayer modes other than Tag for the first time in Forza 7. This track is a fantastic location for drivers to hoon around, and for drifters to let loose. In fact, this track locale is different from other Forza tracks in that it has no race line ?which means that drift points are judged solely on angle and speed (and not whether they are adhering to a race line).
Data Out Update
With the September update we抳e released a new update for our Data Out feature, which was first launched in June. As a reminder, Data Out outputs a UDP stream that development-minded Forza players can take advantage of to create companion apps, data logging, dashboards, and more. The June Data Out functionality was designed to support motion sleds; this update nearly 30 new pieces of data, including speed, power, torque ?essentially anything the player can see in the Forza 7 HUD.
With this update, the previous data structure in the initial Data Out release is now known as 揝led?in the game menus. The new version (known as V2) features all the same Sled data outputs, as well as the new data outputs. For a look at the new data structure, check out our Data Out post on the Forza Forums.
September Events
Along with the Nissan Skyline Turbo Super Silhouette, coming to all Forza 7 players for free, we抳e got a great month of fun coming to players. Here抯 a look at some of the September highlights:
Hot-lappers will have plenty of fun in Forza Motorsport 7 in the month of September. First up, our current Turn 10 Bounty Hunter event is still going strong. Do your best to beat the times of Turn 10 drivers (GT: SpiderGoggles, spartyyon, Euro Nation, and Mechberg) and you抣l win awesome cars and credits in the game.
With the Nissan Skyline Super Silhouette as our September Spotlight car, we抳e got some great Skyline-themed Rivals events up and running; one on Suzuka East and another at Maple Valley. The Skyline Super Silhouette will star in its own event on Daytona Sports Car circuit beginning this week as well.
This week we kicked off our new 揥heels of Fire?League season. Over the next four weekly League series, we抣l be featuring events that feature a huge variety of cars. As you might expect, we抣l have series dedicated to the Nissan Skyline family (a perfect place for that Skyline Silhouette), as well as events featuring the Koenigsegg Regera, Formula E cars, early prototype racers, Forza Group Rally and a Drift Spec event starring the HUSV Limited Edition GEN-F GTS Maloo, among others.
Great #Forzathon events abound in September. We抳e got lots of events with big credit rewards, as well as goodies like the Motorcycle Cop, Spa Day, and Disco Diver Gear up for grabs. And let抯 not forget another chance to get your hands on exclusive cars like the 2017 Ford GT Forza Edition, the 1998 Subaru Impreza 22B STi Forza Edition, and the elusive 1958 MG MGA Twin-Cam, which is the reward in our month-long 揝eptember Showcase?#Forzathon event.
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