更新说明: (机翻)
We Happy Few的第二个发布后补丁解决了性能优化,崩溃修复,进程阻止,一些游戏错误以及一些小平衡问题。
•性能改进:实施CPU /硬盘驱动器优化,这意味着将提高帧速率,减少纹理和对象显示错误的细节级别。
•VO系列'Arthur Hastings!我以为你变成了一个 - 哦,没关系,你来了!在扮演Sally或Ollie时不再出现。
•亚瑟 - 固定游戏在到达游行区并返回花园区后发生加载屏幕时偶尔会崩溃。
•修复了Apple Holm工作站在不返回之前保存/加载导致的崩溃。
•修复了Arthur每次从Barrow Holm穿越到Eel Pie Holm时重新加载自动保存造成的崩溃,当时Arthur已经从桥上走了很远。
•修复了从另一个岛屿快速前往Barrow Holm Track Access Hatch时在加载屏幕期间偶尔发生的崩溃。
•通过快速装满奇怪酒精的瓶子,修复了The Still Of The Night中的崩溃。
•使用其他语言时,武器“The Staff”以英语显示。
•Dark Linen现在可以在Arthur的演奏中找到,让他可以制作Fab Threads。
•Arthur / Ollie - 来自蜜蜂树的蜂蜜现在在所有情况下都可以掠夺。
•亚瑟 - 收集后,德国记忆将出现在剧院中。
•Arthur - 当使用1.0的保存时,Arthur将无法完成Track Access Hatch任务。现在他可以。
•亚瑟 - 世界:鲍比总部现在将在所有情况下产卵。
•亚瑟 - 医生的医疗事故:椰子欢乐的效果在保存/负荷之前不再存在。
•亚瑟 - 兄弟乐队:关闭门并在解锁转储门后立即进入主菜单不再能够创造进步。
•亚瑟 - 不列颠尼亚:有时候,观看最后一个过场动画后会发生无限加载。
•亚瑟 - 小熊记者:在杰玛的家里死去可能导致无限负荷。
•亚瑟 - 寻找法拉第:问当值官:R
Update v1.4.71191:
Patch Summary
The second post-launch patch for We Happy Few addresses performance optimization, crash fixes, progression blockers, some gameplay bugs, and a couple of small balance issues.
This patch fixes a significant number of issues, but we’re not done yet. We will continue to work on bugs, performance improvements and gameplay fixes after this update.
General Bugs/Stability
• Performance Improvements: CPU/hard drive optimizations implemented, meaning that there will be improved framerate and fewer textures and objects showing up at the wrong level of detail.
• Performance Improvements: Memory leaks fixed meaning that the game should crash much less frequently on console.
• NPCs will no longer teleport/attach directly to you during combat.
• Fixed black screen transitions on weather changes when travelling through the world.
• The VO line 'Arthur Hastings! I thought you'd turned into a-- oh, never mind, here you are!' no longer occurs when playing as Sally or Ollie.
• Fixed rare cases where players reported seeing duplicate assets (Doors, and even cinematic characters).
• Crashes fixes for a wide range of issues.
• Fast Traveling to a hatch farther than around 200m after interacting with the package no longer crashes the game.
• Arthur - Fixed game occasionally crashing when a loading screen occurs after reaching the Parade District and going back to the Garden District.
• Fixed frequent crash when reloading a saved game in the parade district a few seconds after loading is over.
• Fixed crash caused by save/loading in Apple Holm station before point of no return.
• Fixed crash caused by reloading the autosave created every time Arthur crosses from Barrow Holm to Eel Pie Holm when Arthur has progressed a good distance from the bridge.
• Fixed the game occasionally crashing at the end of the unlock animation when acquiring the documents portraying Faraday's whereabouts in the Bobby HQ.
• Fixed crash when giving NPC a quest item and immediately fast traveling.
• Fixed crash in Malpractice of Doctors caused by save/loading inside the encounter
• Fixed crash when moving into combat while on the Plassey Bridge.
• Fixed crash caused by fast traveling or streaming in/out after dropping the possibly heinous package.
• Fixed occasional crashing during the loading screen when fast traveling to the Barrow Holm Track Access Hatch from another island.
• Fixed occasional crash when answering the door and skipping the cutscene as Sally.
• Fixed occasional crash after Arthur’s Hostile Takeover/document control checkpoint.
• Fixed crash in The Still Of The Night when rapidly filling bottles with strange alcohol.
• Fixed many small / one off crashes.
• Weapon "The Staff" appears in English when playing in another language.
• Dark Linen can now be found in Arthur’s playing, allowing him to craft the Fab Threads.
• Fast Travel: Removed the non-functional/misleading "Travel" prompt when interacting on the map with a controller.
• Skill Tree: Fatal food poisoning status effect will now not go away when unlocking the Iron Stomach skill.
• Skill Tree: The Tireless skill now works as intended
• Map markers for shops will now show up from further away.
• Power cells, empty power cells and canteens will no longer be auto stored in the stash. Now, they live in the gadgets/gadgets/survival categories in the inventory menu and you will have to store them manually.
• Teacups now appear in the crafting components category of the Inventory, and will be stored as part of the “Place All” crafting components option.
• Player will no longer be stunned by bees while wearing a Padded Suit or other thick suits.
• The Bee Cannon no longer loses all its bees after reloading the game.
• Lead Pipes wrongly classified as Heavy weapons, now just regular weapons.
• Ollie: Can no longer fast travel to Parade District without opening the hatch in the Parade District.
• Loading the Last Shelter Visited Save after completing a safehouse quest, will no longer cause it to become stuck in the journal.
• Sally: Dexipam recipe can no longer be found systemically, which could lead to duplicate recipes being awarded.
