
双子星座2 正式版v1.2001升级档+游侠原创免DVD补丁(感谢游侠会员thegfw原创制作)

双子星座2 正式版v1.2001升级档+游侠原创免DVD补丁(感谢游侠会员thegfw原创制作)






FIXED: You can no longer anchor on a non-existing station (temporarily disabled/replaced during some missions) 
FIXED: Several minor errors in the captain's log mechanic 
FIXED: Player should no longer die for unexplained reasons 
FIXED: object markers are now visible until fighters dock on a ship for refueling (instead of until they're recalled by their parent ship) 
FIXED: Fighters no longer decide to attack ships that have been destroyed/disabled 
FIXED: Pressing Esc button while on Licenses panel now properly closes the panel, instead of opening the Main menu 
FIXED: Using Engineer skill to increase Shield strength now fills that additional strength instead of simply adding it as maximum 
ADDED: Automated repair facilities are now fully functional. Use the structure by entering inside its ring and wait for repairs to finish. It costs Credits though! 
ADDED: Convoy escort freelance mission. 
ADDED: Global event: War! which can escalate over time. As war escalates, so do actual battles in the region as well. It can potentially mean some nice salvage side profits. 
ADDED: Global event: Cease fire which as its name implies ceases all hostilities in a region. 
ADDED: When target locking an enemy fighter and the fighter goes off screen - an arrow appears to guide you where he went (as usual) 
ADDED: HINT pop-ups in the following panels: Trader, Fleet->Officers, Hiring, Drydock (->Loadout, Enhancements, Systems, Equipment), Best Buy/Sell, Skills and Perks when using controllers 
ADDED: Several Hull level related events on platforms 
ADDED: globalvar object & functions added to increase scripting/modding capabilities 
ADDED: A captain's log entry is now deleted when duplicated, to prevent cluttering 
ADDED: First person camera mode - This does NOT mean cockpit or bridge view though. This camera mode is similar to the mounted camera, but you cannot see the ship at all. Should be useful when using smaller ship classes. 
ADDED: Convoy escort freelance mission 
Mission spawn markers added to region files 
Freighter and freightliner ship classes added to regions if non already exist in memory 
Convoy icon added to the Starchart 
Objectives added to convoy ships for easier recognition 
Convoy speed increased by 30% when out-of-combat
ADDED: Several text lines to Spg2TextsMisc.txt 
UPDATED: Further optimization in combat. You should feel a great difference during large-scale fights. 
UPDATED: Further performance optimization of Riftways 
UPDATED: Further optimized PhysX collision for better framerate, especially in the vicinity of stations and structures 
UPDATED: Optimized flares for better framerate 
UPDATED: Improved model streaming for faster execution 
UPDATED: All scripts are now compressed to further improve performance. Uncompressed backups can be found as *.zip archives in the Spg2 folder 
UPDATED: Main mission rewards adjusted to follow player progression 
UPDATED: Base ship shield regeneration increased for frigates and larger ship classes 
UPDATED: Shield reboot time decreased for gunships and corvettes 
UPDATED: Due to base shield regeneration changes shield booster equipment now increases regeneration by 200% (down from 400%) 
UPDATED: Increased fighter crafts Hull 
UPDATED: Increased and rebalanced fighter prices 
UPDATED: Rebalanced weapon types for most fighters 
UPDATED: Using the speed booster now keeps your current speed percentage stable. 
UPDATED: When loading the game all nearby Heroes will be positioned to a safe distance.
UPDATED: Fighters and Interceptors now prioritize firing on enemy Fighters, Bombers, Interceptors BEFORE enemy ships 
UPDATED: Bombers now fire ONLY on enemy ships 
UPDATED: Slightly increased the chance of a global event firing off 
UPDATED: Implemented an additional script check to derelicts to prevent a never-ending stream of pirates protecting their salvage claim 
UPDATED: Landing fee calculations. The pricing is mostly the same, but uses different reputation limiters. 
UPDATED: Added reputation-based landing calculations for planets Thauria, Nyx, Carthagena and Eanakai 
UPDATED: Increased landing fee for freighters and freightliners (2000, 4000 Cr) 
UPDATED: Freelance mission marker now states what type of mission it is, instead of simple FREELANCE 
UPDATED: Single text length in a script file can now exceed 256 characters 
UPDATED: Data recording into log.txt suspended during loading to increase loading speed
UPDATED: NPC AI upgraded. Trader and Miner professions will steer away from a station that is in-combat 
UPDATED: Increased the number of security ships near stations (region files changed) 
UPDATED: Several optimizations related to traffic density 
UPDATED: Wormholes can now be set as destinations on the Starchart 
UPDATED: Platforms now accept SetBoardable script function 
UPDATED: Several small Starchart marker visual changes

by thegfw













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双子星座2Starpoint Gemini II
制作公司:Little Green Men
发行公司:Little Green Men




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