Quest fixes
• Arthur/Ollie - Honey from the Bee Tree now lootable in all situations.
• Arthur - The Germany memory will now appear in the Theatre after collecting it.
• Arthur - When using a save from 1.0, Arthur would be unable to complete Track Access Hatch quests. Now he can.
• Arthur - WorldGen: Bobby HQ will now spawn in all cases.
• Arthur - A Malpractice of Doctors: The effect of coconut joy no longer stays until save/load.
• Arthur - Band of Brothers: Closing the door and going to the main menu right after unlocking the door to the dump can no longer create a progression break.
• Arthur - Britannia: Sometimes, infinite loading would occur after watching the last cutscene.
• Arthur - Cub Reporter: Dying while in Gemma's house could lead to infinite loading.
• Arthur - Finding Faraday: Ask the Duty Officer: Running around the Bobby HQ could cause a freeze.
• Arthur - Finding Faraday: Wellington Wells Constabulary becomes shuttered in at night, players can now leave if they don’t want to wait.
• Arthur - Hostile Takeover: The cutscene outside of Hostile Takeover that gives the player Future Perfect will now play in all cases.
• Arthur - House of Curious Behaviors: The red bobby will now always open the gate if the player save/loads after entering the House for the first time.
• Arthur - Malpractice of Doctors: Returning to main menu while deactivating quarantine protocols no longer can lead to a loss of functionality.
• Arthur - Malpractice of Doctors: Returning to the main menu during the experiment saves the game despite the message saying it won't, leading to multiple save/load issues. Now correctly does not save.
• Arthur - Malpractice of Doctors: Fighting in the Joy Detector beam no longer causes the game to freeze.
• Arthur - Mother's Little Helper: You can now pick up the notes by the table after all save/load conditions, no longer blocks quest progress.
• Arthur - Mystery House: NPCs now react to Arthur when returning to the encounter, after performing a save/load during the objective "Neutralize the cultist".
• Arthur - Possibly Heinous Package: Easier now to pick up the package.
• Arthur - Superb Meat Boy: Killing the Plough boys before they leave the alley no longer results in a blocker.
• Arthur - The Slaughterer's Apprentice: Getting shocked while in a trashcan no longer breaks progression.
• Arthur - Slaughterer's Apprentice: The broken eviscerator part now won’t fall through the floor after using the machine the first time.
• Arthur - You Can't Beat The Odds: The Plough Boys will now always enter the shop, allowing the progress to continue.
• Arthur - A Model Citizen: Doing a save/load before taking the reward no longer causes the player to be unable to move.
• Arthur - A Model Citizen: Going away from the quest location during the objective "Help the Models" no longer blocks progression.
• Arthur - In the Still of the Night: Player can now progress by filling a bottle with the strange alcohol.
• Arthur - Plough Boy's Lunch: Placing Ed down then performing a save/load no longer causes Ed to be buried alive (spawn underground).
• Arthur - Future Perfect: The lever for rotating the machines in the DSIR will now always be rotated correctly.
• Arthur - The Faraday Cage: It is now possible to load a saved game that was created during the Faraday Cage questline while using a save from 1.0.
• Arthur - The Great Stink: Performing a save/load after picking up the "Jubilator Grand Derby" note no longer causes the lore to be placed in notes twice.
• Arthur: The Great Stink: The Jubilator in the tunnel no longer gets stuck in place.
• Arthur - The Two Musketeers: Fixed occasional infinite loading when going back to main menu before and after the last cutscene.
• Arthur - Point of Departure: Fixed saving and quitting after the flash back causing Arthur to respawn stuck on the camp island, depending on world generation.
• Arthur - A Malpractice of Doctors: Fixed missing subtitles for the announcer when arriving at the Wellington Health Institute top floor.
• Arthur - Britannia: Final cutscene now has subtitles.
• Arthur - Subtitles: Fixed lines during the talk in the bunker appearing in English when playing in another language.
• Arthur - Subtitles: Fixed lines during the talk in the Train Station Tower appearing in English when playing in another language
• Arthur - Subtitles: Two lines during the talk between Arthur and Ollie in the train station appears in English when playing in another language.
• Arthur - Subtitles: Cult of Jack: Subtitles, objectives and descriptions were in English when playing in another language.
• Arthur - Subtitles: Turning the subtitle option on at the military base entrance no longer displays a full page of dialogue obstructing the player's view, even though that was kind of funny.
• Arthur - Subtitles: Two strings when entering into the Odds and Ends appear in English when playing in any other language
• Ollie - Manned Flight: Performing a save/load at the back of the room on the right side at the objective "Get in Cannon" no longer blocks progression.
• Ollie - Pomaceous Puzzle: The gas masks will now always spawn when reaching the quest for the first time.
• Ollie - The Truth Shall Set You Free: After credit cutscene now has subtitles.
• Ollie - The Truth Shall Set You Free: Using a bobby whistle before triggering the cutscene of the executive committee no longer causes the game to freeze once the cutscene starts.
• Sally - Bad Dreams: The quest no longer automatically completes after the first cutscene.
• Sally: Doing a save/load or dying on Wednesday's hill no longer leads to a permanent death loop.
• Version number increased to 1.4.
• Localization fixes all over the place.
• Custom Game option difficulties are now correctly translated.
• Curfew #1 broadcast now has subtitles.
• Added missing name in credits
PC only
• Fixed ALT TAB and closing the application from the desktop menu while having two save slots with game saved caused both slots to merge together.
• Arthur - Conflict Resolution: Rarely, Danny will equip a rock and try to only attack with it, making it impossible to progress. Danny can no longer throw rocks.
• UI - Fast Travel: Controller button prompts no longer displayed when using a keyboard and mouse.

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